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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. First round pick should be a rusher or corner.  Our second pick, the Jets pick,  (if it stays a 2nd round pick, we may try to move up) should be a WR.  And if it's true the Steelers want a 2nd round pick for AB, give them ours or the Jets pick.

  2. Nothing but respect for Reich.


    We looked like what I expected to be honest.  I expected more of a fight, but we didn't look lost, just no ready...which is a HUGE difference.


    We had a rookie head coach, coaching in the playoffs for the first time as a HC against a perennial playoff HC.


    We were the youngest team in the playoffs by far, so I expected us to make a lot of mental mistakes and penalties.


    And tbh, we still could have won this game.  The first half was ugly, but the game was winnable.  I am ok with this.  If we would've beat KC I would've been surprised.  I am not surprised that we did not win.  


    This team is headed places.  Another good offseason and experience...and this team just may contend for the AFCC and maybe even the SB.

    • Like 2
  3. Offense:  Beat them up.  They have the 32nd ranked defense.  Have sustainable drives to eat clock.  Try to avoid quick 3andouts and quick scoring drives.  The longer we stay on the field, the less chances KC gets to score.


    Defense:  We can't let it turn into a shootout.  If it does, the better offense will win and that is by far KC.  Get pressure on Mahomes.  If they do score, make sure we win the TOP battle.  Need to limit KC's offense.


  4. I always thought the hate/criticism for Luck was unfair.  I always defended him.  Granted, he did make some gunslinger type mistakes, but always thought he was elite.  


    Luck to me was dealt the worst hand when it came to his class and other QBs in his age group/generation.  Luck never had a legit run game, top 10 defense in anything, good OL, or more than 2 weapons.  More often than not, Luck had to carry the team on his back.  Didn't he break or come close to breaking the record for 4th qtr comebacks in his first 2 or 3 years?


    This year I can finally say Luck doesn't have to do it all.  He's now experiencing the things that the Russel Wilsons and Cam Newtons have/had and he's showing when given those things he plays at an elite level.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

    I think that would be wrong if we did. 


    Your wrong, IMO. Just sayin.......:thmup:


    I'm lookin. What are you seeing? I would not trade our front office for the Pats. Curious how you feel about it now. 


    I think you took my quote out of context.  Reread the convo.  I know it was a while ago.  But I’m pretty sure I was in favor of our front office.  


    EDIT:  Yeah i I remember now.  I was saying getting high picks increAses our chances of getting good players and you disagreed and used teams with crappy front offices as an example while I defended our front office and basically said we would hit more on our picks than those crappy teams.  Lol. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/12/2018 at 3:46 PM, NewColtsFan said:


    Posters didn’t like Nelson at pick 6.


    Pisters didn’t like Leonard at 36.   Or Smith at 37.    Or Turay at 52.    Or Lewis at 64.


    There we’re lots and lots of unhappy posters for quite some time...   


    And even NOW, with the benefit of hindsight, and knowing that the draft was a home run,  I see posts complaining about Cain and Fountain.   A number of posters are quite convinced they know better than Ballard....


    THIS.  I liked the Nelson.  Mad we missed out on Chubb who got picked earlier but was happy with Nelson.  I didn't know who anyone was in the 2nd round but was happy with the position picks.


    But yea I remember, majority of this board had wrote Ballard off.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hooker, Turay, Walker, Sheard


    My personal pick is Hooker.  He started out slow it was most likely due to getting back to game speed.  But whenever he has played, his impact has shown.  He doesn't have the flashy numbers he had last year when he played, but his impact is prevalent.  We barely get beat over the top when he plays and whenever a deep ball is thrown, he's somewhere the area of where it's being thrown.  IMO I think he's living up to the pick.  No, he doesn't have those flashy numbers but his impact is there.

  8. Definitely oversatisfied with this season.  I had us at MAX 8-8 and right now we're vying for playoff spot with one of the youngest teams in the NFL.  We have an almost top 10 defense and have plenty of holes to fill on that side of the ball.   I came into the season thinking our defense would be the weakest link when in fact more than not, it has been the offense.  Luck looks amazing, the line looks amazing, looks like our drafts are paying off.  


    I'm happy as a fan right now.  We have another draft ahead of us, a lot of money to spend, and filling in holes with studs and quality FA signings.  Hopefully it continues.

  9. I'm not an advocate of beating women but I'm an advocate of self-defense and letting someone know you're not to be played with.


    If you do not know the ENTIRE story, please leave your opinions checked.


    Reports were/are saying the woman called him the N-word, instigated the entire thing, and hit him with a lamp.  A slap is ok with me, even a shove, but hit me with something that could injure me and yes, I will respond.


    It's a reason why the police claimed it was self-defense.  

    • Like 2
  10. On 11/27/2018 at 10:15 PM, luv_pony_express said:


    Well, obviously.


    But how do teams get top 10 picks?  By losing.  I’d much rather we excel and continue to build our team with smart moves that don’t require having the top picks in the draft.  That’s what winning programs do.


    Ehhh not necessarily.  Outside of the Steelers and Patriots, the most recent SB winners had their periods of mediocrity and losing before they became what they are today.  The top teams outside of maybe 2-4 teams constantly rotates.  The idea is to get those stud pieces in place and fill in with solid replaceable guys.

  11. 11 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    Right — that’s kinda my point.  It’s more important who you have (in the front office, on the bench) than what pick you have.


    That is true, but percentages of us picking someone up good in the top 10 with a good front office vs good in the last 20 will always better looking in the top 10.  Not saying it isn't possible.

  12. 3 hours ago, luv_pony_express said:


    Draft position is overrated.


    Compare the average draft position of the Browns and Lions for the last 20 years with the average draft position of the Pats.


    Now compare their records over that same period.


    So far as roster development goes, the best piece of news for the Colts is the cap space.


    Now look at who's running their front office.  Then look at ours.

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