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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. intriguing.......JI seems to read these boards and saw the comments in regards to whether he was blowing this out of proportion or not...... the ( these things often crumble ) comment, while being very true..... makes me wonder if he really is pulling our leg, but I doubt he'd purposely do that with his fans/consumers...... SO...that said, bring it on Jim!!!! and if this pans out as something big, much respect for staying so connected with your franchises fan base!!!!!

  2. Let's see what Lamey says about it.... Colt's update on 1070 the fan now..... probably won't say anything if the rumors are true, since he's a company guy and wouldn't want to mess anything up..... no more clarity there though...lol

  3. Well OP, when we had the Young City Kid as our QB, we had some awfully talented TE's come through here..... Dilger and Pollard were above average, Fletcher was the epitome of average, maybe a bit below avg..... and Clark was well, there is a major CFB conference for awards named after Dallas, and that usually is reserved for DEAD guys.... so yeah, he was pretty awesome in his prime. Now, Andrew has two TE's who project to be at least near as good as The Young City Kid's first couple of years here with Dilger and Pollard.... now if we can only find Andrew a Marshall/Edge type back to lean on..... ; )

  4. No, we didn't sign Nix..... Chad72 just posted ANOTHER post where he lists his hopefuls..... I think this thread is for confirmed signings...... of which his list is not. there are already several wishlist threads, can we keep this as a confirmed signing only thread? I like the Galippo Signing..... decent 3-4 LB if I am not mistaken

  5. either Ta'am then someone like Owusu later, or Randle now and a NT prospect like Hebron Fangupo in the 5th.... we have a few 5th rders right? I bet they give Rucker and Kevin Thomas a chance this year to see if one can develop into a decent starting Cb.... then, next years 1st rounder maybe a stud CB if needed...

  6. Good, solid pick. Even if people may have better arguments for other positions being picked..... WHO was going to catch passes in the seam and be Luck's safety valve? Brody Eldridge? a later pick TE? nah..... now we can go BPA for sure the rest of the way... not that we haven't already!!!! Go Colts!!!

  7. All kidding aside OP, good post.... I still feel that a strong running game and defense are key components.... CAN you win a championship without them? Sure. Do any of 32 teams, given a choice, go with a great passing game INSTEAD of Running and Defense? I don't think anyone purposely wants to go that route..... it's just easier in today's game ( rules ) to build a decent pass attack, than it is running AND Defense. That said, being decent in all 3 is a boon tough to accomplish year in year out in a salary cap league.

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