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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. Here's hoping the youngster can show us what he's got tonight, and that what he's got is good!!!!! Also will be keeping an eye out for Shirley at NT...... here's to a good injury free game, hope it's very hard for coaches to make cuts after tonight!!!!

  2. any team in the league may sign players off of any other teams practice squad. If we wanted say, Antonio Johnson from Tennessee's practice squad for example, we could have him. We must however put him on our active roster, we may not sign him to our practice squad. I believe he would have to stay on our active roster all season, or we have to IR or cut him. This rule is in place to keep teams from hiding players on the PS, keep other teams from testing out your players, or just gleaning info from them before a game, and to give PS players a promotion in playing time if and when they are signed away from their team. This is exactly how we got Mookie from Tenn.

  3. Good, Done deal! Vontae Davis is wortrh a #2, he's only 24 years old and has amazing potential..... Coach him up Pagano1!!! him and a healthy Powers is a very good set of CB's.......

    Now, other teams need to cut some decent Oline guys......

  4. well, Jim seems to think it's still alive..... so, foolish or not, I will continue to hope against hope..... has there EVER been an NFL trade rumor that we have known to be substantiated by an owner or GM for this long before it actually goes through? usually you don't hear much until the deal is final or near it.... It is crazy suspense, but I am still glad Jim shares the info

  5. Looked like it REALLY needs help today..... I can't even begin to tell you the weakest leak, this is just disgusting. lack of effort, technique, mental lapses...... wow, I would worry if I were an Olineman. Outside of Castonzo and Satele, the Turk may be coming soon if you play Oline for the Colts.....

  6. He was hurt last year, ticked off the new regime in camp this year, and is needing a big new contract..... that said, I agree..... why would MIA do it? I do know their GM and coaches are VERY pleased with Jonathan Martin, their young 2nd round OT..... who is dirt cheap compared to what Long will make over the next 4 years..... could be plausible

  7. That's just based off a need, a possible Vet in their prime wanting a new deal soon ( Long is a FA after this season ) and the possibility that we were looking at maybe trading Justice to the Jets for something... Interesting scenario at least. I also like the fact that he's NOT one of the names being batted around by people, because knowing the way things work, it will be someone slightly more off the radar..... just a hunch

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