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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. 45 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    I doubt guilt had anything to do with his actions.  I think his lawyers clued him into a legal loophole to get his daughter some guaranteed money and he wouldn't have to rot in prison for the rest of his life.


    I don't agree with what he did, but it saved the taxpayers some money, and might have been the best thing he could do for his daughter.

    But he still had a chance to have gotten his sentence vacated if he was still alive, he didn't have to do it....

  2. 17 hours ago, SteelDragon said:

    If I understand correctly, a quirky rule on the Massachusetts lawbooks essentially exonerates a defendant at the time of death. In the eyes of the Massachusetts courts, Hernandez is an innocent man because he did not get a chance to appeal. Therefore, the remains of his once formidable fortune are not subjected to civil lawsuits, leaving his daughter and Fiancee a great deal of money and whats left of his once great accomplishments.Perhaps he delayed killing himself because his lawyers were confident he would be acquitted and he wanted that acquittal for what's left of his reputation? ...All conjecture on my part

    I don't know if you are exonerated, but if the defendant dies before the appeal has been heard I think his family is still eligible to collect his pension from the Pats.

  3. Can't believe the Rangers bounced back that way last night. Although we need more offense, the D stood up considering Brendan Smith died for our sins last night, and Montreal could only score when there was six men on the ice. Blowing game 2 is really killing me knowing we could be up 3-1 right now, but it's the Rangers and we always make it harder for ourselves. Hank is in top form.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Superman said:


    The player that immediately came to mind is Jake Butt.

    Do you think he would last that long? Injury aside, I had him below Howard and Njoku. Njoku is a possible first rounder. I am no draft expert and am going simply by the guys I watched from college without doing a ton of research so I'm genuinely wondering.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Or fortunate if you're the daughter of a *.  Despite poplar opinion, many kids grow up just fine in broken households because the * parent(s) aren't around to provide a bad influence.

    She's probably better off with just the money and not having to visit her scumbag dad in prison for the next 50 years.

  6. 1 hour ago, Luck is Good said:

    Wow. I know it's bad and all but if there was a time to kill yourself, this would've been it. He wasn't gonna ever see the light of day again. Still sad nonetheless

    Not my quote


    "I think he had resigned himself to a guilty verdict in the double homicide and when he was acquitted the reality of just how incredibly stupid the Odin Lloyd murder was finally hit him like a ton of bricks and he couldn't bear it. Remember, the motive in the Odin Lloyd trial was that Hernandez was worried Lloyd might have been talking to people about the exact double homicide he was just found not guilty of. So he basically killed a guy, his future sister in-law's boyfriend no less, because he was worried about him possibly talking about other murders he ended up getting away with. He openly cried in court last week, something he did not really do in the first trial. I think he had already played the possible outcomes out in his head, and like I said earlier, was resigned to a guilty verdict. Had he been found guilty i think it would have in someway justified the Lloyd murder in his head or at least not changed his mental status quo. When he ended up being found not guilty it added so much more pain and self hatred to his decisions involving Lloyd that he simply could not deal with the stress anymore."


    They were working on this acquittal as the foundation for his appeal of the Lloyd conviction. 

  7. Good, Steiner Sports is a horrible business. The Giants are contractually obligated to provide game used equipment so Eli, not caring about this contract and focused on his own job, was lazy in fulfilling these obligations and tried to just get it done all at once. These folks are the people who dig up the dirt the minute Jeter stepps off the field to sell it to you, same with melting down the ice at the Nassau Coliseum to sell the water to you. They stink.


    My friend worked for SportsMemorabilia.com in Miami (prior to being acquired by Fanatics) and he said you wouldn't believe how much "verified" memorabilia is actually fake. 

  8. So bummed. Rangers STINK at home. I was at MSG Friday night at Billy Joel happy as a pig in you know what watching the clock tick down on my phone until it stopped with 17 seconds left and I got 5 angry texts from friends. Can't believe AV went with Staal and Holden for the final shift. They can't score anymore either, time to get Glass out and put Buchnevich in.


    Glad Talbot is killing it for Edmonton, really surprised that Chicago is down 0-2, CBJ is down 0-3, STL is up 3-0, and Washington is in a tough series so far.

  9. His best year was the last year of his contract and now he's old for NFL standards. He's not going to get the money he thinks he deserves after under performing for the two years prior to his contract year.

  10. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    IMO this signing would've never happened had Grigson been here. 325 pounder at NT and just turned 25. Great day to be a Colts fan.

    He would have overpaid for JPP or Poe.

  11. 2 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

    Checked Giants message board. Giants fans 50-50 on whether this will hurt the Giants DL.....For what that is worth.

    Yep, some think he didn't produce but fail to mention he played out of position. Others are mad he's gone since they signed JPP back for such a big deal instead. They still have Snacks.

  12. 17 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    That's wicked.  I'm jealous haha.  Your Rangers took game one.  Meanwhile my Oilers lost in OT....


    Here's hoping the Caps can lift my spirits!

    I can't say they completely stole that game, but Glass's lucky unassisted backhand changed the tune and playoff Henrik was locked in. They are true road warriors.


    I haven't even checked all the scores I just saw our game, Boston came back, and Pitt won handily after Murray got hurt in warmups. I saw a graph of prices for each team. I thought Rangers were bad at like 170 for cheapest seat...Oilers are 360 for cheapest, absolutely insane. Good luck to the Caps tonight!

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