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life long

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Posts posted by life long

  1. 1 hour ago, IndyScribe said:

    Ward can fill in until Geathers gets back. But then the Colts have the problem of two safeties - one of which will want a lot of money to be a backup. 

    Pretty sure Ward's current deal has him making 4.5 million.... doesn't sound too hefty to me. According to over the cap Hooker will make ~3.1 million. So fair $ for a pro bowl vet (if healthy). IMO.

  2. 34 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    its debatable, i do think luck is better but not by some huge degree

    just curious, what is lucks record against teams with winning records, since thats the argument being used against stafford in this thread  

    P.s. the biggest stat that knocks Luck is his record outside the division is not great. Still probably comparable to Carr's and Stafford's, based off of their winning %.

  3. 23 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    its debatable, i do think luck is better but not by some huge degree

    just curious, what is lucks record against teams with winning records, since thats the argument being used against stafford in this thread  

    I agree it's debatable. Both other Qbs play in tougher divisions. I did say it was my opinion Luck is better, you agree there it seems. IDK that specific stat. I do know luck has a much higher winning percentage. He is the only one of the three to have led the league in a major passing stat. He is the only one to have won one playoff game, actually several. IMO both other Qbs have had more talent around them on both sides of the ball. I know one stat for Luck that the other two can't claim is Luck's immaculate record when the D holds opponents to 20 points. They are both great Qbs for their franchises. Still my main point at the end of my OP was Lucks deal will look like a bargain when he returns to being 100% healthy.

  4. 14 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    you cant judge one player by the teams record


    stafford is a good QB

    Find one quote of me saying Stafford is not a good qb. I started the conversation with "good for him". My post was to point out people who said Luck has not accomplished enough to warrant his extension. Yet Carr and Stafford have proven less in their careers , IMO...

  5. 2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Yes,  I didn't see the thread.  You did,  what was the name of the thread where people were calling an 8-8 season a winning season?

    I have seen plenty of threads that have stated Pagano has never had a losing season. Which is correct, he has to be thinking of those comments.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I haven't been to Japan since 1995 when I played in the very first Pokemon World Championship as an 8 year old. I remember a restaurant there having Kobe Beef, and my mom not buying me any. Was so disappointed at the time, and was even more disappointed later on when I learned how high-end it was. If I buy us something like that, it's only because I won a poker tourney and I'm curious still to try it for the first time! haha

    Yeah 80 lbs of Kobe would cost a ridiculous amount. I figured since their is almost zero chance of going 16-0, might as well ask for tippy top shelf lol. 


    I still think we could win a game without Luck..... any given sunday! 

  7. 5 hours ago, Synthetic said:


    Actually, the Pats weren't really punished harshly. They didn't have their head coach, GM, and several defensive players completely suspended just for something that happened 3 years ago prior. The Saints had the book thrown at them, all cause of a bunch of whiny babies in Minnesota couldn't handle losing a game where they turned the ball over 5 times. 


    Every dynasty in NFL history gets accused of "cheating"...


    The Steelers of the 70's get accused of steroids...Mostly thanks to bitterness from a team they completely broke in the SB. Fran Tarkenton and Minnesota were so bitter years later, they were the ones that accused them of steroids first...The Vikings didn't say a word until 4 years after the fact, and Tarkenton hilariously accused Joe Greene of being on roids, even though Greene wasn't even on the team yet when they beat them in the SB...Notice something here??? Bitter team, who couldn't handle losing to them. The 70's Vikings also blamed the refs when they lost to Dallas by a hail mary, the infamous "Drew Pearson pushed off!"...Who would've guessed that this team would still be bitter losers come 2009 when they lose to the Saints. 


    If internet existed back in the 80's and 90's, the 49ers would've been the most hated team in the league, and rightfully so...They practically bought a SB in 1994. Go pull up the 1994 49ers defense and count how many superstars that are on that roster just from free agency. That defensive roster literally looks like a pro bowl roster. They acquired not just one, but THREE All-Pro players in one off season, and then got to throw the bank at Deion Sanders and totally build up their defense in just one year. That team is the sole reason the salary cap was invented, cause this is what was happening without the cap; one team could just throw the bank at stars during the off season and completely rebuild overnight into a contender. 


    No matter how much one hates the Pats or any team in the recent era, at least they didn't literally buy a SB like the 49ers did in 1994...That team was the biggest favorites in playoff history with around a 60% favorite chance, even in the SB, they had the highest favorites with 18 and a half points over San Diego. There's an unbeatable team that was literally constructed in one off season. 


    The late 90's Broncos repeat team also abused the salary cap just like the 49ers did. Terrell Davis and Elway took money under the table to finance a defense that included mostly star power they picked up in the off season. 


    Deflategate was hands down, the dumbest manufactured controversy in recent history...The Colts got beat down so bad in that game...At least the Vikings can cling to losing in OT to the Saints in all the whining they did over Bountygate, but Deflategate was a big epic blow out. The air in the balls wasn't going to put 40 points on the board for the other team. 


    I know this place loves to try and put the Pats on the stake, but Spygate and Deflategate was as much speculation as Bountygate. The more you believe it, the more it seems true to you...At the end of the day, every dynasty in the history of the NFL has been accused of cheating by bitter fans that couldn't handle their team losing during those runs. I'm sure fans who hate the Colts can point the finger at something too....







    Not a pats fan but you are right. Dynasties in pretty much every sport in any era did whatever it took to win. Even if that meant toeing gray areas ethically or in the rule book. That said, Bill is the best HC of all time. He is by far the most knowledgeable coach in the NFL. He has trained Brady to be like Manning, a coach on the field. Brady has never won a Superbowl without a top 5 scoring defense, which showed up and won the last two Superbowl's late for the pats. As a colt fan, the pats have constantly been in my teams way, yet still nothing but respect. Even if that respect is balanced out by fandom fueled hatred. I would at least hope pats fans could accept the hatred , and understand it. No amount of debating will take away the pats legacy. Good or bad....



    P.s. the ones you are calling bitter, actually have some facts to back their beliefs of unfairness. The Steelers in that era did steroids. Every team had several players who did. Still based on their medical history after playing it's obvious the 70's Steelers were more roided than their competition. Even their QB juiced!

  8. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000836494/article/lions-matthew-stafford-agree-to-fiveyear-extension


    Good for him, but I remember people saying Luck was over paid. IMO Luck has accomplished far more than Carr or Stafford, and has more upside than both. Luck is the only one to win a playoff game, several obviously.


    I'm happy for all players getting paid. I just wonder how people questioned Luck getting paid but are fine with Stafford , Carr, and soon Ryan getting paid a good amount more. As the trend continues Luck's contract will look more like a bargain.

  9. 3 hours ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Wouldn't be surprised if this is mostly Chuck's call. Even if Ballard wants Morris I kinda doubt he'd try to nudge Chuck already, but who knows.

    Pretty sure I remembered everyone saying with Grigson gone Chuck will have complete control of the depth chart. So if he picks Tolzien, don't blame Ballard.

  10. 1 hour ago, Major_Adobe said:


    I'm betting that Butler goes back to corner. 

    I thought that at first, but Butler is better at nickel and it would allow him to rotate to and from safety easier. Plus IMO he does not have the size we want for the outside. Green and Hairston do.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

    Only a matter of time before someone tries to put a negative spin on this, but I don't care, I like what I see. With Geathers on PUP and Vontae potentially missing time with his groin injury, I find this very encouraging.

    So if Davis and Geathers are out, do they go with Green (maybe hairston) and Wilson at corner? Butler nickel with Hooker and Farley at S? 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Superman said:


    In preseason, there's a 90 man roster. That means at least 37 players on the roster now won't be here in a week. So what's the point in having those 37 other players?


    Yes, they would have cut Hennessy. Now they have another defensive player to take a look at. Just like if they had cut Hennessy and signed an unknown FA defensive player, it would be unlikely for that guy to make the roster. Martin is an unknown fringe player. I highly doubt he makes the final roster.

    Agreed. Did some of you forget how preseason week 4 works? No one wants to injure the 53 guys who will make the team. That includes Green, if he or Dorsett was likely going to be traded, neither would have played week 3 (typically).

  13. 6 hours ago, bananabucket said:

    Well the title of the article says "last week" and that was posted 6 days ago.


    He's probably at least throwing 32 yards by now.

    They have repeatedly said no setbacks. Maybe they really are being extra careful, while trying to build a competent roster. Imagine, if we can win a real NFL game with Tolzien (maybe Morris). If Luck is healthy, considering last year he was dealing with a throwing shoulder, and still successful. The COLTS could surprise the media and NFL. Maybe even some of us fans....



    Reality check... our defense still needs to get way better for anything positive to happen. 

  14. 1 hour ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

    To the bolded...if Morris is bad with any of those then he shouldn't even be a serious consideration for playing a regular season down.  He shouldn't even be on the team if he can't master the playbook or audibles, etc.  It is year 2 for him.  Get him outta' here.


    If he is adequate with these, though, it is obvious that Pags wants Tolz as the starter.  There really isn't any question in his mind.  The mere fact that he won't let Morris play with the 1's is the obvious sign.  No way you go 3 weeks with the same starter and then have the other guy play one set of downs with the 1's and declare him the starter.  Fire Pags right away if this is the case.  Mere stupidity if that happens in my opinion.


    Competition??  Yeah, everywhere but the backup QB spot.

    rant off...


    Agreed on everything. While I was impressed with ST last game, to deny Morris' presence at QB is just dumb. He has played very well. As another poster stated, Tolzien is the safer player going 1St read more often. While Morris has played against backups, often from behind. Which would lead me to expect if ST starts at LAR, he should be on a short leash. I am not opposed to rotating Qbs, if we can use both to their strengths. I am aware how unorthodox it is, and how you need fantastic coaching to pull it off. When done correctly using match-ups, as well as the hot hand, could help get W's until Luck's return.

  15. I live in Denver. The crowd here is excited to have Charles on their side now. Looked decent to me, but the worry with him is the accumulated injuries to his legs. Chiefs fans are expecting him to go down for the season at some point early.

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