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Posts posted by IinD

  1. Hard for any D to hold and help you win if they've got to keep jumping on the field because of three and outs. I don't see them winning with anyone but Luck honestly.


    Heart says yes, head says no looking at a team trying to find it's way on D and not much identity on O without AL.

  2. Luckiest guy ever. If I'm not mistaken this is his second big payday along with the #1 pick money.


    Never has had expectations on him. Stuck in an organization that is inept so it'll never be looked at as all his fault.


    He's definitely a starting QB, but he's been compensated for way more then he's ever accomplished in terms of taking the Lions somewhere.

  3. 26 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

    You says this but yet Ballard is the guy who resigned him this off-season.  So that kinda hurts your point.  He is not cutting a depth guy and potential starter to shave years off of his starting D's average.

    He booted Locke real quick after paying him in the same offseason.


    I'm just going off them bringing in two S's in one day and simply stating Butler doesn't really have anything locked down. 


    He's only signed this year for $3M. If Ballard thinks some young kid from another roster could be an upgrade, I wouldn't be shocked if he was let go.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Why?  Butler has looked really bad this year.

    People get nostalgic with players. They remember his Denver pick or just that he's been somewhat reliable.


    Ballard has said we're going to get younger. Unless you're a Luck or TY you are far from replaceable honestly. 


    We were dead last in D, why would anyone be untouchable honestly? Not being condescending or anything.

  5. I'm happy the real season is almost here, but this D will definitely have some ugly games during the season.


    There were times where Pitt guys had nobody within 5 yards.


    It is what it is at this point. Dwight, Bob and Robert aren't walking in the door anytime soon.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I can see you are new to the forum so perhaps you don't know the rules.


    1. - Every player on the Colts is the greatest player at their position - until the Colts lose.
    2. - Then every player on the Colts is the worst player in the NFL and should not even be in the league (except for a few board consensus players (See note below)
    3. - If a Colts player has reached the Probowl then they cannot be critiqued for three years after the probowl.  No matter how bad they play after.
    4. - If you are optimistic about the Colts chances then you cannot think for yourself and you just look at everything through blue colored glasses.
    5. - If you are negative about the colts it's because you are being realistic.
    6. - Logic has no place on the Colts forum.  If you try to use it then you will be beaten then tarred and feathered.
    7. - For some reason no matter what the topic is there are a handful of supposed Colts fan that will bring the Patriots into the conversation (yes I realized I just did it and no, I'm not one of those people... I tried to think of way to mention that rule without the Patriots but I just could not)
    8. - Use PFF only when it supports your point, when it does not then knock PFF and talk about how their stats aren't real (For the record I'm not a fan of PFF for anything other than raw stats that can be found on any stat site, so I always knock them, even when their numbers support my opinion.

    **Note** I'm not 100% sure how consensus players are chosen by the board but it seems to be a wave, a couple of people mention something and then it can't be stopped.  Morris is a perfect example, Morris has looked okay against the 3s and 4s during the preseason but many on this forum act like he can hold down the fort until Luck comes back from injury.  His overthrows, underthrows, late throws, all while facing no rush and poor coverage don't factor into the equation.


    That's every teams fans honestly.


    Find me a logical reserved fan base? Doesn't exist.

  7. As long as they don't look totally inept opening day regardless of the outcome I'm good.


    If they look like they didn't even have training camp...Gonna be a loooong season.


    It's gonna be tough honestly. Luck hasn't even practiced yet. If his return drags into October/November, be prepared for a bad season.

  8. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:

    Yeah, i was trying not to think about that but was

    I'm having flashes of the Kerry Collins fiasco. Oh Andrew is fine, we're just gonna get a starter for no reason...then it'll be he's coming back in October...he'll be back in November...oh jeez, I'm getting heartburn honestly..


    Please let this not be true..

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