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Status Updates posted by BR-549


    1. coltsfansince65


      Saw them in 1969. Covered many of their songs in my band while in high school. Great times. Thanks for posting.

    2. southwest1


      Good bass on "I'm your captain" BTW. Nice groove on that number BR-549. :banana:


      Thanks CFS65 for your blast from the past youth anecdote there as well. I dig musicians man. Always have; always will. :thmup:



    1. southwest1


      I like forum friends who post off the beaten path tracks BR-549. I forgot how much I enjoy spur of the moment/mood jukebox stuff from regulars on here. 


      You keep posting & I'll keep listening my friend. I really enjoy this because every once in awhile somebody will play something crazy good that I've never heard before & I'm better off because of it. You know, expand my musical horizons kind of thing. Sweet! 

  3. Thanks fellas.  I have just been doing other things.  I did not intend to take so much time away.  With the season coming soon I intend to spend more time here chatting with you guys.  I appreciate you checking in with me.


    Took the wife to Vegas during the draft... that was my first time there, very cool.  We watched the first round in the casino of our hotel (Luxor if you are familiar) which was fun.  Met some nice folks from here in Ohio.... they got up and left when the Browns selected Mayfield, lol. 


    I was a little stunned and didn't know what to think about Nelson, but it didn't take long for the idea to season for me.


    I think we spent about $40 gambling.  I have evidence of success with a couple of vouchers.  One for 7 cents and one for 9 cents, lol.  We enjoyed the food and doing other things, Hoover Dam and Red Rock Canyon were really cool.


    Gonna go check out the forum.  Glad to hear from ya'll





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BR-549


      Thanks buddy.  Its a little aggravating though .... keep getting the spinning wheel (thinking).  Not sure if it is the updated program, heavy traffic or my computer but it sucks to have to wait on every change.

      Call me tomorrow if you have time.  I will be in my office all day after I go pick cucumbers to make my horseradish dills... say after 930-10.  Would be nice to catch up.  If not, whenever you get a minute.

    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      Glad you are back, how about them Cubs! 

    4. southwest1


      @TheRustonRifle#7 Nice Hee Haw clip there! I remember watching that show on TV when I was younger than I am now. What are the odds of finding a clip with a forum member's call sign on it? Gotta be a billion to 1 odds. Bravo brother! 


      @BR-549, Glad to hear you & your wife had a good time in Sin City BTW. Your trip sounded memorable for all the right reasons. Happy to see your triumphant return. 

  4. Just trying to get through the rest of Monday..

    Enjoy friends..


    Add if you like



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BR-549
    3. coltsfansince65


      I saw them back then. Both with Frampton & then with Clem Clemson. They put on a great show.

      I still think Steve Marriot was the best front man ever.

    4. southwest1


      I like it when TV hosts take time to get to know a band before they play instead of after the number is over @Coltsfansince65 especially drummers because they rarely get any love, props, or recognition for their talents largely because no one can see them on stage given the enormous size of kits & cymbals now. 


      Glad you enjoyed seeing Humble Pie live. 

  5. I hope Josh is as into his job as Ian is into his work here...



    1. BR-549


      Ha ha... just thought of it, I bet ya him and Joe Cocker were separated from the him after birth much like Pagano and Grigson... Ha... oh, bad joke, sorry.

    2. southwest1


      Did someone say Joe Cocker? 


      Can I leave my hat on or is the magic gone already? It figures. LOL! 



      One of the best front men to see live I kid you not. 

    3. southwest1


      Hey, here comes Kevin Arnold [A 'Wonder Years" joke.] Where's Winnie Cooper man? Very easy on the eyes, but I digress. 



      Seriously folks, Joe is the man.

  6. One of my favorites by these iconic dudes...




    1. southwest1


      I love the intro to 'Closer To The Heart" it's so hypnotic & soothing like a trance. 

    2. southwest1


      Canadian bands are always fantastic. Must be something in the water up there. 


    1. southwest1


      With tracks like this blaring through boom box speakers [Yes, I said boom box] any chore like painting a fence is much more enjoyable & less of a burden for Tom or anybody else. 


      You can never go wrong with a classic. Well done BR-549! 


    1. TheRustonRifle#7


      That was the first concert I ever saw and I was 12...lol!

  9. Come and get it.... 



    1. southwest1


      All that running water made me wanna use the bathroom, but I came right back & listened. Too much information? Ha! Ha! My bad. Good stuff!

  10. A word of wisdom for Mr. Ballard on his search for a new coach... not really, just a good tune with a really good title.




    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. southwest1


      Stevie....God, I love her voice. She was definitely blessed by the musical gods. When she goes, I will cry. I know it. Nobody like her. One of kind & her lyrics are so deep & real. 

    3. southwest1


      Funny, you should mention your admiration for John Denver BR-549. I just watched a movie called "Logan Lucky" last night & 1 of the main characters held Denver in high esteem as a singer too. His little girl in the flick won a Miss Virginia Pagent when she sang "County Road Take Me Home" to her daddy in the audience. It was moving. I even got a little choked up. Very cool way to honor her father. 

    4. southwest1


      Nice vintage clip from "American Band Stand" & Mr. Clark back there. My kinda of old school stuff man! 



  11. In light of a great effort tonight in my opinion... lets jam


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BR-549


      Enjoy.... Better Times Are On The Way For Us Colts Fans


      Add to it if you like.... Merry Christmas to all my buds here

    3. NFLfan


      Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hope you are well. :)

    4. lollygagger8


      Merry Christmas!!! 

  12. I have put this up before, but it puts a smile on my face and makes me feel good so I want to share that with my friends here... sort of reminds me of the old days when a friend and I used to go around to the bars and I played my guitar and he sang.... such a good time in my life.  We did songs like this and CSN, Beatles, Acoustic versions of CCR ..... etc.  I sure do miss those times.  He was an excellent singer.




    Here was one of our crowd favorites.....



    1. Nadine


      I love Steve Winwood.  Loved Traffic and Blind Faith

  13. Help me out tonight... anything 60's-1980









    Randy was a special dude

  15. Response to Chuck's presser cliche's 




    Not bad for a Monday : )

    1. southwest1


      I see what you did there. Who, Guess Who,...Okay, I can play this game...Who's Cryin' Now? 


      Steve Perry you wanna take this one? 



    2. southwest1


      Who Can It Be Now? Okay, it's technically not Men At Work, but Muppets getting their Down Under groove on baby. 



    3. southwest1


      What do you mean nobody remembered to bring an umbrella? Who'll Stop the Rain then? 




    At it again

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BR-549


      Not a fan but I like this song just as most do...




    3. BR-549


      This one is good too




    4. TheRustonRifle#7


      Poor Ned Beatty....how do you not fight back?



  18. Hope you don't mind.  I like music and I like to unwind on Friday's.  Thought I would start out with this tune tonight which is a fav of mine.


    Random songs/ groups if you would like to add your favorite.  Song two is my cousin's band from the 70's.  Regional, some of you might know them.  Enjoy






    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. BR-549
    3. alawai


      CCR, Grand Funk, Beatles and Three Dog Night were my time!

    4. NFLfan


      Nobody minds and you're not "aggravating" anyone. We love music here. It is all good. Thanks for the music!! :D

  19. For tonight a tribute to Greg Allman.... both him and his bro were special talents.  So many good songs.... Warren Haynes too!!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BR-549



      Playing dual lead guitar is tough... kudos!!

    3. BR-549
    4. BR-549



      Last one.... feel free to add your favorites if you like

  20. As promised NFLfan



    1. NFLfan


      Thank you! Jackson Browne is awesome.


      I was watching Forest Gump last weekend. This one was one of the many great songs played in the movie. 



    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. southwest1


      Nicely put RR7. Music threads/status updates always deplete my likes so quickly. Shows you where my priorities are I guess. LOL! 


      I really respect you & the manner in which you carry yourself on the forum. You're definitely a must read or listen. If I ever do anything to upset you or irritate you I'm sorry. Sometimes, I tend to ruffle feathers the wrong way & I'm working on some personal demons for lack of a better word. It's not as ominous as it sounds; I'm just trying to be a better person I guess. 


      Yeah, the regulars on here, are pretty cool no doubt.  

    3. NFLfan


      Well said! I value these friendships I have with others here. You all make the forum the awesome place that it is.


      And music connects us even more. :)

    4. BR-549


      RR7... yes I am grateful too.  I so much appreciate that you took the time to call me out and be my friend and then to introduce me to your friends.  


      I respect all of them and just love the communication that we have all had.  


      As to the marathon, I have already told you of mine and I know some of yours, but together we will all get to where we are headed.


      Nothing can replace friendship.... NOTHING!


      Thanks for being my friend

  22. For my friend NFLfan.... this is CPR.  It is David Crosby (Crosby Stills Nash), The guitarist is Jeff Pevar, and the pianist is James Raymond who is David Crosby's son that he only recently found out he had... recent as in late 1990's.


    This is one of many very good songs they do even though it belongs to Crosby from another time.


    So enjoy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


    Any of my buds (that is everyone here on the forum) are welcome to add to the songs here.  I am doing a little jamming since I can't watch the Cubs



    1. BR-549


      Crosby (C)  Pevar (P) and Raymond (R)

    2. NFLfan


      This is great! Thank you.

    3. BR-549


      You have to give this one a minute to get going.  Poor sound from the age but a great Neil Young song nonetheless...





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