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life long

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Posts posted by life long

  1. 40 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    If Anderson is not getting much pass rush, I think they should just play a 3-man front with McGill one-gapping from the NT position on 3rd and longs. We are used to him one-gapping from the UT position in a 4-man front but I think we will get more 1-on-1 match up advantages if we go to a 3-3-5 (or 2-3-6 like Ravens do sometimes, Rex continued to do it with Jets too at times) with plenty of coverage options instead of bigger LBs or DLs in coverage. When you have huge gaps on DL, on 3rd and longs, that is when OL starts guessing, and you can run delayed blitzes better, IMO.

    I agree. IMO we run the 3-4 incorrectly. The excuse before was the players we had were not suited for their positions. Now we have the correct size, but I definitely would like us to get more creative. We run one of the most bland 3-4's I can think of. Honestly I would prefer we run only man coverage. I am aware of having to run what the players do best, but I am sure the opposing OC knows which guys run man or zone when on the field.

  2. 2 hours ago, Luck 4 president said:

    If Luck is released by the doctors, I would rather have him with 0 practice over any of our backups week 1

    That likely would give us the best chance to win. Yet still, I would rather lose week one than put him out there before he is ready. The Rams D line is no joke. The last thing any of us want is Luck to rush back only to aggravate his surgically repaired shoulder. Unless he becomes a ball out in under 3 seconds every throw and starts to shy away from contact, which he should do, he will see a lot of contact early on. This is the NFL every team will know hitting #12 often is the defensive game plan. I would rather a healthy Luck for about 12 games, over rushing him back to beat the Rams and Browns. We need a team that can compete with those teams without Luck, to be able to compete with more well rounded teams like N.E. and Pitt.

  3. I know one major problem is the defense. Just listened to monachino talk about the defense. I know we have to play the cards we are dealt. Yet, as far as I have heard we will be switching our dbs from zone to man to account what they do best. This is troubling to me, because it is obvious in crunch time what dbs will be running what. Obviously Davis runs man, but when a backup hits the field the other team likely has identified said player as zone or man. This allows an offense to exploit matchups. IMO we should just stick to man or zone, with a little peppering of the other. If Pagano wants to keep his job and relieve some stress he should try to become less predictable as a HC. 

  4. 2 hours ago, WERC82 said:

    Crush players for poor performance, blow up coordinators for bad play calling and stop with the cliches, slogans and PC pressers. Quit being a "players coach" and start being a disciplinarian that excepts nothing but perfection in every little detail. 

    That is how locker rooms are lost. If he did those things, it would apparent to the players and staff he knows he is out the door. Obviously he expects more from everyone and that should and likely does include himself. Blowing up on the sideline can be a valuable coaching technique. The important thing is coaches actually coaching... I.e. fixing the mental errors a.k.a. every coaches job at every level...

  5. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



    All those team records and top-10 team records and individual records at stops in Cleveland and Charlotte and Indy and elsewhere are not just coincidences.     You can't keep getting good results at stop after stop after stop and be as bad as the fan base is complaining about.


    The problems were are seeing this off-season have nothing to do with Rob Chudzinski.     Zero.


    They have to do with Scott Tolzein instead of Andrew Luck.     With not using Frank Gore.     With no WR's 2, 3 and 4 (Moncrief, Dorsett and Rodgers)...   with an OL that is suffering dents and dings....    and with using lots of 2nd, 3rd and 4th string guys to give them long looks.      That's why we're struggling.     This was completely predictable.     And fans here are just looking to blame someone --- anyone --- and for right now,  it's Rob Chudzinski.


    He's the Fall Guy for the fan base.     And I think it's entirely misplaced.


    I'm not saying he sucks. Just not good enough to be above criticism, which you seem to be implying. If fans like yourself can be critical of Luck, then why can't others be critical of the coaches. Great coaches elevate their players and vice versa. Who do you believe deserves more credit for past offensive success, Luck or his OC's? Luck is not perfect but I believe he has won in spite of his coaches at times. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I won't even write much.     I'm pretty much going to post his bio.


    It's an easy and very impressive read.      Chudzinski has a terrific resume'.     The Colts are lucky to have him.  


    If/when Pagano gets fired,  if the new HC wants to bring in his own OC,  I don't think Chud will have to wait long to get hired.      He's very good at his job.


    His work with the Colts and Browns (two stints) and Panthers and other stops are all noted.    I encourage people here to read it and learn.



    I know and remember chuds history and imo you are over selling how good he is/was. He is not awful but like Chuck his game planning is very hit and miss. On the misses, he often like Chuck adjusts too late or not correctly. Not saying they are scrubs as coaches but like players, they are expected to improve. So being critical as fans should be expected when the schematic adjustments continue to be out maneuvered by clever coaching from the opposition.

  7. 13 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


    For sure.  They have no obligation to tell us anything but being on PUP means no practice with active roster guys.  At some point he needs to come off PUP just to get work in with the guys he will be throwing to.  I really think it has very little to do with making Wade Phillips prepare for a couple of different options.

    We all want Luck off the PUP before the final preseason game. The team obviously needs Luck to get as much practice as possible before he plays,but this season may be closer to when Peyton skipped camp and preseason. As long as he can throw without too much strain, I can live without him getting a ton of practice reps. Especially if it keeps Tolzien from starting much longer.

  8. 27 minutes ago, ColtsArmy84 said:

    But with 3 weeks to go until the regular season there's no way that they dont know whether he will be available or not! If he's not playing in week 1 then just rule him out now so at least we know.

    They have zero obligation to tell us anything until roster spaces are finalized at the conclusion of the preseason. If he is going to miss week 1, announcing that now only helps the Rams...

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