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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    He's not taking a beating by anyone or any group that matters.   And besides, the job comes with taking the heat.


    The only thing that matters is winning.  If we win, the heat will disappear.


    Winning cures all.


    He better hope we do. Several people are calling him out. Including Reggie Wayne. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I didn't realize that he was friends with Grigson. Probably extra salty since Ballard's former boss just fired Grigson in Cleveland...


    It’s not just Silver calling Ballard out. 


    Right or wrong, Ballard is taking a beating. Time will tell if he knows what he is doing. I am going to wait patiently and see what happens. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Colton Stenger said:


    Seriously, that's one of the weird parts of it coming from him. I would expect this from like a random unknown sports writer but to call him out on NFL Network, I was caught off guard.


    Agreed! No one was disagreeing with him on the NFL Network either. I think his comments surprised the supporting cast though. 

  4. 1 minute ago, ColtsBlitz said:

    Really? What is he a part of? If it’s ESPN, Gruden turned on us too, very unusually rude during last years draft on the steal of Hooker. That whole network is a sham. 


    Good to hear Silver is actually a contributing member to the media. Too much hate for the Colts though overall, considering it’s a good organization and has a respectful owner and players like Luck. 


    Silver is on the NFL Network. As far as I know, he doesn't have a history of reacting this way. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ColtsBlitz said:

    It’s what you do when your career relies on big talk. It’s not even fair to judge Ballard yet on creating a roster because of what Grigson didn’t do; draft well. 


    Ive never heard of this dude Silver, but I can tell he isn’t very good at his job. 


    Actually, Mike Silver is very good at his job and he is very well respected. I have never seen him lose his cool like that. The dude is typically laid back.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, MightyLucks said:

    Is he wrong in questioning Ballard though? And no I’m not saying Ballard should be fired or that he’s failed. I just see his point 


    Agreed! We need to measure Ballard just as we would any GM of another team. 


    Ballard is barely over a year in this gig... so for me it is too early. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Colton Stenger said:


    I just think it's crazy that Silver was saying that Grigson was doing better, especially when you look at his draft history and that he is the reason our roster is so depleted.


    Up to this point, we do not have enough information to measure Ballard against Grigson. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Colton Stenger said:

    Just some quotes from what he said “I’m just trying to figure it out. Ryan Grigson came in and took over a team that had bottomed out, they won 52 games over 5 years — and got fired. Chris Ballard came in and Jim Irsay declared that he was — by far — the best GM candidate of the 21st century.”


    “Now — you have all the money, free agency’s going on — bro, wow us Chris! You’ve won 4 games, wow us with your accumen, because now is the time to spend your owner’s money.”


    “If you’re the best GM candidate of the 21st century take the swing, and by the way, we’re also talking about; you had Josh McDaniels lined up as your chosen head coach and you swung and missed at that — you couldn’t close.”


    I know that most people are frustrated with no big signings, but Ballard had said don't expect to be wowed in early free agency. But dang I didn't expect Someone to go after Ballard so far and defend Grigson this early in his tenure.




    1 minute ago, IndyD4U said:

    Fake news. 


    Talking heads doing what they do. 


    Does anyone not remember the Polina Era? 


    And a follow up to that; does anyone remember Grigson's dream team? 


    We're fine 


    I watched Mike Silver say this live.


    Even Reggie Wayne is shaking his head 


    Is it all substantial? Not necessarily. We will have to wait and see. I am patiently waiting to see how this plays out. 

  9. A lot of people are calling Ballard out. Reggie Wayne is even shaking his head because of the Colts inactivity. 


    He better know what he is doing, because he has put a target on himself.


    I am patiently waiting to see what this plan actually is. For Ballard's sake, it needs to work. The national media is about to light him up. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



    Thought we were interested in keeping him....




    Edit note:   Just read the tweet which has details....    2 years and 10 million dollars!!   Wow,  if that isn't starter money, they certainly plan to use him a lot situationally!    Wowza!





    Yeah. Kind of a bummer.


    I think it is actually 2 years 6.8 million.




    I have a feeling Pete will finally get Mingo to reach his full potential. I think Mingo has been playing the wrong position for a long time. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, J@son said:


    Not necessarily. Look at the depth charts for Seattle and Dallas. They use different types of players at LDE and RDE. Autry could fit at one DE position but not the other.the LDE will most likely be substantially larger than the RDE. 


    Ballard signed a guy with a similar build to Davenport to play DE in our 4-3.. 


    There is no reading between the lines about that. It doesn't mean we will draft Davenport or have any intentions to. It just means we like that kind of size at the position. 

  12. Luck is not going anywhere. :) 


    I have a feeling it will not be a long rebuilding process.


    With a healthy Luck, I think we will compete for the division this year.


    Lots of off-season left to go. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, shastamasta said:


    Could be...or it could be that the Colts are looking to utilize more undersized DTs. Seems like this guy could be in the mold of a Tyrone Crawford (Cowboys) or Israel Idonije (Bears).




    Anything is possible but a 6'6" 265/270ish player needs to predominantly play on the end.  

    • Like 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


    Who cares?  There is no way you or anyone else can make declarative statements about decisions that are being made without knowing what their board looks like and a lot of other information that went into making the board.  One cannot determine if they are making a sound decision without knowing the rationale for that decision.  Yet many on this board seem like they believe that they have some great insight into the collective thinking of the Colts front office.  Or maybe they believe that they're better qualified to make these decisions, I have not seen any evidence that they are.


    You have just described several fans.


    Are they supposed to not have any opinion or discuss anything? :D 


    It really does not bother me. 

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