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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. Who said it has to be 4 corners? It could've been 3 corners and have a linebacker drop in coverage....the wasn't running the ball period they didn't do it when they was on their own 1 yard line so why do it down the field? Brees plays aggressive in all his games

    They ran 36 times for 183 yards......9 rushing first downs, 5.1 ypc.....  New Orleans ran it effectively, AND whenever they felt like it....

  2. More competent than us yes. I don't trust Hasselback against a good defense. and I don't trust this team with all the injuries. We've lucked into two 3 point wins against the Titans and Jags (one with Luck). What makes you think we have a chance against a decent team like the Texans without Luck?

    While we could very well lose, we have a good chance for a win.  The fault in your premise lies wherein you mentioned HOU as a "decent" team

  3. I'm sticking to my opinion that he's the dumbest player in the NFL. He needs to go NOW. Wasted draft pick and bad teammate. He's just so awful. I just cant understand why we didn't trade for Ben Grubbs, or sign Incognito or something this offseason.

    I'll have the FO  send you a form letter with an explanation that will hopefully be found satisfactory.....STAT

  4. Wasn't Boom Herron more productive last season than Tipton? Why did we release him? Was it because he was more of a power runner like Frank Gore is, but not as effective than Gore has been. Also, is it that Sirloin Tip is more shiftier or speedy than Gore..a change of pace back?

    Boom WAS our change of pace back, if you can call it that.  Tipton is nothing but a power runner.  Boom must've been hurt worse than even he thought....

  5. Jacksonville is gonna be po'd as is. The way Luck has played, Matt cant really playe worse. Sad to say. Might be best to give him a wk off amd be ready for Hou. Lael Collins would've been a good pick, oh well.

    You can say that to every team in the league.  NO ONE drafted Collins, and there was a reason.  Grigs supposedly tried to sign him as an UFA.  Hindsight is 20/20....... but don't act like prognostication is.

  6. They are at least looking for help.....read somewhere that they had 8 players try out, including Prater..... only interesting name on the list was Kevin White, DB.....obviously they wanted Prater more than White though, maybe experience swayed the decision there.

  7. No they don't. We have had many years with no QB on the practice squad. So like I said, this may be no big deal but its interesting we didn't have one in games 1-3 but we have one NOW!

    No one in many years huh?  

    2013 - Alex Tanney

    2012 - Chandler Harnish

    2011 - None

    2011 - Jarret Brown

    2010 - None

    2009 - Drew Willy

    2008 - None

    2007 - Josh Betts

    2006 - Josh Betts

    2005 - Tom Arth

    2004 - none, carried 3 QB's on roster ( Travis Brown was claimed off waivers from Buffalo

    2003 - Tom Arth 2002


    Seems Indy carries 3 QB's more often than not over the last decade plus..... nothing to see here 

  8. Luck is the one seeing it first hand. He has to see the blitz coming, we all do, yet he's not taking the check down, nor does he seem to be able to get in and out of the right play calls. I mean seriously, he's seeing 6 guys coming at him and he's still looking way down field. Screen? Hot route? Good lord, get rid of the damn football....

    I agree, insomuch as the plays have a safety valve.....50% of them, all routes were deep

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