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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 22 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    the higher the pick the better and we have nothing to play for


    our odds of getting in are so small, they might as well not exist

    So who are the transcendent players you can draft at 10,that are light years ahead of who is available in the 20's?

  2. Wisniewski would be just fine at the right price, besides, his dad was a Colt....  


    Morris Claiborne, hey, he should come cheap, and who knows, still young, obviously has great athletic ability, who knows....


    As for a pass rusher, Newsome had the dreaded sophomore slump..... He may never be a pro-bowler year-in year -out, but people saying to cut him?  that's not necessary

  3. 16 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    this is very frustrating.  we are looking to just barley miss the playoffs and end up with a pick in the 20s


    no elite pass rushers or o line at that point, so we end up going "BPA" and get another dorsett or something.



    Completely false statement.  Now, you DO need a Front Office that can Identify players for your scheme, and THEN actually DRAFT them.... and yes, this can be done even after round one..... ( I've seen teams do it, even the Colts ) Gasp!

  4. 10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Not sure you realize this,  but MOST NFL teams have two different people doing two different jobs.


    One is the GM.        One if the Head Coach.


    Belichick has final say,  but other people do the actual administrative work of the GM.


    Chip Kelly has final say....    and that's not working out too well for him.


    Not sure why you're interested in that arrangement.     The only reason is if we could get a great coach who would want both.....     but that's easier said than done.....


    Of course he realizes most teams have a seperate GM and HC....That is precisely why he said, "what is killing this team, and even MOST organizations, is the fight for control"......he openly acknowledged that most teams are set up this way, and proceeded to cite it as an issue.... whether he is right or wrong is open for debate. He pretty clearly stated though that he understands the majority of teams have 2 separate employees in these positions....

  5. 1 hour ago, deedub75 said:

    Next season's not looking all that promising right now. We have an old team and we don't have a lot of young talent to develop. We will also have a new GM and coaching staff. Grigson's win now approach has crippled this team for the near future. Time to blow this crap up and rebuild the right way through the draft. 


    We most definitely do NOT have an old team.  So tired of hearing this.  Take away a 42 year old kicker, 40 year old backup QB, and a 36 yr old LB, 36 yr old WR....... average age on the team isn't old.  Those players are not irreplaceable by any means.....  we may have a lower talent level than we should, but it isn't due to age....

  6. 10 hours ago, Cynjin said:

    I didn't mean to give the impression that Grigson has not done anything right or at least has tried to, but that doesn't change my opinion that both lines have not improved enough.  Henry Anderson was playing well before he was injured.  Jones I believe would have helped the Dline, but hasn't stayed healthy, similarly Thomas could never stay healthy and therefore couldn't help the Oline.

    yeah, you are right on there


  7. 5 hours ago, Cynjin said:

    I agree with that statement.  I tend to watch the line play during games and both lines have not been improved enough, IMO.  I am not always sure if it is a lack of talent or a lack of adequate coaching, probably a combination of both.

    The Dline would be miles above where it is now, quality and depth wise, if Jones and Anderson were healthy.... so let's not act like Grigs had done nothing there, just hasn't come to fruition yet

  8. 12 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Look at Manning's 2012 season he was healthy.  Don't get wrong Irsay was right to go with Luck but make no mistake Irsay isn't above being less than 100% honest too.  

    as much as anyone, true

  9. 4 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Yeah this was on ESPN and Kravitz said it later in the day so no it wasn't some crack pot blogger living in his mom's basement.  Also Irsay is the same person who said if Manning was healthy he would be the Colts QB in 2012 during the 2011 season.  So this wouldn't be the first time Irsay said something that didn't happen.  It doesn't mean Luck wont play.  It just means he's not a sure thing. 

    Not sure Irsay lied there......how healthy was Manning?  Sure, he looked good at the time....  but what was Irsay privy to concerning his long-term outlook?

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