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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. The money doled out to players will end up being directly proportional to the amount of playing time the coach and GM expect them to have. For all practical purposes, we could be replacing Moala in the line up. Moala is re-signed for just a 1 yr. deal and this locks up RJF for the future should we cut ties to Moala.


    A lot of these contracts could mean several things:


    Walden in, Angerer and Conner out next year???


    RJF in, Moala out???


    So, while we may think these signings reflect just the short term, they probably are thinking 2-3 years from now while doing these signings.




    Walden is an OLB.

  2. I agree, It all boils down to that most of the people throwing hissy fits have very little knowledge of football. They know the bigger names and since we aren't signing those names, they think we are doing terrible. Grigson and Pagano obviously had a plan to build the team on all levels and they are doing just that. we've improved in all area's and not just added 1 or "star" players. Philly should have taught every football fan a lesson with the "dream team". They were an epic failure when most thought they were super bowl shoe in's. 


    I like to think of it as, we ARE signing big-name players.  Their names just aren't big YET.

  3. He is not the answer no more than Walden is there pieces in a puzzle that Ryan Grigson is putting together , IMO people want a quick fix & are ready to talk smack based on moves made by our GM . Who is a very good judge of talent  & what it will take to be a winner long term based on his first year I'm convinced he has the knowledge & skill to build a Championship team  .


    I'm a Bricklayer not a player personnel dude & my opinion is simple with all the talk about FA it is clear some here have forgotten 1 simple thing . No one here has the skill to build & assemble the pieces that it'll take to be a elite team .


    So I personally think people should relax & not take there selves to serious . Although I must admit reading posts by self proclaimed genius's on a message board ,talking smack about the moves a GM makes as he makes them is hysterical ,

    How these players fit in & play here as Colts remains to be seen .


    You're missing my point, I'm not saying he's not worth signing, I'm saying that I keep seeing people around here suggesting that his addition to the team would magically turn us into a great defense, and that he's worth as much or more than Landry or Cherilus.

  4. I suppose a guy like Slausen or even Legursky would be serviceable.  I don't really see any long-term answers on the market right now, and I actually do like Reitz on the left side (and I'm still holding out hope for Ijalana), but bringing in another guy is worth looking into.

  5. I think we qualify as a dark horse contender already, tbh.  Some people in this thread have a much too narrow view of what constitutes a contender.  Sure, we're a young team that has a lot of room to grow, and I don't think we'll be anywhere close to the "peak" of this core of players this year, but lots of teams have gotten a bit lucky, and got hot at the right time, and won a super bowl a year or two before they reached their peak.  Take the Patriots in 2001.  That wasn't the best Patriots team under Tom Brady.  Tom Brady hadn't fully developed as the HoF QB he is now.  The defense was still developing into the one we saw in 03 and 04.  But they had a few lucky breaks, and got hot at the right time, and won a super bowl earlier than you'd expect.  The 1981 49ers probably qualify as this too - Joe Montana wasn't fully developed as the QB he ended up becoming at that point, and they didn't even have much of a running game at that point (they didn't get Craig until 83) - they certainly had an outstanding pass defense and a solid-but-not-great passing offense, but that 81 49ers team hadn't even begun to scratch the surface of their potential under Walsh - they just meshed well, got kinda hot, and ended up winning 9 games that season (including the CCG and Super Bowl) by 1 score.


    So, do I think we're a contender now?  Yeah, sure.  We've got a good up-and-coming QB, a young and dynamic nucleus, and from all appearances a quality coach and GM.  Am I going to go to Vegas and lay all my money on us winning?  Well, no, but that's not the point.  All I'm saying is that it would not be unusual for a young team who may be several years away from realizing their full potential to win a Super Bowl early, if things go their way during that season.

  6. Well, I like the guy, but I don't get the obsession Colts fans have over him (and we've kinda been obsessed with him for years).  I certainly don't get the argument that we should pay him more than we've paid any of the other guys we've signed, like Landry or Cherilus.  I'm just not convinced he's a huge difference maker.

  7. Also, I think some of the recievers we have now just need a chance to play.


    Sure, I like Whalen, and we all knew Brazill was raw coming out anyway.  That still makes us a bit thin at the position though, with those 4 guys, though if Pep plans on running more 2 TE sets it may not be so bad.  Wouldn't mind bringing in a guy with good size who's been stuck with a bad team like Massaquoi or Doucet.  Either one would probably come fairly cheap and bring a high ceiling.

  8. For the record, if you asked me if I'd rather sign Toler or Welker, or Landry or Welker, or Cherilus or Welker, I'd absolutely take those 3 guys over Welker.


    Look, Welker is a good football player, and I wanted us to sign Vasquez (who, yes, we probably did overhype, but he's still very good).  But to contest that the Broncos have improved to a greater degree than us without actually seeing any of the players on the field just because they signed 2 of the biggest names in free agency is preposterous.  The Colts have substantially improved at at least 3 positions (safety, cornerback, offensive tackle), probably a 4th in guard, and maybe a 5th if Walden pans out.

  9. Toler over Corners that are still FA's such as 


    1.Deangelo Hall

    2.Chris Gamble

    3.Brent Grimes

    4.Rashean Mathis

    5.Keenan Lewis

    6.Sam Shields

    7.Cary Williams


    hmm, Hope a couple of our signings come out and have big years for Grigs sake


    I wouldn't touch half of those guys with a 10 foot pole.  Just because you've heard of Hall and Gamble doesn't mean they'd be good signings for us.

  10. Has he been playing for the raiders? Heard good things coming out didn't follow to see if he lived up to it


    Well, he played corner last year, because the Raiders are awful, and he wasn't very good, but like I said, the Raiders are awful.


    See, I like the Cherilus and Toler signings because I could get a good bead on those guys being pretty good in spite of the team around him.  With Huff, I honestly have trouble distinguishing his play from the general suckitude of Oakland.


    Frankly the guy would be a bit of reclamation project.

  11. 5 years 38 for a truly good RT is fine with me. The thing that gave me 2nd thoughts was that I didn't recognize his name so I googled it. The first article that came up after the one announcing our signing read "Cherelius a bust?"


    Two words: the first is Detroit, the second is Lions.


    Frankly, I take all the Lions fans saying "good riddance" as a good sign.


    But seriously, his metrics are very good and the Lions offensive line was surprisingly solid stastically last season, contrary to popular belief, especially with the kind of junk they had carrying the ball out of the backfield.

  12. I'm really happy.  I like signing non-name guys who are actually pretty good when you look at the tape.  Cherilus in particular is far too maligned by fans who apparently thing that one of the 5 best offensive lines in sacks per pass attempt in 2012 was the worst pass blocking offensive line in the NFL in 2012.  And absolutely nobody knows who Toler is, which is fortunate for us, becuase he's really really good.  And Walden is a talented guy who's a really good fit, so he has a high ceiling.


    The other two I could take or leave, but I really like those 3 signings.


    Admittedly, I would have liked Levitre or Vasquez, without much of a preference between the two, but you can't sign EVERYONE you want.  If we went by what people on here say the Colts absolutely HAVE to do we'd be 100 million over the cap after trading for Revis, signing Wallace, Avril, Kruger, Levitre, Vasquez, Asomugha, Long, Reed, Barwin, Heyward-Bey, and Landry.


    And hey, we could still end up with a couple of those guys at some point here.

  13. Just a FYI: PFF gave Samson Satele a good rating last season.


    Heh, case in point.


    Anyway, I'm not saying that Walden's metrics are good, because they're kinda not, but he's got some good talent and a great motor, and he's sorta built like a Mathis type guy, so I think there's a really good chance this one pans out for us.  It may be a bit speculative right now, but it's a good fit with a high ceiling.

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