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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. Agreed. Luck is having to accelerate everything and is not relaxed due to the frenzy on the OL right now.


    At the same time, Indy showed much more positives when they switched to a fast paced short passing game which allowed Luck to get rid of the ball quickly.

    Now the question is, does Pep see this and adjust accordingly.....Not sure I have faith in him to do that

  2. This is a VERY interesting thread. Especially about Thornton crying, being soft, and not being a "tough guy". OK here's why its so, so very interesting to me.......Cultural differences!!!! OK I grew up in southern Kentucky. As did most of my family. My grandpa lived in Indiana several years (work) but was still born and raised in Ky. and returned before I was born. We have a lot of family in Indiana, but we're all, for the most part born and raised in southern Ky. The cultural difference are just amazing to say the least. In the south its a totally different world. I know we have some posters here from everywhere. I think NewColtsFan is from Cali right? Some guys from other countries too. Total differences in the way of life when you compare Ky. to Cali. Down here. Its like cool to be the tough guy you know. The alpha male, etc. You cant be soft lol. You got made fun of for crying or being weak. When we were in High School, if you got in a fight and won, you were literally like the coolest kid in school LOL. And Every parent whips their children. Whipping you son isn't considered wrong here by the majority. Hell my elementary school was still paddling students when I was in 5th grade. (Like 2001) Its just a totally different world in the south and especially So. Ky. Everyone down here was just amazed that AP got in so much trouble for whipping his son. Nobody could comprehend it lol. Also If you put a back woods country boy from my town in California the California folks would be in shock LOL. I'm no redneck in no way, shape, or form. but still in certain ways a product of environment.

    I've seen plenty of people from KY cry bro.....  mostly around Lexington.  Being from small town rural Indiana, I see some of what you are saying.....but up above the Ohio river, we just called kids like that d-bags......not "cool kids" in High School.... and that was dang near 20 years ago..... 

  3. The Patriots beat the Bills, while the Bills destroyed us. We have no chance against the Patriots. Belichick, Bardy and Gronk are too good. Also, week 6 wont mean anything if we are falling behind from the start. Need Mathis now in order to stay in the playoffs hunt. Or do you prefer to at worst miss the playoffs or at best play away from home throughout the playoffs?

    We have the Patriots if they are constituted as you say......  I mean, Belichick and Gronk are scary, but Bardy will just sit in the pocket singing ballads of chivalry and strumming his lute......easy pickin's

  4. Bingo

    Smh I really wanna pick us to win this game but just can't find the reason to do so

    Hilton probably isn't playing, Luck is out here throwing the ball 18 straight times instead of running the ball, and now we only have 3 active CB's heading into this game

    Smh, 0-2 is looking likely

    we have 4 CB's TK...... not sure how they will do, but we have Davis, Brown, Price, and Patterson.

  5. Everyone knew the Bills would be legit defensively, no one knew about this Taylor kid who put up a nice game but the Bills were a horrific match up for the Colts. Over on the Colts side I read many posters who felt the game would be tight with a potential upset. I think with the Pats, Bill will not allow Taylor to be comfortable and will throw many looks at him. I expect the Bills to have a good day rushing as that is the weak part of the NE defense although I expect Bill to make some adjustments. But in the end the Pats O will do enough to get the win. They are basically indefensible once in the red zone with the twin towers.

    Is there a second Tower?  Didn't Know Michael Williams or Scott Chandler were that big a threat.....

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