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Posts posted by Zachris

  1. You aren't one of those guys in the Geico commercial, living under a rock, right? (Just kidding with you. Hard to imagine anyone missing that sad story.)

    I'm prejudiced, as a Buckeye and a Penguin alum, but he is a classy and very bright guy. He obviously doesn't need the money, and he'll be great at whatever duty the Colts assign to him.

    (As far as a conspiracy theory... would that be the worst thing in the world?)

    No, just don't pay that close attention. haha But that was funny!

  2. I agree, they have predicted the Colts not going for the last couple years. As I said, sooner or later, yes, someone will win the division again. But until they do, the Colts should be the favorite.

    They didn't leave out that with Manning, this team can still reach the SB. So they know that the Colts aren't bad.

    But just like it says, these are predictions and most of the time, most of these people are at best 50%?

  3. Sorry, but until it happens, the Colts are still the favorites. People have predicted them for a few years now to do it and have fallen short. They have to PROVE it, before I will give it to them. I think they have the most talent outside of the Colts to do it, but until they do, Colts are the Kings.

  4. I personally don't see us trading away draft picks. So based on that, Bulger makes the most sense. I would be ok with Collins also. Someone that I don't think would make a lost of mistakes AND COULD ACTUALLY MOVE OUR OFFENSE! :) Sorry, did I just use caps?

  5. Are the Colts the only team in the NFL with a mega ton of hamstring injuries

    every year??? Someone is always going down with a hammy.

    A lot of teams are seeing this, they are saying it has to do with missing practice during the lock out.

  6. Moderator pplease delete 11 of the double psots, g finger spasmed and hit post twice , sorry

    Looks like you had a few more! :)

    I must say, I think the only thing Moore might be able to give them is injury information, that may not be public. As far as weakness? Manning has been in the league long enough, that with enough games to review, I am sure most of the weaknesses are known. He has lost, he has gotten beat barely, destroyed or just out played at times. As most defenders tell you, we know what they are doing most of the time, it is, can you stop him.

    So where I think Moore could do wonders wtih Sanchez and their offense, what they will get from him about Manning probably isn't that much. And lets face it, Rex beat Manning last year, only because of injuries. And really he beat our special teams because Manning did his job. If Manning would of had Clark or Collie, they would have won the game. He sat back and let Manning come to him and hardly blitzed, well, the game was still close and barely won. But I do like how Manning get's Rex all mad! :) Poor guy.

  7. I think their Defense will be better, but it will take time. I think it will take at least half the season for us to see the improvement.

    IF we can't stop the run though, we are going to have trouble the first game though.

  8. Regarding the links to other boards, they have been deleted. Please take notice of this rule:

    5. Do not link to or promote other boards as it causes issues with their fans, especially where they are discussing something concerning our team. This only serves to create board wars and all such links will be deleted and posts/threads edited. Such links can also be viewed as 'promotion' (see rule #1).


    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Sorry, I forgot about that.

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