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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. Almost as stupid as our fanbase calling him a traitor. Almost.


    There were some who said that, definitely not our "fanbase" as a whole, or even majority.....and the Nationally owned paper had a dumb headline with the question of his loyalty in it...... all stupid...... Reg is class, and owed the Colts and the fans no more than the 150% effort we all enjoyed since he was drafted....

  2. I really think we'll play a lot of 4-3 3-4 one gap.  All the guys we retained are guys that can move and penetrate.

    Kerr(3 sacks last year), Anderson, Parry, Langford.  Even Okine can get some pressure on the pocket.  I'm very

    interested to see how and who else Grigs brings in to fill things out. 

    Wanna play a lot of 4 man fronts, then we need about 3 more DL.....lol

  3. I figured Gray would last at least one game. With LeGarrette Blount suspended for game 1 that leaves one of these guys, Brandon Bolden, 1 career start, Dion Lewis, 0 career starts, Travaris Cadet, 1 career start and James White, 0 career starts, to start against the Steelers.

    You guys will be fine with those RB's against Pitt.  They don't line up a defense in Steel City any more.

  4. Really surprised they released Chapman.If nothing else, he provided depth. Duron Carter has too much potential to be released. I know Griff Whalen is a fan favorite and he's a consistent special teamer but there is no way I would have kept him over Carter. Personally, I would have traded or released Dorsett first. 

    Next time just........ ah heck, nevermind.

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