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Posts posted by IinD

  1. I wouldn't prefer ol, but I wouldn't hate it.


    Our line isn't nearly good enough to pass on a top linemen (if that's what Lamp is, I don't watch much college).


    I remember being afraid for Luck's life (literally) during the end of the Denver game, one of the Hou games and a couple others I honestly can't remember where they were literally teeing off on him.


    Excuses aside, whether you want to blame coaching, or Luck hanging on to long or whatever, there were times when we had absolute breakdowns in protecting Luck.


    For conversations sake I'd have no complaints if they locked up either the rg or rt spot with the top pick at either position.

  2. To the folks worried about money...who cares we aren't paying it and nowadays, because the nfl is flush with cash, bums and/or marginal players get huge dollars, it means nothing.


    It's not long term and it potentially gives us a weapon in the middle of the D which we seem to rarely ever have.


    I'm happy, screw the money aspect...

  3. They'll also be an attractive destination for players going forward.


    No income tax, party city and new stadium.


    Watching an Oakland game was brutal with that crappy field.


    Also opposing fans may be able to see their team without the fear of getting stabbed.

  4. Now that it's the non homer time of year where everyone sticks up for anything Colts we can clearly say our LB core was absolute trash. Like several levels below bad.


    I know I hated Monachino last year, but he clearly had nothing to work with. The level below what we had was gathering a group of us to play lb last year.

  5. Better players have walked from their teams so it's definitely possible.


    He has all the tools, but he seems to not play up to his abilities it seems for whatever reason. Essentially the type of guy who could dominate, but doesn't.


    He also doesn't seem to have that connection with Luck like TY and Doyle did so quickly.


    Hopefully Aiken being here maybe lights a fire and DM becomes the player we think he can be FULL TIME. If he's pedestrian or average this year, I can easily see us letting him walk.

  6. Yes and no.


    We did lose out on any wiggle room we had for mistakes. If Grigs had been doing his job, this roster should by now have been pretty set for a 4-5 year run of success.


    If by chance Ballard isn't very good and we struggle, yes we will have wasted Luck's talents. 


    More like Jim will have wasted AL as he's the guy hiring these coaches and GM's.

  7. 25 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     He kind of like doesn`t replace Reitz at all.
     In an emergency he would Never play LT. 

    Utility linemen like Reitz was at G/T.


    This guy is a utility guy at G/C.


    Utility signing, nothing more. I said he's not a T. 


    In all fairness, it's debatable if Reitz was even playing T last year. He wasn't very good last year.



  8. 15 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:

    Somebody explain to me how in the holy __ you're cool with waiting 3 years to have a juggernaut team when we could have done 75% of it this offseason in FA and the draft.


    Somebody explain to me why we're wasting Lucks career away with the hopes to win a SB in 3-4 years, when we could have gone all in and been SB contenders NOW.


    Somebody explain to me why you'd rather get 5-6 mediocre players than 2 stars.





    We got screwed and lost the first quarter of Lucks career because Grigs (and Pags as well, but that's a different topic) screwed the roster.


    We had a chance before Luck got paid, but his drafts have put us here.


    This team isn't beating the top afc/nfc teams with a couple guys.


    Need to draft a lot of guys.

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