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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. Whether Simon was less than his normal self when he signed in Indy or not, it was obvious our Defense with him WAS good ENOUGH when coupled with our offense to do special things......  because when he got hurt, whether due to being fat and overeating as you claim, or not..... we were clearly NOT good enough on defense to do special things,  It's irrelevant how much better he was in his Philly years.  when healthy he was what we needed.

  2. Cory Simon was IMO a really bad sign as Polian filled his pockets with dough after he gained what looked to be about 100 Lbs. He was so far out of shape and also appeared to have lost his desire for the game. 


    Polian really did stink up the D line after that signing but most of his drafts the last 5 years were just  bad. I'm too tired got go back and look at them as its 3 AM here but it very much coincides with him promoting his kid.


    Our defense was great with Corey Simon here.  He did an awesome job anchoring our Tampa 2 defense for the better part of a year.  Then he got hurt/lost his desire for the game.....  He was great when he got here, done when we went seperate ways.... and brought in Booger.  

  3. Another free agent bust by Grigson, go figure. Not drafting Malcom Brown looks really good now. I hate to complain since this team has some nice young pieces but I get depressed at the thought of how great this team would be if just a few draft picks and free agent money had been used wisely. If Andrew Luck isn't MVP leading this weak team to the playoffs I'll eat sawdust.


    You hate to complain, but will......   Bust huh?  He had no chronic injury, or history of them before signing with us.  Hindsight is 20/20.  He hasn't worked out as planned, but most free agents do not.  That's a fact.  Solid, healthy, productive players rarely hit FA.  When they do, they do not always stay that way.  The few that manage those two hurdles have to fit into a new team, culture, and sometimes system.....   That aside, You feel that this team plus Art Jones was leaps and bounds better than this team without Art Jones?  The Colts will find a way to adjust, I for one, am glad this is our ONLY significant injury at this point of the preseason.

  4. Grigson better come up with an Art Jones contingency. I am sick and tired of hearing about quality linemen on both sides of the ball available from Alex Mack to Wilfork to Knighton to La'el Collins to Fairley and he doesn't even consider them.

    In all practicality, Alex Mack, while TECHNICALLY available.....never was.

  5. They aren't paying Carter much, but they gave him a multi-year deal, and had competition to sign him.....The Colts had to outbid a few teams for him, and having Luck, as well as our reputation for being a team that gives ample chances to UDFA, especially CFL players, helped us get him.  The Vikings wanted him pretty badly.  No way he clears waivers if cut.  Carolina is also desperate for cheap quick fix WR's with potential an added bonus....  Aside from that, yes, Carter is a UDFA.

  6. It shows how fragile the receiving corps can be...just look at Green Bay.

    If TY gets dinged and old Andre is out (which he will be at some point) we are down to Moncrief, Dorsett and Carter. The Colts should seriously consider keeping 6 WRs on the roster

    for the first time in years and Griff would be #6. If we keep the "normal" number of 5 WRs, we run the risk of playing one or two raw WRs off the PS giving us a diminished passing attack which is the 'bread and butter' of the team.

    Johnson has missed one game in the last three seasons...... what makes you so sure he will miss time?

  7. Yeah, this makes me "that guy" to a degree.... hurry up and let the season begin!!!!


    Seeing as the Seahawks are adding Lynch's buddy Fred Jackson..... if they cut either Robert Turbin, or and more likely, Christine Michael...... would either one, and especially Michael, be worth a look as 3rd/4th RB?  supposing they would even come here..... although it's not like either one would find a team to let them be the surefire #2 back this time of season....  Michael has good numbers in limited action, but has a bit of a fumbling problem..... he is bigger than I remembered, at 5'-10" 220 lbs....

  8. Monday Cuts down to 76




    G - Harland Gunn

    ILB Nick Haag

    OLB - Zak Hodges No!!!!!

    T - Tyler Hoover

    WR Ryan Lankford

    DT - Jeris Pendleton

    WR - Ezell Ruffin

    ILB - Justin Shirk

    TE - Justin Sinz

    RB - Abou Toure

    C - Brandon Vitabile

    G - Donald Thomas


    Waived Injured - CB Donald Celiscar ( will revert to Injured Reserve if not claimed on waivers )


    IR'ed - CB Tevin Mitchel



  9. According to Overthecap.com, saves us 3.25 Million, and adds only 500k in dead money against this years cap....  also, didn't notice t his, but we have 11+ mil in dead money against the cap that I believe is all off after this year..... not bad

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