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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. Everybody with me now...


    Gimme a B!  Gimme a P!  Gimme an A!




    Well, actually, doesn't spell much of anything since it's an acronym, but, what it means is, best player available.  We signed all these guys in free agency to give us the flexibility to take the best player at almost any position in the draft, because the guys we've signed at each position can hold down the fort if nobody we like at that position falls to us in the draft.  Let's not start with the (extremely annoying) "Our biggest need is X, so we need to draft an X in the first round, and our second biggest need is Y, so we need to draft a Y in the third round, and our third biggest need is Z, so we need to draft a Z in the third round, AND IF WE DRAFT A Y IN THE FIRST ROUND AND DON'T DRAFT AN X UNTIL THE FOURTH ROUND WE HAD A HORRIBLE DRAFT!!!"


    Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but seriously, don't do that.  The "check the box" method, while clearly a perfectly fine way to classify a business entity for tax purposes, is not the best way to build a team.


    *drops mic*


    *walks out*


    *walks back in*


    *grabs car keys*


    *walks out again*

  2. 1 year, $3 million contract just screams "stop-gap solution".

    I'm guessing there's a good chance DHB won't even be on the roster next year. His replacement may even be in the draft this year in the 3rd or 4th round, since you could feasibly get a 2nd round WR talent at those spots.


    Nothing wrong with stop-gaps.  They're cheap and they give you flexibility going forward.


    Without DHB, people around here would be saying we ABSOLUTELY have to draft a WR in an early round this year, because Wayne is getting older and we're a bit thin overall.  With DHB, that gives us the option to maybe draft a WR early, if a guy we like falls, or maybe draft one late and develop him for a year, or maybe wait until next year if the value this year at our picks isn't very good, or maybe DHB shows he can produce at a high level when he's on a less incompetent team.

  3. IMO, in my philosophy, the purpose of free agency is to set up your draft.  What you should do (and what, thankfully, the Colts appear to be doing this year) is try to fill every hole you have in free agency, not by looking for lots of long-term solutions, but by mostly signing guys who could variously be described as "competent" or "acceptable" or "JAGs" (preferably ones who at least have the potential to grab the metaphorical bull by its metaphorical horns), who you would be comfortable holding down that position temporarily, to low-risk and short-term contracts.  That, in turn, allows you to go into the draft, not trying to fill gaping holes at one or two positions, but instead trying to get the best player available in order to "upgrade" the JAG you currently have at that position.  I think that's how you build for long-term success - you don't put all your eggs in a basket you haven't inspected yet, you don't get buried under an avalanche of dead money, and you don't end up reaching for mediocre guys in the draft because of need (or, arguably worse, overpaying to trade up for mediocre guys in the draft because of need).


    Essentially, you want to make smart, value, low-risk moves in FA such that, by the time the draft rolls around, you already have a team of players you would be at least comfortable putting on the field next season - then, you can use the draft to make upgrades according to what kind of value you can get based on how the draft shakes out.

  4. If there's a guy they really, really like, then sure.


    But I really don't see why so many people here are confident they can answer this question in the abstract, either "never do this" or "this is a great idea we should totally do this."


    It would be a decision that's very specific to the targeted player and, by extension, how the draft falls.  Arguing over whether we should do that at this point is pretty useless.

  5. Yeah, you can get pretty jacked without doing roids or HGH.  Those things just make it easier.


    As a basic rule of thumb, just be wary of any guy who's really jacked but also seems to have a crappy work ethic.  Landry doesn't fit the second of those criteria, so give him the benefit of the doubt.

  6. About 90% of cardinal fans come to see fitz the other ten probably come to see peterson. I don't think they are gonna get rid of him.


    Yep, the crowd a a Cardinals game includes 4 guys who came to see Fitz, and one guy who couldn't decide whether he wants to see Fitz or Peterson.

  7. I bet it's something completely unrelated, like Jim has an assistant named Walter who he sent out to buy more coffee (as he earlier tweeted about needing more coffee) and who hadn't returned yet, probably because he had to use Google Maps to find a Dunkin' Donuts in Arizona, and got lost.  :thmup:

  8. The more I think about it the more I agree with you..... First, it's supposedly a trade witch would mean no Victor Cruz.......


    Nobody has said it's a trade!




    OK, let me rephrase that.  Nobody who is actually involved in the deal has said it's a trade.  Every so often in this thread someone uses the word trade, and then a bunch of people say it obviously can't be Cruz because we know it's a trade.  We don't.  Irsay didn't say it's a trade, and we have no other reliable source of information on the deal.

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