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Posts posted by stitches

  1. 5 minutes ago, Superman said:


    He rubbed me the wrong way in this one. Just unnecessarily curt and standoffish. One thing Ballard understands and quickly demonstrated is that it's valuable to have a good working relationship with the media. 


    So, for example, when Ballard said 'I don't want to compare QBs,' then someone asked Steichen a similar question and he answered 'like Chris said, we're not gonna compare QBs.' Then whoever asked the question clarified that they were talking about offensive approach, and Steichen goes 'yeah, I'm not gonna talk about scheme, either.' Really?

    Yeah that was weird... Something else that rubbed me the wrong way was - on one of the questions, Steichen actually started talking and giving a legit answer and one of the reporters interrupted him and not even to ask something about what he was saying but rather to get a head start on asking Ballard a question. What the hell was that?

    5 minutes ago, Superman said:

    Now, Reich would just give away the gameplan, and that was annoying. But in this case, Steichen couldn't talk about what kind of advantages he sees in having a QB like Richardson, or how they think they can deploy him as he develops, or anything like that? He didn't even try to dress it up and give a coachspeak answer, either. Just shut it down, not even entertaining what I thought was actually a legitimate question. Generally, I don't care too much because I don't expect to get anything meaningful from what the coach says, but that annoyed me, and seemed borderline rude.

    Yeah, Steichen is not giving up much at all. At first in other interviews this off-season I thought it might be him guarding against giving up something for the draft, but it seems like he just does not like talking to the media much at all. He might be some version of Bill Belickick in that regard.

  2. 4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    And that was when they knew their target was Richardson.  

    Look…   I’ve pretty much disagreed with you about most everything all off-season.   We see most things differently.   I elected not to get into long drawn-out back and forth exchanges with you.   I chalked it up to seeing the same thing differently.   That’s been happening for you and me more during the last few off-seasons.   So be it.  

    I don't mind disagreements. I disagree with a lot of people around here and I'm having good faith cordial discussions with them about it. At the end of the day we are here to share into the excitement of our team and we all ultimately want the best for the team.

    4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    But when I read your blast of the media on a good night for the Colts, it was a bridge too far for me.   And I don’t care about ripping the media, but as GoColts8818 said,  these media types weren’t wrong.   They’re offering opinions and giving out best info available.   At this time of year, it’s Lying Season.   There’s plenty of mis-information out there.  Blaming people for not being perfect seems badly misplaced.  


    My biggest gripe is the certainty and smugness some of them operate with, accompanied with certain needling of the team. And then the next important decision comes and they again do the same thing, despite being completely wrong(or if you want to put it euphemistically - despite giving opinions based on clearly bad info) on the previous one. And it doesn't even enter into their mind to ask themselves "Should I actually believe what that person told me, when it's clear they had no idea what they were talking about the last time". But for them it's more important to be able to say or write "league sources told me this"(i.e. people from other teams that are NOT the Colts)...

  3. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You think Ballard is so honest he wouldn’t put out a smoke screen?    

    The Colts sent everyone to the Levis workout.   They only sent Morocco Brown to AR’s pro day.   Total smoke screen.   And that was when they knew their interest was with AR and not Levis.   Ballard is incredibly honest.   But he’d lie to your face and my face if it suited his needs and he should.  Info is gold. 



    The Colts sent everyone to every of the big QB's workouts. They were on a trip with the team plane - starting from California on the Monday for Stroud and Young workouts, Utah on Tuesday(for Jaren Hall), Florida on Wednesday and Kentucky on Thursday - it was the same people on the same trip. 


    On the pro-days they sent local area scouts to Ohio State, Alabama and Kentucky..... and they sent Marocco Brown to AR's pro-day. Is that a smoke screen or the opposite? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, ChuggaBeer said:


    Yep Basically I listen to the wrong people and said there was NOTHING coming out of the Colts  The media was wrong 

    One of the few people who said they have heard anything about Richardson to the Colts was Dane Brugler from the day before the draft. And he didn't use the nebulous "people around the league think this or that".... he was as specific as he could be - his source was a scout from the Chiefs that Ballard was scouting  with in the past. He said that source told him "If I had to guess, it's Richardson" 

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:


    Man, I was just about to say the same thing. I thought about that, the Levis stuff possibly being a smoke screen, but Ballard just really seems to not have any interest in deception. Especially with his whole “sidebar” rant in the post-pick presser. Which definitely seemed related to CJ Stroud, especially considering Stroud said Ballard checked in on him a lot.

    Yeah, Ballard seems like he's really genuine person in general. Someone who has no time or patience for nonsense and games. And maybe that's why he's so liked in the league. I have my issues with some of his philosophies but on this I love how he handles himself. 

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  6. 5 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    you ever think maybe the Colts leaked the Levis stuff on purpose to throw people off the trail they wanted Richardson so no one came up to get him?  Ballard at least seemed to consider that someone would as he admitted they called Arizona about going to number three.

    Honestly I doubt it... Ballard had a chance to let the Levis thing go and keep the illusion and the first chance he got to refute it, he did it... BEFORE THE DRAFT. If ONLY anyone wanted to listen... I feel like Ballard is incapable of releasing a smokescreen. He seems incredibly honest and forthright with everything he says. He won't tell you the exact pick... but he will give you all the information you need to get really close to it... 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    There were local guys also saying the same thing.    And simply saying the national media is ridiculous.   There are literally dozens and dozens of NFL analysts at the national level.  

    There’s a variety of opinion.   But all you can do is blast NATIONAL MEDIA.   You don’t know who so you blast everyone.   It’s the same nonsense that most media haters here do.   Blast the big group they don’t like.   It’s old and tired and wrong. 


    Funny how I don’t see you blasting local media?   They got plenty wrong too.   But nothing from you. 

    Funny how I don’t see you blast many posters here who also got it wrong. 

    People here don’t know or understand media.    It’s entirely predictable.  


    Oh don't get me wrong... I've blasted local media too... in fact I didn't include them because I don't have high expectations for them. JMV has been harping on his Levis info for like ... 5 months. Non stop, every day... every time he talks about the draft it was "I have this info that they love Levis" ... on and on and on... but I've given up on the local Indy media long ago... 


    With that said a lot of the other local guys were much closer to the truth in this specific case. Especially Holder... 

  8. Just now, NewColtsFan said:

    Maybe things don’t translate clearly across to Europe.    I think your anakysis is ridiculous.   

    In what way? What of those is not true? 


    Am I the only one who was left with that impression... please, other fans from the US, let me know if I am horribly wrong here or NewColtsFan just doesn't like when people point out the failures of his colleagues... 

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Tell us…..


    How horribly wrong were they?    Did they get Steichen wrong?   

    Yes they did! For a month they were telling us how all they are hearing is that we will keep Saturday. I don't think they even considered Steichen as a prime candidate at all. 

    3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Did they get taking a QB at 4 wrong?   

    Yes, for the last 2 weeks they've been saying the Colts want Levis, love Levis, Manning gave his blessings for Levis, etc. 

    3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    What did the national media get wrong?   


    Those two things... yes. HORRIBLY WRONG. 

  10. And something else... not really anything to do with Richardson but ... I just want to see who of the big national media reporters and draft analysts will come out and admit they don't know % about what is going in the Colts building. There are some especially smug people in national media that keep pretending like they have it all figured out with the Colts and they have been now horribly wrong on the two most important decisions the Colts have made this off-season. 

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  11. Just now, Shive said:

    Its a good fit for them. I've seen Grover Stewart as a comp. Absolute game wrecker against the run with some pass rush ability.

    Yeah, actually Grover is a good comp. Really big DT with great athleticism. But needs refinement... the thing is... we got Grover in the 4th... 

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