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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 3 minutes ago, gspdx said:

    Gruden won one SB with someone else's team.  Then began the ugly decline.  I don't know why people are so excited about Gruden.

    Gruden also built/coached a Raiders team that went to the Superbowl the year after he left for Tampa, so that kinda flies in the face of that argument....

  2. I don't know what N.O. setup is in the front office, but you are saying Payton is responsible, at least in part, for the loss of players due to salary cap mismanagement?  That's interesting, also have heard Payton wants less power over roster ( according to sources )

  3. 11 minutes ago, SteelDragon said:

    I think some of the posters here take it too personal.  We're not rejecting you (and your affinity for Grigs/Pags), we're simply evaluating their body of work. It's what fans do when staring down the barrel of a disappointing and long off season.  It doesn't make us any less of fans. Put on your big boy panties

    Some definitely take it too personal.....  Off topic, love the tag Steel Dragon......just watched that movie again earlier today!

  4. 15 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Or something less nefarious, like playing video games or watching Netflix, etc. Things that are somewhat addictive, but not criminal. I'm sure we all remember Quinn Pitcock.


    On topic, Freeman is at least talented. He can throw the ball down the field better than the other QBs we've been using. I don't mind the signing. 

    Ah yes, good ol'e Quitcock...... So strung out on Call of Duty and Mt. Dew he couldn't be bothered to make millions and retire in a few years....

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