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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. Next year when the draft comes around, what teams will need another qb as their starter? I think the league might have the largest number of nfl-caliber qbs it's ever had. Right now, I see these teams looking for their qb in next years draft:

    Arizona (obviously)

    Vikings (they will probably stick with Ponder but if he has a horrible year, I could see them looking for another qb)

    Bills (Not sure how Fitz contract works so they might be stuck with him)

    Raiders (They need a real qb eventually but they'll probably screw up and stick with Palmer)

    Chiefs (If Cassel stinks it up, he might be on his way out)

    Buccaneers (Freeman would have to be really bad)

    6 teams at most I see looking for another starting qb next year. That seems pretty low to me. (Guys like Sanchez, flynn, weeden may do bad but those teams imo will stick with them)

  2. how long before the andrew luck is better then brady posts start?

    I thought that was established in this thread's posting. If a few are arguing luck > peyton already then it's a given luck > brady since peyton > brady :)

  3. The circumstances last year were certainly a little strange and the numbers for all QBs to start the season were out of this world. My hopes for RGIII's rookie campaign are a lot more reasonable than what Cam did (I don't consider them to be super-similar players, really, beyond having above average athleticism in a general sense). I'd be thrilled with something like 3200 yards, 19 TDs, and 17 INTs at a 62% completion rate for a rookie campaign. What he does on the ground doesn't matter as much to me but I anticipate that it would compliment those numbers nicely.

    Those would be great numbers. If he can get to 62% completion percentage as a rookie he'll have a bright future in all likelihood. I'm more interested in if he can stay healthy for all 16 games. He doesn't have a huge frame, and will run outside the pocket on occassion, so he might take some bad hits. If he can get back up from them, or avoid them completely, then I think he'll be a very good qb. At least DC is finally interesting again :)

  4. My overall point being, last season, and especially as a result of the lockout, defenses weren't ready for Cam. They didn't have him broken down to know what to expect. But they've had the time to do so, now. Now I'm not saying that he can't or won't duplicate or outdo his rookie campaign... But looking at history, and knowing the game the way I do, I think it's foolish to expect it.

    I completely agree. Last year there was a dramatic effect on the passing yards because of the lockout. Defenses were just not prepared. So Newton was helped out there (other qbs too, hence why records were broken). And then you look at when Newton went off. The first two weeks he threw for 400 yards, but after that his yardage each game went dramatically down. Defenses were starting to figure him out then. He had a really great game against tampa, who had a horrible defense. I think Newton will drop off in production. If he doesn't then most likely he's for real.

  5. agreed..absolutely. We are limited by our lifespan (and by NFL films)....

    Bless the Sabols

    I don't understand why NFL films doesn't do a subscription service. Like watch all the game archives since they have footage for $50 a year. And they could stil have game rewind separatley so they're getting money for both past and present games. They have the games, please let us watch them if we're willing to pay.

  6. They could have taken Pryor to court and hit him were it hurts in his bank account, i have no problem with the supension, I have a problem with the inconsistency Goodell has shown, Bush wasn't suspended

    I think the punishment they did was far better and more appropriate. If they took Pryor to court, not sure what they could have charged him with. He didn't break any actual government laws, just violated the rules of the sport he was in. The suspension was appropriate and now it starts to set a precedent. Precedents have to be set at some point. Prior to the be precedent being set, those who broke the rules got away with it. It's just the nature of the beast. At least now they won't get away with it.

  7. If you could change one thing about the NFL, past or present, what would you do? Personally, I would go back and have the Colts hire Belichick as the head coach. I would love to have seen what Belichick and Peyton could do together. What would you change?

    I thought about it for a while and the best thing I could think of would be to do what exactly you said. There would be no Patriots dynasty and the Colts dynasty would be reigning supreme even now.

  8. It was in his contract to not attend away games....

    Questioned McNabb and Garcia. And that made him a "horrible" locker room guy. I'm still waiting for the evidence that, that "rips the locker room apart".

    You work at a company with 60+ people. You say something about 1 of those people. Does that put your company in shambles?

    Not a single teammate of his has ever said he was a good teammate. He got fired from the IFL.......that should tell you all you need to know. No one ever said the guy wasnt talented or not a hof. But as a person, on and off the field, he hasn't been a good one.

  9. When they worked him out, they saw he still had all his freakish ability and still had great speed. Rice has been an injury bust since they got him, and edwards was laughed at when he tried out for miami. TO is already the best receiver on the team.

    Not saying that I would have signed him, just explaining why Seattle did.

  10. I still dont get this signing. They have a good #1 WR in Rice and a servicable #2 in Edwards, why not bring in a roster cut from a WR heavy team instead of a WR who has not played in over a yr and is coming back from MAJOR knee surgery?

    When they worked him out, they saw he still had all his freakish ability and still had great speed. Rice has been an injury bust since they got him, and edwards was laughed at when he tried out for miami. TO is already the best receiver on the team.

  11. If that's the case you have weak leadership, a weak coaching staff and a weak FO

    Celebrating? We are bringing up celebrating now? (Against a team that turned around and signed him no less). Shows you how much offense they took.

    Refusing to play for a team he didn't want to play for? In the NFL where each play can be your last. Really?

    Saying your team would be better off with possibly the best QB of the decade? That tanks a team? Again if that's all it takes then you have a weak team, with pathetic leadership. I wouldn't want to be led by a QB who puked his guts up on the field in the SB either. And now it's come to light that McNabb was infact a massive crybaby and an unjustifiably entitled QB who believed he was worth more than anyone else believed.

    Time and again you hear respected NFL players repeatedly talk about "coming into work and doing your job" as being the utmost important thing a player can do. TO has done that in spades.

    So many people come off as whiners talking about TO. He's a cancer, he's all about himself, I don't like his antics. Wahh. The guy comes in and does his job like few other players in the history of the NFL have ever done. You take this false media driven idea and run with it. It's ridiculous. He's literally the exact opposite of Tebow. The media finds a personality and just runs and runs and runs with it cramming it down your throat until people begin to swallow it and take it as gospel.

    Lol well i didnt need the media to shove it down my throat until I swallowed it as gospel. I've known TO was a team obliterator almost for a decade now. It's just who the guys is. He cares only about himself and always has. he doesn't care about being a good teammate. He doesn't care about being a good person. The guy has no character and he'll probably end up causing the seahawks to obliterate too within a year or two.

  12. They havent been dealt with in courts, thats to come this week, If Goodell felt 100 percent sure in his evidence then he should not or shouldnt have (whichever the case) have lifted the suspensions at all whether it be 8 games or even more, its rumored he lifted the suspensions or that he will for not only Vilma but the other players suspended as well that tells me he isnt sure the evidence he supposedly has will stick in court, Personally I dont are if it does or not, I have said many times I am not a guy thats big on trusting Goodell, I just hope whatever ruling is handed out that the game itself isn't drastically changed because of it, sadly though I think it very well could be

    So far Goodell hasn't lifted any suspensions, and there isnt any evidence to suggest Goodell isnt 100% sure. The report was from espn and espn usually doesnt have all the facts, especially when it's an unknown source providing the rumor.

  13. The highlight of the game was most definitely Mike Mayock singing "Play that funky music white boy". :D

    lol, I thought the highlight was when the other broadcaster said Mooch sent a text telling Mayock to never do that again :P

  14. I would add to the list:



    Mike Tirico

    Al Michals

    Hugh Douglas

    Jaws is done atm, but we can still comment on him.

    I like Gruden and Jaws, they can get annoying times, but their are some lol moments when they're talking, which helps when there's some crappy teams on (like rams/seahawks). Mike does a nice job, not flashy but gets it done.

    Al Michaels is my favorite, when he's broadcasting or going on radio shows and giving his take.

    Mooch is good. Dieon is just annoying. Faulk does seem to take some shots at the colts. Sapp is good. Evans dont really like nor dislike. Baldy is generally pretty good. Bayless and Rob parker are annoying on first take. Stephen A smith is pretty good (except recently when he got all worried b/c of some random report that Manning wasn't throwing deep).

  15. No, I said Eli is most responsible for them reaching the post season. Eli could not have responded if the Patriots scored more points? Are you saying Eli can't win shoot outs? Are 2 yard touchdown passes worth fewer points than 20 yard?

    Yeah a td is a td from any distance.

    I do think Eli, unless it's vs the cowboys, cant win shootouts the majority of the times. Eli was lucky that his defense held the high scoring patriots to just 14 and 17 pts in both of his wins in the sb.

  16. You mention the skill these players have and how other teams want them, and yet the Giants are the one who continue to let them go and their offense doesn't regress, but improves. If you feel that is something can be dismissed as saying nothing about the QB leading the offense with the leagues worst ranked running game, then I don't know how much there is else to say. But on a side note, I'll take the under on how much more we hear from Mario Manningham in his future.

    And I'm at a loss at how you believe a team that gave up 400 points during their Super Bowl season has some sort of dominant defense to be compared to the consistency of the Ravens and Steelers. It's almost disrespectful to those teams. There were only 3 teams that gave up more points than the Giants did, and none of them made the playoffs. The reason the Giants did? The quarterback.

    Giants were 3rd in sacks, 25th in scoring defense (not 28th), 4th in takeaways in the regular season. In the playoffs they gave up only 14 pts per game (which was the best), had the most sacks, had the lowest percent of 3rrd down converstions against them. Without that defense playing that well, the Giants dont win the SB at all. They went against good offenses in the playoffs and contained them. Eli was a big factor but he needed that defense.

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