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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    From where I sit, soccer is a crime against humanity!   If you force someone to watch a game against their will, it should be considered torture!  Worse than watching paint dry or grass growing!   


    I’ve rarely seen a game I thought was worth my time.   

    Now here comes outraged soccer fan in 3….  2….   1…..        :peek:


    not a huge soccer fan, and far from outraged but it’s an interesting take… Some of the best athletes in the world and most talented at that play soccer (or football as it’s known everywhere except in the U.S.) 


    If one can appreciate an nfl player making moves in open space and winning a footrace to the endzone in a low scoring game, I don’t see why they wouldn’t appreciate a single person doing the same on a pitch, except having to kick a ball past a defender to score at the end. The utilization of space and working in triangular fashion is more similar to that of basketball than anything. Maneuvering into scoring position more similar to baseball. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


    And you think if he doesn't want him back(at salary he will command) he woulda said so at the presser??? Lol

    what a player thinks they are worth and what the market says they are worth are often not the same… Ballard believes in letting the market dictate what a player is worth, rightfully so. 

    1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


    Back to your world of rainbows and candy canes lol.


    I do think he will be a.colt but you said he would because Ballard drafted him. He most likely is coming back but at a contract that Irsay and Pittman  agree too which I do believe will get done. 


    You assume Irsay is even competently minded right now… Which no one knows for sure. He’s not posting his own social content, that’s for sure. Not sure he has for some time, quite honestly. He doesn’t make the videos he’s shared the past year or so, that’s for sure. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    My guess is your view is the popular view.  Most everyone feels that way.  

    But I’m an odd duck.  Ok, a very odd duck!  

     I ***LOVE*** the off-season.  I love trying to guess what will happen.   Which players are kept, which are let go?  Which free agents do the Colts sign?   Who do they draft, plus what about trading down and up.   All sorts of strategy involved. 

    And this lasts until June.  There’s a 6 plus week break for the players, but until then, there are always things going on that are interesting to me.    

    Like I said, I’m wired funny!    :lecture:

    I don’t think you are wired differently than most. For the last decade, the offseason has been my favorite part. it’s not as stressful to me, but equally or more engaging and exciting. During my playing days, I bought in on the concept of games being won in January/February with training.


    I think roster building/preparation is half the equation with execution in the actual season being the other half. 

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, NFLfan said:


    What do you think of this? Someone proposed it on the Vikings site that I follow:



    I don't like the proposed package for JJ. I would rather get this year's and next year's first round picks. Maybe something like this:

    Colts get JJ

    Vikings received Colts'

    2024 First and third round picks

    2025 First and 2nd round picks


    I think JJ would be a perfect WR for Richardson.

    I think somewhere between the two is most likely. I doubt we’d give two 1st and a 2nd, but we might, I don’t know. I don’t know or have given much thought/research into how a tag and trade would work (does that even happen or allowed?) with Pittman, because we obviously would be moving on from him. It might be with a different team, but one that you could recoup some of what you are giving for JJ. But regardless, I don’t think it’s unreasonable. It’s just my opinion, but Justin Jefferson with a rookie deal AR and JT would bring an excitement and expectation to be highly competitive for the foreseeable future. For Ballard- it’s a change of pace and one that might be what is needed to keep him here longtime. Steichen might be the one that would push this idea to fruition, or pull the rug entirely on it. I hope he isn’t one to be arrogant in his ability to win without top talent, instead of vouching that it’s what is needed to take a big jump. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

    This community is filled with all kinds. 

    However… it’s a community. We may not have our senses, but at least we have each other. 😂 

    • Like 3
  6. Patience is what it will require. Of course I wish the patience would be in the past few miserable seasons with someone like Jordan Love, instead of no long term solutions, but that’s hindsight. We have our guy. He’s got work to do, and mistake to make and learn from. Give him some time and hopefully we can be on here discussing small problems of how we can afford certain players and build a championship roster with a $50 million qb. 

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

    I think Cher is available.  Swift already has the teenager girls, we’d get the adults (who spend money).  It’s a publicists dream!


    AR, look her up!

    If you haven’t noticed, the target market is no longer the Cher generation… The league moved on. Look at the Super Bowl halftime show and you’ll see the trend. 

     Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Tom petty, Bruce Springsteen, the who… Madonna kind of wrapped up the old stuff and they went straight to the late Gen X / millennial appeal. Beyoncé and the hip hop 90’s 2000’s music. 

    Just for reference, Taylor swift is 34 and a great deal of her fans are the same.. you know, adults that have money and spend it- ($1k to 4k for tickets to see her show). 

  8. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    Thinking about it in hindsight. I think the team and Luck would have been best served since the decision came so late in the preseason, to simply put him on IR for the year, then retire in December /January. That honestly would have made a HUGE difference in Luck’s legacy and honestly, lessened 99 percent of any flak he has and will continue to receive. 

    I understand what you are saying, but that probably wasn’t even an option in Luck’s world. The best way out of a hard situation is to rip the bandaid off and start the healing process as soon as you can. Had he prolonged it, he might have been forced to do things he didn’t want to do. Would have undoubtedly felt the pressure even more so. Would have missed an entire seasons worth of time with his family. There’s a lot of reasons that went into his decision. His legacy probably was at the very bottom of the list. It was so abrupt that i would say it was basically him attempting to hold off as long as he could, and potentially even following the season, but just couldn’t do it any longer. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    It would have been downright embarrassing if the 49ers did score a TD in OT and started jumping like they won the SB. It could have exposed even more guys who didn't know the rules then. I guess in a way, a few other guys were spared from that. :) 

    can you imagine? 

    if half the sideline was running onto the field and Gatorade bathing Shanahan? HAHA. Wow- what a site that would have been. 

    they showed Mahomes a couple times during that drive, right up to the fieldgoal, and he was as cool as a cucumber. 

    when they showed the 49ers on the bench during the Chiefs drive, they all looked ready to vomit. 

  10. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39511676/49ers-players-say-know-super-bowl-rules


    And then this comes out. 

    How does a coaching staff not prepare professional players on overtime rules in the playoffs? Not just at the beginning of the playoffs, but in the two week preparation for the superbowl. Andy Reid did all year apparently. No doubt Bill Bellichick would. I would hope that Shane Steichen would be that detailed... But Kyle Shannahan? Not addressed with the team. Players reportedly didn't know the rules until they were put up on the big screen at Allegiant Stadium. WHAT? LOLLL.. this is unbelievable. 

  11. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    But most of the time, those papers are boiler sheet copies. Fill in the blank documents. They could have filled them out when he informed them before the game. Which is what a lot of his teammates said that he had done, that is telling the players before the game. My guess is he walked into Ballards office sometime that afternoon or early evening and said “I’ve made my decision, I’m out”. Wouldn’t take long to fill in the blanks. 

    Either way, Luck did what he did in warm ups. 


    That's not the timeline the article indicated. It says his uncle (agent) finalized paperwork with Ballard and they cried. Luck savored his final days (as in not the moments before the game) in pro football. 

    No one will ever know the details of why he was on the sideline and throwing during warmups. Maybe that was his last request. Maybe that is what the organization wanted to squeeze some extra ticket sales out. Who knows? 


    It was a heart wrencher regardless. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    It is. extremely strange. And probably why it’s still rather raw for probably half the fan base.

    And honestly, that’s been my entire issue with it since. To go out there, warm up and show off your health and talent in front of fans that had come to adore you, all while knowing full well that you were going to be announcing your retirement very soon. And suddenly.


    that is the biggest F-off you could do to the fan base of the team you’re supposed to be playing for. 


    Combine that with just 3 days prior, Luck himself said in a video interview that I have linked before, that he was expecting to start in game 1 of the regular season(which is why I dispute the theory that the Colts knew of his plans “long before” the leak by ESPN) , it’s even worse. He deliberately mislead people and that is just wrong. That’s not an Irsay problem, that’s not a Ballard problem and that wasn’t Reich’s fault either. Those two actions were 100 percent the doing of Andrew Luck.  And stats aside,  those actions alone, are the reasons he should never qualify for the RoH. 



    But as @Superman pointed out in the article, the papers were already drawn up. So I don't necessarily blame him as much as the organization for allowing it to happen. Not to throw more "could be" ideas out there, but perhaps the organization wanted it to get out/hoped for it to and give him as much time to think about it before finalizing. They obviously would do (as apparent by reaching out in multiple offseasons following his retirement) whatever it would take hoping he would come back.

  13. 8 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Let’s not forget those fans also watched him go thru warm ups and throw the ball and move just fine. Luck did that. Using your dating analogy, I’d liken it to planning and saving for a romantic get away only to be broken up with for no fault of your own, at the ticket gate waiting to board your flight.


    That was the strangest part for me. I took a good friend and his dad that night. My friend was home on military leave after deployment, and neither of them followed the league much, but were definitely interested. We sat and talked about the prospect of the season, and I was especially excited after the run in 2018. Watching him throw and the way he was engaged on the sideline... it was a total blindside to have that ping on my phone. I'll never forget the strangeness of that feeling. 

    • Like 2
  14. 2 minutes ago, shasta519 said:

    But as far as the org. leaders, I will always have a hard time believing they didn't know well before that. Or at least know he was strongly considering it. Not saying they knew in April or whatever, but weeks before seems possible. And we know that they can keep things close to the vest.

    There’s zero chance they didn’t know it was a serious possibility. I would argue that they knew when his ankle issue turned up after the 2018 season. The comments by Irsay of it being between the ears tells me he likely expressed his frustrations and contemplations of retirement. Who knows- it may have been a recurring discussion throughout his last several years. The article that states Ballard tried to appeal to his “competitive fire” or something along those lines, tells me this was ongoing discussions, as well as they certainly knew before the preseason game where it was leaked. 

    • Like 2
  15. On 2/11/2024 at 10:43 AM, shasta519 said:

    I don’t think Luck would have come back if not for those boos. That sounds like a silly thing for TY to say. Maybe he meant make

    more appearances around the org

    this was what I thought too. But when I watched the video, he clearly is implying that he had those discussions with Luck, and that he was open to a comeback. But the boos squashed that. 

    I don’t buy it. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, chad72 said:

    The Chiefs erased Kittle from the game. So it was Jennings that benefited from it. 


    Exactly. What happens when Kittle isn't in the game? Things get a lot easier for the defensive side of the ball, and a lot more difficult on Brock Purdy. 


    2 minutes ago, chad72 said:

    It is the best 1-2 punch where 2 head coaches are coaching the offense and defense along with an elite QB in his prime. 27 points is still the most any team scored against the Chiefs, all season long. Absolutely mind blowing consistency from that D!!! 


    Yeah, Spags was great this year. The defense was a legit component of their season. They rode the defense at the beginning of the season, when they were clearly struggling. Aside from a weak AFC West, they could have easily been in trouble this season with the offenses woes. 

  17. 19 minutes ago, Myles said:
    3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Anyone can be better in 1 game, but Peyton was the best for 16 games 5 times. SB MVP doesn't mean didly, because anyone on a fluke can have 1 great game, see Doug Williams in 1987.

    To be fair, Getting a Superbowl MVP is not a fluke.  Mahomes beat the Dolphins, Bills, Ravens and 49rs to win his 3rd Superbowl MVP.  Also, to get to the post season means he had good regular seasons too.  


    Yeah... One game, sure. But 3 games is more than a pattern. Last night, especially a fourth quarter comeback drive to send it to overtime, and then an overtime game-winning drive speaks VOLUMES. The plays he made, especially the fourth down run with the game on the line, was cold-blooded. Pat Mahomes is more than special, and it's blatantly obvious... except to those who think the game is rigged. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    All you just said is definitely plausible. I just find it even more telling that if what TY is saying in this clip is true, it really speaks to the emotional state Luck was or is in. I will not ever make fun of someone l’s mental state but it does make me wonder if Irsays comments the year prior about Luck and the “being between his ears” as the main problem were true. 


    Of course it was. I've been there too, so I definitely understand. If your heart isn't in it, then there's nothing anyone can do to help you. He was tapped out. Time to move on. My point is that if he was moving on and we did not as a franchise (which maybe we tried and failed), then who is really to blame? I don't necessarily blame Ballard. I think it's plausible that Irsay was making emotional decisions and keeping his thumb on what steps were taken to move on. Sometimes you have a qb fall in your lap, but often it takes aggressiveness... There was no urgency to fix the qb room permanently in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  19. 20 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    The thing is Kyle Shanahan doesn't control the defensive aspect of the 49ers. It is hard to always outscore in the playoffs. Belichick is the ONLY head coach with a defensive background to shut down Patrick Mahomes for an entire half, happened in Mahomes' 1st year of starting in the 2018 AFCCG.


    San Fran has so much offensive talent, they are not going away.


    I agree for the most part, except for it was obvious that he was screaming in the mic to Wilkes to stop dropping five back and change it up. He even called a timeout to put a stop to it. So, in essence, he does have control of the game in that regard. To assume Shannahan doesn't have control of the defense is like saying that Bill Bellichick didn't control the offense... even though there is plenty of footage of he and Brady sitting in his office running through film and gameplanning on the offensive side of the ball. 


    I don't believe San Fran is going away, at all. I just know that they aren't getting younger. They are set to lose some key pieces. McCaffery is only going to have so many years to play at this level. Kittle will be 31 this year. Their all-world Left Tackle is 36 this summer. Things are going to change. Again, they are going to get more reliant on Brock Purdy elevating his game. It's not saying he won't. But it's not guaranteed that he does. He couldn't beat Pat Mahomes with a disparity of $37 million in cap hit. He has two more seasons before he's making the big bucks.

  20. 8 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    IF, that is a BIG IF, they have the 3-peat, I can see both Andy Reid and Travis Kelce walking away from the game. Then, we shall see Mahomes without his 2 biggest rocks for support. But I am sure their GM Brett Veach will re-stock their offensive cupboard this year. Plus, they can't re-sign both Chris Jones and L'Jarius Sneed, most likely Jones stays and Sneed goes, if I had to guess. So they have to compensate on the offensive side to score like they did vs the Eagles last SuperBowl.


    But maybe Andy Reid knows Mahomes is a once in a lifetime talent he lucked into that he wants to continue the 1-2 punch with him and Spagnuolos as long as he can.

    if they three peat, there’s little doubt that they are the greatest dynasty in the history of the nfl. 

    I don’t think Reid will be done next season… he’s 65. He likely has no hobbies, outside of what he can do in the offseason. Bill Bellichick has 6 years on him. I would say he’ll push his career as far as he can, and there is no indication he is close to being ready. How could you be? They are in the glory years. Walking away would be like breaking up the 90s Bulls. It’s not going to be Veach that does it. It’s going to be Reid, on his terms… 

  21. On 2/10/2024 at 4:14 PM, ArmchairQB said:

    On a recent episode of the Trenches Podcast TY Hilton seems to indicate Luck would’ve come back had Colts fans not booed him off the field.  



    to me- that pretty much defines why the makeshift at qb with Rivers, Wentz, Ryan was a thing. Ballard repeatedly stated he believed Luck was done. But if Luck expressed a possibility with TY, then he did with Irsay. And if Irsay believed there was even a sliver of chance he’d come back, how do you firmly move on? The problem is- if that is the case- then the opportunities to move on were missed and it dragged the franchise through the mud for too long with missed opportunities. I’ve long thought that the qb situation was strange. It just didnt feel correct, that a GM, that believes in evaluation and his scouting department, wouldn’t want to draft a qb… and last night was just another perfect example (as if there hasn’t been year after year) that the QB position reigns king as far winning championships go. 

  22. 4 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    Absolutely 100% correct!! No one has a crystal ball or time machine. But what is crystal clear is his poise matched only by Brady, come playoff time. 


    4 attempts from the 10 yard line to punch it in from 1st and goal to 4th and goal in the 2007 Chargers divisional round game at home for Peyton, he got happy feet, couldn't extend plays or slide in the pocket well enough to make it count. Brady or Mahomes in that situation, TD, hands down. They have shown to be mental giants (so far for Mahomes).

    Mahomes ability to extend and make plays happen from nothing is his separator to me. No one does it (or has done it) like he does. I think that is pretty obvious. He makes throws and plays that only handful can, and he does it regularly. 

    In the near future, he will have to adapt to not having the best tight end of all-time (imo). Playoff Travis Kelce has undoubtedly helped him win 3 championships, as has Andy Reid… They will ride it until the end. But the end is near for #87, and likely for Reid too. How Pat will adapt/who they bring in to be his go-to, will likely be a determining factor of his success as his mobility declines. 

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