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Posts posted by stitches

  1. 3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:


    I’ll give Destin credit for apologizing and not just pretending like it didn’t happen.

    Destin is a serious person and I have no doubt he had a source that was telling him that. He is still very young and green in that reporting business so he will learn with experience what sources to trust and in what types of cases... Good for him for admitting his mistake. 

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  2. I think Herbert is the last problem of that team. This reminds me about how Colts fans used to trash AC simply because he was the most known player on a horrible OL, while in reality he was one of the most underrated players in the league and very little of our OL problems were of his doing. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    To the best of my knowledge I don’t have access to a website that addresses pressures.   So I don’t know what a good number is or what a bad number is.   But if the Colts are in the bottom 5 in pressures, I’d like to be somewhere in the middle.  So, perhaps between ranks 11-20.   Does that seem reasonable?   Obviously the higher the better, maybe 15-17?   I’m reaching because I have no frame of reference for what is realistic or not.  

    That's... reasonable I guess. IMO unless we add more/better talent at pass-rusher, I'd be satisfied with Partridge's work if we are in the 18-22 range in pressures... and again somewhere in the middle in sacks(45-46?)... BTW notice - this doesn't mean I'd be satisfied with Ballard's building of this DL. IMO when you are playing this type of system you need your DL to be much better and he needs to get much better talent. Middle of the pack DL for a team that heavily relies on rushing with 4 and giving big cushions to the receivers is not a recipe for success. 

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  4. 10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    If you think the 51 sacks the Colts had last year didn’t help the team get to 9-8 then I don’t know what to tell you.   ANY team would be happy with 51 sacks.   

    I'm happy with 51 sacks. But that's not sustainable if we play the same way. If we continue playing at that level, chances are we will be closer to 40 sacks than 50 next year... or in the long run in general. 


    10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You're complaining about the lack of pressures.  Everyone wants more pressures.   The Colts took a big step in trying to address it.  The new DL coach.  So Ballard is trying to get the most out of his unit and get more pressures.  

    What would constitute good season for the DL in your estimation? What would constitute the new DL coach having made a good positive impact? What improvements do you want to see? I'm trying to understand just what do you think the imact of the new coach will be... we were bottom 5 in the league in pressures and top 5 in the league in sacks. Based on some of your posts I feel like you have unrealistic expectations about the improvements a DL coach can bring to a team, but I'm not sure... that's why I'm asking. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, RollerColt said:

    Ballard will be on the hot seat and Bradley would be gone. 

    Just to play devils advocate, what will you all say if the defense continues to collect a large amount of sacks, stays within the top 20 and we make the playoffs?

    Sacks are not a great measure of how good/disruptive the DL is. If they stay at about the same level they were this year and we make the playoffs, it will likely be not because of the defense that we make the playoffs but despite it. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Ballard will not go DE. Chances are the couple that are worth it will go before colts. We are loaded on the dline. If he does further evidence he doesn’t know what he is doing.

    Chloe, you still don't get it. Ballard does NOT value CB at that level. I really doubt he spends a top 15 pick on the position, especially since NONE of the top CBs in the draft cover his length requirements for the position. He might trade back to the end of the 1st or beginning of R2 and take like... Kool-Aid McKinstry or TJ Tampa or Ennis Rakestraw ... 


    But you know what position he really values? He values the hell out of the trenches and especially defensive trenches... and there are players in that 15 range that fit the bill... Dallas Turner(if he falls to 15)... he's like almost carbon copy of the guy he tried to sign in FA - Danielle Hunter if you look at his measurements and testing, Jared Verse, Chop Robinson, Latu... he can easily fall in love with any of them IMO, 

    • Like 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    Did you hear what they said? They said smart teams do not spend a lot on free agency (when they were talking about the Cowboys). I agree with them.


    The part about the Colts had not played yet.

    I think smart teams spend selectively in FA and smart teams have much better focus on areas of the team that best correlate with winning. 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Zoltan said:

    How did you get the 35 Million number?

    Stewart is 10.3 this year and Davis is 5 million cap hit this year.



    I don't care about boring label. He's a fantastic 3rd down WR, who has had 3,159 yards over 3 seasons with 3 different average at best QBs and being the focus of the passing game. He would have gotten paid more if he made it to FA.

    I was ballparking it 10.5+7.5(Davis - 5 this year, but he has 2.5M dead cap for next year too), Taven Bryan(3.5M... that's what we paid him last year... haven't seen the new number), Franklin(10M)... 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Yeah maybe that’s where they were getting at. But we still haven’t seen him play a down so their argument was dumb.

    The team was 15 yards away from a division win. Yeah taking a step back with less wins is not going to make Irsay happy and it’s a terrible look for Ballard.


    Caleb is considered a generational prospect by a lot of people in the league. There is a high level of certainty that he will be good even before he takes a snap in the league. This wasn't true with AR and that's why they needed to see a few more games of his progression and a few more games of him looking like a good NFL QB. And I think that's fair... I think I'm right about there with them on this one... 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    That’s probably an issue for those who live away from the team. But Indianapolis has over 1 million people in the area and a good number of them support the local teams. Go further out and a large portion of the state supports the team. 

    By that metric, the Chiefs are the most popular team in the nation and picked up a large amount due to a pop singer dating the tight end. 

    That's kind of true... but if I had to guess the Chiefs were getting a lot more new fans even before Swift and Kelce got together, simply because they had some of the most exciting players to watch. 

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Zoltan said:

    While I agree on the Franklin contract, I think they have some bad takes on the others like the Pittman and Stewart signing. Run defenders are important, it's not a flashy position and isn't stat heavy where you can see someones worth in stat numbers. So when it comes to podcasters, I think they really undervalue the position. The Pittman take was just bad, keeping him on the franchise tag makes it nearly impossible to resign him the following year without him reaching free agency and most likely getting a way larger contract elsewhere.

    Run defense is important. It's not important enough to spend 35M on it this off-season while almost entirely neglecting the pass-defense part. 


    On Pittman, I agree with you kind of(meaning, I don't mind that contract)... but I also see their point. When it comes to highly paid receivers... paying 23M to a possession receiver, who again IMO fits the "boring" label, is probably more than most teams would spend. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Hs ha. Those guys said they would take Caleb over Richardson because he hasn’t seen enough of Richardson. But Caleb hasn’t played a down. lol 

    There is more film of Caleb in college. Much more... and at higher and more consistent level. I don't know how you can fault them for that take... I'd take Caleb over RIchardson... and I'm probably Richardson's biggest fan here. 


    IMO the very fact that they are having that discussion is showing just how high they are on Richardson, rather than being disrespectful in any way. 

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  13. Just now, 1959Colts said:

    Calls the Colts players boring and mediocre. Makes Ballard sound dumb. 

    It's like they are reading my mind. I called them boring last year before AR's drafting and I was hoping AR will bring in some of the missing excitement back... and he did to a degree while he played... but the rest of the roster is painfully unmistakably boring. And boring is not necessarily bad... you can have a boring machine of a team that destroys every opponent, but when the boring is married with mediocre... then the product is almost unwatchable.


    I wonder if there are metrics about how much new fans every team attracts. If I had to guess, the Colts would be around the bottom of the league during Ballard's tenure. If you are not already a fan of this team, is there any reason to tune in and watch a Colts game? 


    So yeah... again... here's to hoping AR can stay healthy and changes some of this... 

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  14. 2 hours ago, compuls1v3 said:

    I hope this doesn't come true.  But what if AR turns out to be the next JaMarcus Russell?  We load up on FAs, in 2-3 years he busts, then what??  Go draft another QB?  All the contacts will be up and will we still have the cap to resign them?  Probably not.   We'd end up like the Rams.

    If AR busts nothing else on the roster matters. If anything - you can argue, at least having solid pieces on the roster will make it easier for the next GM to trade some of them for draft capital and go for his choice of a QB.


    And I still think you need to stack the weapons for young QB. This has been the case throughout the league. Every big time young QB in the league exploded when he got good weapons. Mahomes had Tyreek and Kelce. Hurts took the next step with Devonta Smith and AJ Brown. Burrow made strides with Chase and Higgings, Tua - Tyreek and Waddle... Etc. we don't have a single pass catching weapon as good as any of those. You need to be sure with your QB and you need to not give him or yourself any excuses - add weapons, protect him and let's see if he's good enough or not, rather than wondering in 2 years whether we did enough for him to succeed or not.

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