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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. I wish they would put Montori Hughes down to the PS...

    He has yet to be active and is a development project...projects belong on the PS.

    Keep Guy on the 53 or somebody will pick him one of these times...he won't be around if we need him.


    I'm not convinced Hughes would clear waivers.

  2. Oh, and I forgot to check the stats I've been pushing for a while...


    We are now 1st in time per drive (3:08), 2nd in points per drive (2.5, the Broncos are a mind-boggling 3.4), 2nd in lowest percentage of drives ending in turnovers (5.9%, the Titans are still first), and 3rd in percentage of drives ending in scores (45.1%, behind the Broncos and Packers).


    Our defense is a bit more middling, but we're still top 11 in fewest points allowed per drive, lowest percentage of drives ending in scores, and highest percentage of drives ending in turnovers.


    Anyway, point being, we have, statistically, one of the most efficient offenses in the NFL.  In regards to offensive drive efficiency, the only team that we can't argue we're better than is Denver - and Denver has a bottom 10 NFL defense.


    People keep bringing up the Broncos game in the context of "well, we have to score on every drive to keep up with Manning."


    Well, of the other 31 teams in the NFL, we're arguably the one who's doing that the best.  And as good as the Broncos are doing on offense, if you combine offensive and defensive drive scoring percentage, they are only ahead of us by the smallest of margins (we're at 45.1 : 27.8, they're at 57.4 : 39.1)

  3. I think it's really, really high.


    He's fast, we all know that, but the rate at which his route running and hands have improved in about 20 games as a pro has been phenomenal.


    I mean, how many of us, when we drafted him, just thought of him as a speedy slot guy who we can throw a bomb to once in a while?  Sure, we do that plenty, but he's already so much more than that.

  4. As long as we're making bad rhyming puns, I'd say that after yesterday, they are now the Legion Entombed.






    I think it's funny that they had little creative names for their secondary and each player. It's cute.


    I also see the word, "swagger," thrown around a lot on their boards. REALLY? I thought 12 year olds say that. That word died off here a long time ago. lol


    Well, this may be a bad time to mention that I'm kinda tired of appending -strong to various things.  Although that's at least partly due to the fact that Lance Armstrong, aka the worst person in the world, left his stench on it.

  5. Meh... We're 4th in points scored, and the 3 teams ahead of us are allowing roughly 12 points per game more than us on defense.  In the span of 3 weeks we beat 2 of the top 3 preseason betting favorites to win the Super Bowl, and we'll have a crack at the third 2 weeks from now.


    Last thing we need to do is start changing everything.

  6. No you didn't ruin it

    It was just a misunderstanding..........which happens sometimes


    I went to a Renaissance fair yesterday and was watching a Jousting match.

    The announcer said that sometimes, the lances break and send pieces into the crowd and should this occur you should take cover and use your children as a shield

    There must have been 500 people there that laughed because of course nobody would use a child as a shield.  They knew it was a joke


    Unless your child has superpowers, obviously.


    Gee, I'm glad my child has super-strength and x-ray vision.  I think I'd be disappointed if he had, like, Aquaman's powers or something.  Wouldn't you?

  7. I here ya bro! I have a 5 year old daughter. During last weeks game against the kitties she come in and starts booing the Colts and rooting for the jags! Lol, coulda beat her!


    Well, you can't in good conscience boo the Jaguars.  That would be like booing Eric Moussambani, or the San Marino national soccer team.

  8. What I think is hilarious about this is, whoever it was posted a comment from the Seahawks calling us corny.  Yet they have fans who actually take the time to write a song about a guy on the Colts roster before they play us.  We're corny?  Really?


    How dare you.  Frank Sinatra is never corny.  :36dancing:

  9. you can see the game on nfl rewind i live in seattle and been a colts fan for 45 years the cost for your team for the year is like 20 dollars just cant watch it until mon or tues, it is the next best thing if you dont have nfl ticket


    Well, I just got the audio pass, considering we have the Renoir of radio announcers.  Bob paints a pretty picture.  But, y'know, with words.


    (side note, I suppose if we relate sports media personalities to painters, Dennis Miller during his brief stint on MNF would qualify as Picasso - undeniably brilliant but completely incomprehensible).

  10. As I said in another thread on this guy, while I think he's pretty good, I also think some of his success filling in for Landry is because the other players around him in the secondary are so good (Bethea, Davis, Toler, Butler specifically).  So even if, say, Lefeged was the guy, I think we'd be OK because I think the overall quality of the secondary can help hide his deficiencies.

  11. Based purely on personal preference:


    1. Wayne

    2. McAfee

    3. Luck

    4. Mathis

    5. Angerer (bought his jersey after Manning left, got some compliments from Jets fans when I went to the Jets game last year for going with an unusual selection)


    Honorable mentions to Bradshaw, Bethea, Fleener, Hilton, and Chapman.


    Honorable honorable mentions to Toler, Butler, Allen, Cherilus, and Reitz.


    I could probably keep going, frankly...


    Perhaps more importantly, we're 4th in points per drive and 3rd in drive success rate, plus second in time per drive and lowest per-drive turnover rate (that last one, the only team ahead of us is the Titans who haven't turned the ball over in 4 games this season - the Colts are the only other team without a fumble lost, the Broncos are the only other team without a pick).

  13. Coincidence, but Howell looks like he's a great backup.


    The truth of the matter is that we have a really good secondary behind a very solid pass rush.  It's possible the lack of serious dropoff without Landry is more due to the quality around Howell than Howell himself.

  14. That's unfortunate.  I thought he was progressing well.


    I doubt he makes too much of an impact this season after spending so much time off with the injury, but from what I saw of him in the first few weeks I think he could really break out next season.

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