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life long

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Posts posted by life long

  1. 1 hour ago, Superman said:



    If you look closely, you can see what I didn't see until just now -- the ball clearly comes loose before the player crosses the goal line. He didn't reestablish control of the ball while he was still in bounds; I don't think he reestablished control until he landed out of bounds, in the end zone.


    Tough scenario, but based on that angle, they made the right call. 

    To me it looks as if his left knee hits inbounds with the ball in hand before the rest of him rolls out.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:


    It matter not for how long the ball is jarred, just that it is jarred loose by the opponent.  As I mentioned about the down by contact point, one has to have possession to be down, if he does not have possession, he is not down.  When a ball is being stripped as a player is going down, the inquiry is was the "ball out" before the knee hits.  All the ball has to be out "out" by a half inch and he has lost possession and thus not down.  We have since this 100s of times.  


    The possession rule does not change, it is the rule.  Do you or do you not have possession.  And we know you do not the moment the ball is a millimeter away from your hand/arm that was holding the ball.  Clearly we had this in the instant case and happening around the 1 yard line, so no TD.


    What happens next I will place in another post.   

    So if it had not been overturned would people  call it a bad call? I doubt it.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Colts1324 said:

    I would love Bowman, but I don't think Ballard is interested in signing older vets. Althought Bowman could still play for 6 or 7 more years. Our ILB's are trash right now though so you never know! 

    I know he isn't his younger self. Obviously he has had a drop off in his pass coverage but it still is likely better than what we have. The 9ers have a good front 7 and we have other teams castoffs. We rode with an old DQ who was let go from the browns. If the price is right it could help bring some experience, to an inexperienced defense. 2 year deal?

  4. 18 minutes ago, King Colt said:

    How can anyone call this game? Who are the Jags? Steelers lead the league in sacks and are the #1 defense according to the pregame talk. I watched the Dolphins picked to beat the Titans today. I must be missing something because the Dolphins do not have a quarterback instead, they have Cutler.

    Neither do the Titans. Marcus is not playing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


    This is the first I have heard about any comments by the reporter, so apparently people are tearing into her life and anything that she may have said that was off color/discriminatory?   This just needs to stop, Cam isn't perfect, the reporter isn't perfect, I'm not, and neither is anyone else on this planet.



    To be fair she had it posted on her twitter for years. I only bring it up as a point not to rush to judgement. As many like yourself have stated we all are flawed and imperfect. To label someone means you have pretty much made a judgement. If we all start judging one person, we should too be judged. Even juries can have a mistrial without impartial jurors. My juror is the almighty. Peace be with you all.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Nadine said:

    got it, I'm a hypocrite

    Nvm... i just dont get why you have no problem using a label against him but not her. You are entitled to feel any way you please. Appreciated the response....

  7. 13 minutes ago, Nadine said:


    I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


    I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


    I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


    I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


    And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 



    Well if you have no problem labeling him a sexist, how can you not label her a racist? Both people, like everyone makes mistakes, but she went through the trouble to post on twitter on several occasions. Cam was answering off the cuff. If he didnt use the word female there would no controversy. She used a racial slur and bragged about her dad mocking native americans while driving through Navajo country. IMO she is a poor choice of person to use when talking about stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. There obviously is sexism out there but women are just as sexist as men in my experience. 

  8. Her comments were much more racist, than his sexist. Thats like a murderer prosecuting a thief. Her comments were blatant, while Cams were back handed. Pretty much calling someone a sexist when you are a closeted racist is incredibly stupid. Obviously Cam had no knowledge of her tweets and i hope she gets more than a slap on the wrist. Imagine reporting for a league that has mainly african American men and now they all know what she had said. She should be fired IMO...

  9. 1 hour ago, The Fish said:

    The Colts uni's are fine. Better than fine.


    Here's hoping they're never touched.

    I would have agreed but they need to at least change. Reebok had much better jerseys. So change back to the old style then never change again. I have a Luck and Manning but the Manning jersey just looks so much better, both are away jerseys.

  10. 32 minutes ago, a06cc said:

    From what I’m seeing and I’d hate to go Grigson, but we need another WR besides Ty. I’m also surprised we didn’t get penalized for that group celebration when DM scored. 

    Group celebrations are now allowed. I am not 100% on what they were going for, could someone enlighten me?

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