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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. 6 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

    I'm excited about a player of the month but given where he was selected surely it was an expectation rather than something to celebrate. If we selected any player at 6 and he didn't win an award such as this during a 16 week season I'd actually have been disappointed.


    As for number 4, I'm not sure he was ever doubted that he was ever an excellent players. Simply whether having an excellent left guard had a significant impact in creating a contending team. 


    Well you should be excited because he's the first to do something as a rookie which means he's pretty damn good.  


    And yes, he has been.  On this forum people have said he's not performing to where he was selected.  Even seen some say we could've traded back and grabbed a guard later.

  2. 21 hours ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

    Im concerned about Ballards hit rate regarding future draft picks, because if he keeps hitting bullseye, we will be in capspace hell in 5-6 years :lol:


    Because all of these players might want to see big paychecks down the road, and if he keeps hitting it out of the park, we cant pay them all.


    But Id rather he keeps hitting jackpots in the draft than not.



    Ballard mentioned this in the interview posted on the page.  This is why you have to build the foundation first before bringing in huge contracts.  You won't be able to retain any of your talent.  



    7 hours ago, ClaytonColt said:

    Aren't we all getting a little bit too excited by this?


    If you're picking at 6 and take the 4th offensive player in the draft shouldn't you actually EXPECT them to win awards like this at some time or another? 


    Reasons why we're excited.


    1. We have a player of the month.

    2. That player of the month is a rookie

    3. That rookie is the first at his position to do so

    4. That rookie has been doubted as "generational player" and many people on this forum have said it was the wrong pick which led to MANY debates.  So this in a nutshell backs up the Pro-Nelson crowd.

    • Like 1
  3. “This is one thing that I’ve been very consistent about since I walked in the door. I knew we needed to build a core base of young talent here. And it’s easier to train your own. We want to be able to train our own players. Does that mean we’re against free agency? No. It does not, and I think we have some examples on our team with Margus Hunt, Al Woods, (Denico) Autry, Ryan Grant, (Matt) Slauson . We’ve gone out. Is it the A-level guys that the media and everybody writes about? No, but these are good football players that we signed and we thought we got at good value for our team. And you want to continue doing that. I think sometimes just spending money to spend money — nah, that’s not always the smart thing to do. And when you do build your team up with your own guys, and they get to their second contracts and you begin to reward them, that’s when I think you’ll start to see some of that cap space disappear. Is there a time that we could go into free agency and we see a piece that we think fits and it fits culturally, from not only from a scheme perspective, but also from a character perspective? When you bring a guy into your locker room and you him a highly-paid player, there’s a lot more that comes with that than just playing on the field. That means that guy needs to do everything right because he’s looked upon differently than the rest of the locker room.”


    Basically what most of us has been saying.  Build off a young foundation.  That way you can RETAIN your talent and not put yourself in cap hell later.  

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  4. Inexperience.  When I watch this team, I don't say to myself "This is an undisciplined."  This team is well coached.  As said before, the problem with this team is execution and that is mostly due to our youth and lack of talent.

  5. 2 hours ago, Shafty138 said:


    More likely that it'll amount to keeping pace this year.  I'm not sure Thomas gives them more raw production than Fuller did.  Fuller was in the midst of a breakout career year.  Maybe they'll improve in moving the chains, but he won't give the big play threat anymore than Fuller did.


    I think it was the right move to make for Houston, don't get me wrong, but this does nothing to make their offense "better" it's just their best shot at maintaining what they already were.


    Yeah, didn't think of it that way.  You're right.

  6. RTonce Smith is moved to his natural position.

    WR2: need someone to take pressure off TY

    WR3: Could use a solid slot receiver

    Pass Rushers:  I'll take 2 please.

    CB:  We need a starting and second CB badly.  I think Desir is ok to play nickel.

    SS:  Don't have much faith in geathers and we need to get younger there

    2nd LB:  Someone to start opposite of maniac

    Rotational Depth:  always good to have backups, especially with the injury bug biting us every year.

    • Like 3
  7. 11 hours ago, Trueman said:

    Because people still don't understand OL's are more important than RB's. 





    People do not understand this.  People want us to just throw money at FAs and place them without putting the foundations in place.  A star RB isn't going to do anything behind a trash line.  Build an elite OL and you can almost put anyone back their and they will produce.  The improvement in OL is synonymous with the run game.

  8. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    With Blake Bortles at QB they aren't going anywhere. Their Defense isn't even living up to the hype either. They gave 40 up to Dallas lmao 


    That is the problem.  Jags can't move the ball.  The TOP for the Jags vs Cowboys was heavily favored in the Cowboys favor.  Defense was on the field for almost 40 mins of the game.

  9. 1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

    trash is a strong word, but we lost to an 0-3 Texans team and the jets will probably be picking in the top 10


    the only way they are over achieving is if you expected this team to be trash and maybe win 2-3 games this year.  i was thinking 6-8 before the season, now 6 looks like the ceiling 


    Say what you want to say, but both of those teams are 3-3.  Which is where majority of the NFL sits right now.  So they're competing for playoff spots while we're already talking about the draft. lol


    And yeah, I had this team at 6-10 at best.  However, we are playing like an 8-8 team.

  10. 1 hour ago, hoosierhawk said:

    Some optimistic posts, especially the last two. Good to know there are some true Colt fans and just not all fair weather fans.


    I agree and I don't get the downers.  Could we be playing better?  Yes, but we have to also be realistic and realize we are rebuilding.  This team is definitely overachieving and anyone who thinks otherwise did not have realistic expectations coming into this season.  Reich, Ballard, and company has this team set up.  This next offseason will be the make or break for our future.

  11. I like where the team is headed.  I did not come into this season expecting much but it's funny that at 1-5, my expectations have been exceeded.  This is a tough young team and you couldn't ask for more in year 2 of a COMPLETE rebuild.


    Offense:  I did not expect the offense to be the weak point of our team, but it is.  I like the new system Reich has in place.  The OL has improved GREATLY and the stats show it.  Some credit should be given to the system but those guys are playing well too, through the injuries at that.  Good thing is our OL is still young and we have studs in place that will grow together and hopefully become an elite line.  Our WR corps has been a disappointment.  The TEs can not bail us out every game.  They need to step up big time.  And Luck has been doing Luck things.  Good to see he's healthy.  Lastly, our RBs have been meh at best but that was expected.  


    Defense:  Completely blown away by what Ballard and Reich have been able to get out of this defense.  Our DL has been great and we have studs in place in the LB corp.  As said before, our defensive backfield worries me.  Outside of Hooker, there's not really anyone that I have confidence in.  Other than that, stats show we are top 10 defense and I don't know if I've ever said that as a Colts fan.  Definitely surprise of the season for me.


    Future:  I think the future is bright for us and this season is needed.  We are on track for a top 5 pick and we have additional picks also.  This upcoming can be BIG for us.  Good drafting position plus hopefully a GOOD (not BIG) splash in FA to fill some holes and we'll be competing in the playoffs next year.  Ballard has set this team up for success.  We have good young players in place, we have holes to fill.  The most important thing is WE WILL HAVE THE MEANS TO FILL THEM.  A lot of money and high draft picks.


    Be patient Colts fan.  

    • Thanks 1
  12. And this is year 2 of a complete rebuild.  Impressive.  The system plays a part in this but credit should also be given to the OL.  They've faced some nasty front 7s and have kept Luck standing for the most part.  It's funny because the only thing that's a huge risk to Luck's risk is how many times he's throwing a game. lol

  13. 1 minute ago, Btown_Colt said:

    Ok..so how many blue chip players do you think a team needs? How many do you expect to get next year with the benefit of drafting in the top 5 vs middle of the rounds?


    Seriously, if adding a game changer RB and solid #2 receiver on offense and the best defensive player in the NFL on defense doesn’t bring this team in to contention, then Ballard is going to need to his extend his 3 year plan.


    There is no way a team can have stars at every position. In this unrealistic scenario we are discussing, they would have 3-4 stars on offense at the skill positions with another 2-3 above average players. The line would be solid and full of mostly 1st and second rounders. The O would be almost unstoppable. The defense would have the best player on that side of the ball in the league, which would change the way every team schemed against them. The D would have several other several key pieces (Hooker, Leonard, Hunt, Autry). Turey  would be an after thought so his job just got easier and he is already showing some progress as a rusher. The only thing the D would be missing is a star CB, that this defensive scheme isn’t really even dependent on. I think you are really underestimating what a game wrecker sack machine could do for the D.


     The Colts can only hope and dream the team would look like that after next years high draft picks. 




    First Paragraph:

    We need: 2nd WR, 3rd WR, I think our corners could be upgraded, defensive line, another pass rusher or 2, another LB next to Leonard, a nickel corner, and I could live with replacing Geathers.  That's at least 10 players and not including those we need for rotational depth. 


    Second Paragraph:

    It will not, and if you think this was a 3 year plan when he took over, then you were setting yourself for failure.  Next year with a good draft and splash in FA, I see us at anywhere from 7-9 to 9-7.


    Third Paragraph:

    I did not mean to have star at every position, but you have to have solid players at almost every position if you want to last.  We are far from that.  Once again, you named 2-3 players in an unrealistic situation that once again is NOT going to make us a SB contending team.  I don't think it's wise to tie our money up into 2-3 players only to become at best a Wild Card team.

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