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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 22 minutes ago, loudnproudcolt said:


    I just don't get how a center is not impactful. He is the glue of the line. He makes the adjustments at the line of scrimmage when necessary. You put Kelly in the middle of that line, and you get an instant leader and huge


    I know when you say impactful, you are talking about guys who are going to have a chance for a game changing play. To me, the game changing plays have been when Holmes or Harris lets a guy go buy him like it was a bull fight, and Luck is laying on the ground. You stop that, and I can not think of a more impactful play. The only thing about it is his play will not show up in the statistics, as long as he is doing his job. As far as I am concerned, that would be perfect. Castanzo, Mewhart, Kelly form a very good left side of the line, if Kelly is as good

    as I think he will be. We still need a LG to step up, and Reitz can hold down RT until we see if Good can. If not, next year we look for a RT in FA or the draft, and the line hopefully will be fixed. Also with Philbin, I think we are going to see improvement. Kelly is much better than Martin, and has always been who I wanted, but if someone falls, and we take them, I would be fine with taking Martin in the 2nd.

    I am with you...... How about the biggest single improvement we could make to LET Andrew make game changing and huge plays......  might be a consideration...... if Kelly can coordinate the line, keep Luck healthy and off the turf..... then he's worth it.  Who cares if we get 10 more sacks next season, or 2 more picks.....  if Luck is eating turf all day long?

  2. 6 hours ago, BOTT said:

    Playing center is the easiest position on the offensive line.

    Really?  The guy responsible for all line calls, blocking assignments, recognizing and calling shifts, responses to shifts, blitzes, responses to blitzes......  Whatever you say my man, if it's that easy, the fact we couldn't find one for 4 years straight that should be a backup, let alone starter in the NFL is even more sad....

  3. I'd say the Need absolutely has to be addressed....integral component of the Oline, and has been a shambles since Saturday left...... if Kelly at 18 fixes it, I'm in...... the 48th best player in the draft should yield plenty of Talent at any position we need, even C, if we go another direction at 18... but C is a must fix...... not sure I'd gamble that a guy I want and is a fit is there in rounds 4-7, in the 3rd there will be some talent, but how big is the drop from Kelly, Martin, Allen to Seumalo et al......


  4. 4 minutes ago, LockeDown said:

    Grigson's interviews always have him saying he will take BPA and go by his board, and to not do that is a discredit to his scouts. He actually said that. This means he could potentially come out of this draft w/o a center.   That means he would get a UDFA.....that's what worries me.  Then everyone will really be hot at him.  

    I'm cool with that, IF the UDFA is the next Jeff Saturday...... 

  5. 1 hour ago, aaron11 said:

    it wont happen like this.  somebody will be there at 18.  according to the gurus there are about 18-20 "first round" graded players this year.


    that means at least one of them has to fall to us.  really any defensive player in that group would probably be an upgrade over what we already have


    we could take a tackle there too.

    I get that, but there will be players drafted in the top 20, who aren't in that consensus top 18-20 guys list...... we could very well be one of the teams that picks one of those guys lol

  6. 27 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     The 1st rd hit rate is about 60% i recently read. Talking about guys that meet or exceed expectations i believe.
     So lol!

    lol?  I guess you can quantify 10% margin of error as never being worth increased risk......  depends on floor and ceiling of the player in question I suppose..... so lol!

  7. 36 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    He was never a beast.  But even if you believe that, drafting him didn't work out so well for the team that drafted him.

    LOL.....seriously?  We must have different ideas of "working out"  I guarantee you no one in ATL regrets drafting Vick.  When all was said and done, they wished he hadn't screwed up so royally that they had to distance themselves completely from him, and he had to go to prison.  The sheer amount of money he made Arthur Blank and the Falcons is ridiculous.  I promise you his drafting isn't viewed by a mistake by any higher up or Owner in ATL......  statistically, yeah he was a fad..... but dang his merch sold well.

  8. Denver has picks 31, 63, 94, 144, 157, 228, and 235 that can be traded....They have picks 98, 136, 219 that can't.....


    Using the standard draft pick value chart  as a basis..... Our #18 is worth 900.  Denver's 31 is worth 600.  


    Denver's other picks are valued #63=276




                                                      #228 and #235 next to nothing


    Maybe if They really want Lynch or Cook, we could leverage a tiny bit of advantage from them skipping over the Jets and Bills......  Something like Indy trades #18 pick for Denver's #31, #63, #157, and swap our 7th with their #228.....  They could draft their future QB project, and we would be left with:


                                                    Rd. 1 pick 31 - 

                                                    Rd. 2 pick 17 (48)

                                                    Rd  2 pick 32 (63)

                                                    Rd  3 pick 19 (82)

                                                    Rd  4 pick 18 (116)

                                                    Rd  5 pick 17 (155)

                                                    Rd  5 pick 20 (157) - Atlanta forfeited pick 19 in the 5th for tampering                     Rd  7 pick 7   (228)



  9. Y'know, the supreme confidence in judging the life choices made by 18-22 year old kids is a little stale.... for every Maurice Clarett, Matt Leinart, Demitrius Underwood, Lendale White red flag pick...... there is an equal red flag pick that ends up being Randy Moss, Warren Sapp, Michael Vick, Luis Castillo.....for every Marinovich there is a Marino....both had red flags........  And for the love of god, stop acting like Werner was a colossal reach by Grigson, he was mocked anywhere from pick 10 to beginning of the 2nd round that draft......  


    The red flag players made mistakes, GM's make mistakes..... have either learned in this scenario?  The law of averages says one of either Nkemdiche or Spence will end up having a very, very solid pro career..... which one is it?  I dunno.....but so many act like they are both doomed..... it's silly.  a 50% hit rate isn't far off the hit rate for Non-Red Flag guys.......

  10. Just now, NewColtsFan said:


    Those are fair questions about Spence and Nkemdiche.


    That said,  for the last few years Grigson has been operating under a certain core belief.


    Put succinctly,   "No knuckleheads in the first 4 rounds."    


    So, if he holds to that,  he's going to pass on guys with questionable character for the first few days of the draft.


    Now,  that said,  Grigson was quoted in the last day or so saying roughly circumstances may force him to show more flexibility in this area.    That's why the issue of character was brought up yesterday at his pre-draft meeting with the media.      Maybe that's a hint that someone like Spence or Nkemdiche would be considered?


    Or,  it could just be a smokescreen.....    there are lots of those floated at this time of year....   I try not to read too much into any one quote.



    Could ALWAYS be a smokescreen...... not sure who other else he could be referencing when he said some guys with character issues put concerns to rest for them..... any others in positions of need for the Colts expected to be mid round guys with character issues?

  11. 3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'll expand.


    DQ's incident is likely to get him suspended for last least one game,  and maybe two by the NFL.     It's NOT insignificant.    


    But it IS the first type of incident in the guy's career.    He's been a very good player ON the field and a very good person OFF the field and in the clubhouse his whole career.


    I'm measuring Jackson's whole career vs. two talented kids whose NFL career hasn't even started yet.


    Nkemdiche has had issues for three years on AND off the field.      Spence has only had issues off the field,  but they were so severe that he got kicked out of Ohio State,  AND got banned from the rest of the Big-10.    He also had a minor arrest for being drunk and disorderly while at Eastern Kentucky. 


    Both Spence and Nkemdiche have reportedly not interviewed well.      It all adds up to being extra, extra cautious with these two.


    I don't think comparing DQ to those kids over one incident is a fair or correct comparison.


    Hope that clarifies my thoughts.......


    I agree with everything you stated here.  That said, In my oponion, and possibly in mine alone, both Spence and Nkemdiche have a ceiling much higher than D'Qwell Jackson ever had, and most certainly has going forward..... the question within all of this discourse remains:  Do the Indianapolis Colts believe the potential is worth any inherent risk in drafting Nkemdiche or Spence at 18, and then again when the cost is less if either were available at 48.....

  12. 13 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Except that DQ has one incident in roughly 10 NFL years.    And it just happened recently.


    Nkemdiche and Spence have more incidents and they're not even in the NFL yet.     This is not a good apples to apples comparison.

    Agreed.  But you made no mention of frequency of events for a player.  You used the fact that DQ's event was off-field to justify why he is ok to have on the team versus Nkemdiche, or Spence...... by that criteria, and that criteria alone...... It's a non-issue.  All their events were off-field.  You didn't mention any other factors, illegality, frequency, severity, just that DQ's issue was ok because it was off-field.    No biggie.

  13. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Except that DQ has one incident in roughly 10 NFL years.    And it just happened recently.


    Nkemdiche and Spence have more incidents and they're not even in the NFL yet.     This is not a good apples to apples comparison.

    You only mentioned character issues in the context of off field issues being less of a problem..... so yes, apples to apples.  Now, I agree if you include more criteria, there is no comparison.


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