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Status Replies posted by Jules

  1. I'm cooking for 13 on Thanksgiving and had the menu all planned, list made, cooking timeline set.  One is vegetarian and I had plenty of veggie options.  I just found out another is both gluten and dairy free.  EVERYTHING has gluten and/or dairy. I am FREAKING OUT

    1. Jules


      Cooking and eating gluten free is hell, I tried it once for fun for two weeks just to see what it was all about as almost a fad diet experimentation. It was during a hot period in the summer and it was easy just to eat salads with meat and then WHOOPS, salad dressings can have gluten!!!!! I had to stop it since I found out my husband was going through fast food drive thrus in private and was starving. lmao 


      Most meat and veggies do not have gluten. The gravy and stuffing would be a problem though. And I hate any deserts that are gluten free, ick. I mean give me a real desert.


      I am lucky I don't have to cook anything for Thanksgiving outside of making one desert lol.

      Good luck Nadine! I am sure it will all come out terrific in the end.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Red Sox smashing up the Yankees=extremely happy husband. 

    1. Jules


      lmao the place emptied early.


      But it's not over yet sadly. I mean the series.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Movie Quote #2....Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner!

    1. Jules


      Knew that was "dirty dancing" in half a second lol. I had seen it a million times.

  4. Going to Colts/Pats with my husband next month. LOL should I cover my eyes during the game or can an upset happen? Luck looks fine IMO, but Brady is some sort of freak ageless wonder that even makes Lebron James jealous.

    1. Jules


      Yeah I try to hide he is a Boston sports fan here but I think the cat is out of the bag. haha My husband is from Worcester, MA. He's one of the nice ones though and actually likes Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck.


      I had told some people a while ago here too I live in New England. We moved here when I was a very young. I was born and raised in Indy though.


      Only team I kept with me from moving was the Colts and I will never give up the Colts. He knows this. haha I kinda like the Pacers but never got hard into them. I only kept the Colts as my childhood team. I have not been to Indy since 2007.


      But with the Patriots, I think it's more like his third team or something. He is more into the Red Sox and Celtics.


      I adopted the Celtics with him last summer and it was real easy. I always was into Brad Stevens going back to his Butler days. We kinda do the Celtics thing together hardcore.


      The first picture he ever saw of me btw was me with a Colts scarf around my neck. It was a pic of me and my cousin Erin. Erin's husband Rich showed Mark (my husband) me and said "You should meet Erin's cousin."

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. My husband has the Pats/Eagles game on. Why won't the Pats decline? :(

    1. Jules


      Yeah same date but totally unplanned by us. lmao I didn't even realize it was the royal day until everyone started telling me as it got closer.


      Guess it was princess and prince day for us too. haha 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. My husband has the Pats/Eagles game on. Why won't the Pats decline? :(

    1. Jules


      Yep husband Gramz, can you believe it? I was never the type who wanted to get married but my Mark was the one. I wasn't here all summer either, but I remember telling you back in the dead of winter here in a status I got engaged and you mentioned something about you and your husband also meeting something in your 30's.


      To make a long story short. I met Mark the summer of 2015. At the time my first cousins husband worked with him. Showed Mark a picture of me and said we should meet. He apparently had love at first sight with me. We were "just friends" for a long time. Mark's a year older then me. Our first time meeting was seeing that silly Adam Sandler movie "Pixels" in the theater. We liked each other, but I was hesitant on the idea of a relationship but he waited for me to come around finally and last spring/summer we became official. On Christmas Eve he proposed. Married on May 19th. And now here we are married and in a new house.




      It's great though, we honestly can even read each others minds. I am really digging my life with him.



      I think I jinxed that preseason game last night too since it seems the Pats lost their first round pick for the year and Foles busted his shoulder. 


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      Not 100% sold yet the Jags win the division, our division is pretty topsy turvy......it's in flux IMO. Might come down to the end of the year.


      Vikings can win it IMO unless the Packers have a surge but I often give up lately on picking Green Bay lol. 


      I got to log off, but I got to see the Pats look great while being there usual boring selves, sigh. 


      Want to see the Colts play but it's not until Monday sadly.


      Sounds like Foles strained his shoulder tonight, it was a hard hitting preseason game.


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      Ugh, after seeing the Pats tonight in the first half with Brady playing the ENTIRE half and looking 30 years old.......maybe I should give up on NFL predictions until he retires?


      @southwest1 Buddy and Holly are tired of preseason but happy the cool air is coming in tonight, been a warm period lately. 



      I would love to see the Falcons for some odd reason get it done. Not sure why but I feel bad for all the playoff crap Matt Ryan has gone through.



    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  9. My husband has the Pats/Eagles game on. Why won't the Pats decline? :(

    1. Jules


      There is actually a realistic chance the Pats/Red Sox/Celtics are all in the big games. Wow.....

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. My husband has the Pats/Eagles game on. Why won't the Pats decline? :(

    1. Jules


      Maybe the hot streak for Nick Foles is going to end? Hmmm.........not so sure I am feeling him as much anymore.


      Brady played a lot.


      Pats looked like they wanted a little SB revenge too. Defensively tonight they made actual plays, unlike you know in the Super Bowl.


      A lot of odd flags in this game too.......for both sides....hmmm.....sometimes I hate the NFL with the calls now more then the NBA.


      I just cannot grasp Brady is 41 years old. I think his receivers can look crappy at times tonight but he still doesn't look "old". I mean Peyton at least looked his age in football years when he was in his late 30's.



      How's married life going Jules? He knows you're in charge 24/7 right? Just kidding! I hope all is well on your end anyway.


      I had another status on that but it's been great. Our new house is finally settled and most of the work has been done. We had a honeymoon in Hawaii too.


      He is trying to make a Celtics room though for us and game viewing.  lmao 



      Finally tonight it's cooling off a bit too outside so the windows are all open. We just been chilling out......


      Been a HOT summer at times so this air feels terrific.


      Hope all is well with you too southwest!!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      Buddy (he never sits still a lot lol)




      Holly (she is less orange then her brother but more shy too and mommy's girl)








    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      @teganslaw lol the names of the kittens are an inside joke with us. When my husband and I first had met, we were just friends for a long time. One of the things we talked about early on was 90's music. And this song kept coming back in convos:



      Which then led to in depth convos about the real Buddy Holly too, his music and his death. lmao So Buddy Holly has often been kinda of our "thing".


      So that leads us to the new fluffy brother and sister kittens we got this summer named "Buddy" and "Holly". lmao These furry orange babies are a lot of fun though, very playful. They entertain each other too and sleep together all the time. And they follow me around a lot.


      I had always wanted orange kittens.



      Brady has to decline sometime, doesn't he? He's not bionic or anything. Or is he?


      I am not sold on the Pats again, like I wasn't last year. But, @2006Coltsbestever may be right, who else is there to pick in the AFC?

      I still can't grasp that he's 41 years old now. All of these big name star QBs are getting old out there...


      I think I agree on 2006 that I would favor the NFC to win it all.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      I saw a little of tonight, Luck looks good IMO for having not played in a long time. 


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      I don't really know what to say about the Lakers and how to get started, might have to save that for a later time lmao. I had a hunch he might go there, but I have to think Lebron is waiting for them to get another star or two in the next year? I mean that team can't compete with the best in the west IMO right now. 


      But man Lance Stephenson and Lebron on the same team? And Rondo? lmaolmaolmao OMG. And the Ball family. WOW.


      And why the heck is the opening game Philly at Boston and Christmas is Philly at Boston? Sheesh league we get it we get it. Would have liked to have seen them throw in Boston/Indy or something to mix it up, Celtics/Bucks even. They are constantly trying to force Boston/Philly since the London game last year.


      Tyreke Evans is a good signing btw. Pacers will be no joke.


      I know I will have my rosary beads out for the opener for Hayward. It's the same time slot as last season....TNT.



      Ugh I can't pick the NFL right now but is it bad to say I can't put the Pats in the big game? I mean Brady is 41....will he decline?

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      I want to believe, it's tough with the Sox. Even Mark says he has seen them blow it so many times it's never a given until it happens. They seem to have something special this year so who knows? But it IS the Red Sox......so.....


      LOL I had to think you would be the first to post. I was thinking you would be. 


      Hopefully Luck stays healthy, we need a break....


      My biggest interests are still Celtics and Colts.


      I am way way way behind though. I mean really behind in sports.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hey everyone!!! Been MIA for a while. The wedding was really great with everyone I know :heart:,  honeymoon was in Hawaii and was a blast. What took most of the summer was moving into the new house with my husband Mark, was A LOT of work, still doing stuff. Tons of fun this summer but man has it been HOT off and on, wow. We got two kittens named Buddy and Holly (don't ask lol).

    I hear Andrew Luck is still alive!!!!:rock:Whooo hoooo he lives!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and has had a good summer. Nice to check back in with you all.:kitty:

    The font and stuff here has changed? lol

    1. Jules


      lol how did I know you would instantly have picks for me? :)  Good stuff.  Would like to see the Colts get back into the playoff thing.


      I have to ask, are the Red Sox for real? They win A LOT. I told you a while ago my husband has been a fan of them since he was a little boy. Can they win it all? 

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  17. Do you all have any plans for Valentine's? Nothing fancy here. Just hanging out with family. Just an "ordinary" day for a single gal!

    1. Jules


      No doubt about that, men do need subtle hints and pushes quite often LOL. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Do you all have any plans for Valentine's? Nothing fancy here. Just hanging out with family. Just an "ordinary" day for a single gal!

    1. Jules


      Dinner out with my fiance Mark. 


      I already hinted "Roses, I want roses......."


      A teddy bear would not hurt either.


      And candy.



      Man us women are fussy LOL. lmao 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. It is still Lebron's world after all lol

    1. Jules


      C's will get better again defensively when Smart returns. Since without him, they seem to miss that spark plug. They are sewer trash lately.


      Raptors IMO are the best east team on paper, best bench too. Great home crowd and they are hungry. Problem is......sigh, it's the Raptors. Even their fans are dumb aazzes from Canada.


      I think every eastern team has dangerous aspects to them but I still got to say Lebron is the favorite until he is knocked off is all.  I mean......it's LEBRON. lmao 



      I am now considering Oladipo a Superstar at this point and the Greek Freak definitely is.


      They are great players, but I think they need to show more in the playoffs for a few years before I can put them in true superstar status. Same with the hyped up Sixers too.


      Like I need signature moments and games too or something. But the playoffs are not all that matters. But it's why Kyle Lowry is a great all star player but is known for being a dud in the postseason. 


      I like Oladipo more than the Greek Freak. ESPN is in love with the Bucks, they kinda worry me since I fear they will get ref help in the postseason. Oladipo I think will prove himself in the postseason in the next few years win or lose since his numbers are usually great.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. It is still Lebron's world after all lol

    1. Jules


      BTW you aren't stupid, you know the refs will favor Lebron in the east again. lmao They were doing it yesterday too in the first half until the game got away from the Celtics.


      They want Lebron. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. It is still Lebron's world after all lol

    1. Jules


      C's have been on and off trash for the last few weeks. I am hoping Smart will give them a boost soon.

      But they been trash. Not as bad as the Knicks though. I know a Knicks fan btw who is friends with my fiance and this guy is always making fun of his team. lmao And with KP out.......that just sucks man!! Another great player bites the dust.


      Cavs might be iffy but they did manage to get rid of the sewer team they had and find more athletic compliments to surround Lebron with. The defense will get better now. I think the moves were pretty fantastic honestly. They will need more time to gel though and stuff.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. It is still Lebron's world after all lol

    1. Jules


       Celtics not ready yet, too young. Kyrie was great early but it's not enough, get Hayward ready for next year. This new cavs team live is amazingly athletic around lebron with better shooting, the dead weight is gone. Lebron is refreshed.


       Cavs faves again.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. I am having a double wedding in May I joke to my fiance. To him and Brad Stevens. Kyrie been out for the last week and 3-0 and even using AL HORFORD at point guard and making it work? Just get out of here, I can't take it anymore!!!! This man makes stuff work when it looks impossible.



    1. Jules


      Stevens is hilarious. Cool as ice. lmao 




  24. I shockingly fit perfectly in my mom's wedding dress she wore marrying my dad in the 70's. So I am going to wear it for my own wedding in May. Just needs a few adjustments here and there and a professional cleaning since it has been in a box wrapped up for so long preserved. But I am almost the same exact size as my mom my whole life. 

    Needless to say me wearing her wedding dress has my folks an emotional mess. They are loving this.


    But it sure saves me a load of having to go around looking for a NEW dress and spending extra money on it that we can use for something else. Although this dress cost a fortune in the 70's for prices then so it's me going retro. It's sort of a Grace Kelly style wedding dress.

    1. Jules


      Too bad she got rid of that dress, but then again everyone is different when it comes to saving things. My mom saved everything. I mean she preserved her dress forever wrapped up in some airtight bag and a box. And her mother, my grandmother died when I was in the 4th grade sadly. But my mom saved her mom's cream wedding outfit too and still has that preserved! But no my mom is not going to wear her mom's outfit. lmao We are not going that far. 


      Oh this dress will be saved forever though, my mom is big on memories. Photos etc. Just everything.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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