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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. Yep. Like I said. Brewers are posers. Reds or Cubs would’ve given a better fight to represent the division.
  2. It really is, it’s oddly free feeling. I enjoy that it can be really technical at times, and yet there’s also quiet moments where it’s just you and the trees whirling past with everything dark except the trails. Night time skiing is.. well just such an experience. Mad props to you guys for playing that sport. It’s insane how fast that ball goes!
  3. lol you aren’t wrong there! I have a large family quite spread out around the country. I have some in Chicago, I can’t imagine dealing with that type of cold each year.
  4. Jai-Alai? That’s so cool! Very old school (considering it’s 14th century lol)
  5. As a Bengals fan, I agree. Most of us in the greater Cincy region can tell he’s fighting through it. As for his pressers? I’m not surprised he’s playing it off. Why incite a panic? He was fairly honest at the start of the season that he was hurting bad. He could be telling the truth on being better, but he did miss out on valuable time to get with his receivers. I wouldn’t be shocked if they lose to the Cards and more this season. They all have down years now and then. And Taylor (the coach) could be gone depending on how bad the season gets.
  6. When I was younger I knew a lot of retired Indiana teachers who were “snowbirds” that traveled to live in Florida during the winter. I’m only 35 so I’ve got a ways to go, but I’ve already thought of having a place more to the south to go to in the distant future. I’m fortunate enough to live in southeast Indiana where we have a decent ski resort, that makes the winters worth it at least while I’m young!
  7. How do you like living in Florida? A lot of my family have moved there over the years. My wife and I discovered we’re more into the mountain scene.
  8. Pitch count like reported. But it would be cool for him to make a big play at least once. Get the whole team fired up.
  9. It’s a growing season and we have renewed hope. We’ve got a young QB and coach, the potential is there. The PR has to play their game just like anyone else. All companies and corporations emphasize positive image.
  10. I think we might be reaching the conclusion of this thread. Not much more to be gained by this.
  11. Ballard did say back in August that he doesn’t give up on relationships just because of differing opinions. He’s shown to be a man of his word in that regard. I honestly haven’t found any statements from him personally about wanting to wait on JT to prove his health before paying him. That was speculation from the media it seems. I get those being upset in a way. I also get those who are happy it’s over with. As a fan of the team I’m very glad our top weapon is back. If we start winning some games in the coming weeks it will heal the wounds more.
  12. Adams or nothing for me if we’re truly going to trade. I’ve witnessed Adams wreck games single handedly.
  13. One of my all time favorite of the Bears. We’ll miss him!
  14. I actually really like those commanders unis tonight.
  15. That’s true for many. Agreed. Almost all of us view the Colts as a general entity in a positive way since we’re fans. We like the team, like the players and so on. We react to the situations as they come.
  16. Would the other owners be cool with it? That situation would open the flood gates for superstar players to essentially do this at the end of their contacts every time.
  17. Where was Holder with the tough questions? He kept repeating the same question over and over to Ballard and Steichen during their press conference, and yet with Taylor it’s one and done…
  18. So he plays one game and then sits and ghosts the team for the remainder of the season… and then hits free agency and leaves. It’s possible but that would be such a scummy thing to do, and how would other GMs look at that and think “it’s fine he couldn’t do it to us, right? Right?” Plus it would set a precedent for other players to do the same down the road. I imagine the owners wouldn’t like that. So if he quits on us after 1 game, it’s also possible nobody calls him or his agent in the offseason.
  19. My guess is with so many injuries already, Shane is attempting to give the team a light week to get healthy. At this point it's all about gaining as much strength as possible to face the Titans head on.
  20. You mean when Ballard was straight up about the fact that it was about a disagreement on money?
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