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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    So he’s never spent good money on any safety and other than Hooker, he’s never spent more than a late-3rd on a safety.   Ballard’s history says he thinks he can get good level of play at safety — something acceptable

    And yet he talked pretty extensively about the free safety position in the post season presser… Doesn’t seem his late 3rd and 7th round safeties were consistent like they want and NEED. 

    it wasn’t acceptable. Maybe in your worlds and looking at Nick cross’ pff numbers, but he’s still very raw. 

    perhaps we aren’t looking at this right. Maybe they don’t bring Blackmon back, and that justifies looking at expensive options. He likes Blackmon and while I would prefer him to be back, his injuries might keep it from happening. 

  2. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Ballard’s position has always been the DL, the Will and CB1

    but in your metric, he’s never spent money on cb1 either. And the Will doesn’t even have as much importance in Bradley’s system. The Will was the most important along with the 3 tech in eberflus defense, which is where Leonard thrived and why they brought buckner in. With that argument, they need to bring Burns or Allen in for Bradley’s Leo position. Do you see Ballard paying $30 million to replace Kwity Paye this season, or do you see him paying $10-13 to put a stud at a weak spot? Perhaps I’m wrong on safety, maybe he goes after someone like Snead that is versatile, but isn’t McKinney that guy too? He can play up, he can cover, he is an ideal free safety. 

    • Like 1
  3. “I do think we’ve got to get more consistently out of the free safety position,” Ballard said at his postseason press conference. “That’s not quite a knock, because they’re both young players.”

    “Thomas had some good moments, Cross had some really good moments,” Ballard said. “But we need more consistent moments from that position.”

    “One, it’s always tackling,” Ballard said. “When you’re a good tackling team, the first guy gets a guy down, and it eliminates a lot of (explosive plays) — yeah, he’s the eraser. The free safety is the eraser.”

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, Yoshinator said:

    Yeah, I understand what you are saying. Ballard may love this safety class because of all the mid-round options and the fact that he likes to trade down. It might encourage him to take a safety in the 4th round or so. 


    I just think we need a starter if Blackmon is not re-signed. Not sure we have one besides Cross. Daniel Scott has potential and Ballard said good things about him, but he's coming off an ACL tear. Don't trust Rodney Thomas much. With the way the draft is looking with safeties right now (it could change), I don't see any definite starters for us. Free Agency seems like a much better option. Not really a fan of having three day 3 safeties (potentially if we draft one along with Scott and Thomas) competing for the starting job. I'd like either a veteran in there as an option, or a solid FA in there.


    … he is not going younger at safety. Or corner. I don’t think he’s looking to upgrade at corner, based on his comments. Last year was the taking the lumps year at corner. Super young, flowers injury, Rodgers suspension/waived. It wasn’t what was expected, but not entirely unexpected either. They went young with two rookies playing a lot, which he thinks will be a good thing going forward. I think he adds depth/competition with a lower cost veteran. And I think he looks to upgrade the safety position. I see Blackmon/Cross, FA/Scott. Scott ran a 4.45 40, which makes him a very capable free safety. I think his return pushes Thomas to be depth or gone altogether (he’s under contract for 2 years at around $1 mil. But they will not go young at safety again, imo. 

    • Like 3
  5. 16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    He's more likely to get 12 or 13 from another team.  Yes, but I don’t see McKinney getting it from Ballard.

    that’s fair. 

    16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    It would be a big deal because Ballard has conducted his business in a certain way since he became GM.   And he’s never done what you and some others propose.  A change would be a red flag to me.  He’d be changing a foundational belief.   That would concern me.

    it would be a big deal like him drafting a qb, which was a fundamental change that he acted on last offseason. And I’m not sure what his foundational belief is regarding safety. I think his hope was to draft mid round safeties and develop them into superstars. Are you suggesting his belief is that safeties aren’t worth the money because that hasn’t happened? Because my belief on it is that he hasnt had any turn into $13 mil/year players. His foundational belief is to draft/develop/retain your own. But if they don’t turn into those players (hooker injuries/scheme, Willis early retirement, etc) how do we really know what his belief is regarding the safety position? Very few safeties draft first round. But several safeties command $12 plus million. that’s a top 10 market. I cannot fathom that he wouldn’t add a top 10 player at a position that is weak. The defense lacks playmakers like it’s had. They are trying to develop them at corner, and he’s stated as such. Cross and Blackmon are too similar at strong safety without ability to play wherever you need them. Somebody like McKinney can play anywhere, at a top level. He immediately improves the defense, imo. 


    16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    And I don’t see the need that you do. 

    I would hope that would be the case considering how strongly you feel about sticking with the status quo. Where do you feel the need is most important on the defensive side of the ball? 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I’m not bothered by $10 mill a year.   I’m really bothered by 10 mill a year for FOUR YEARS.    Something he’s never done for a corner, much less a safety.   You’re being too clever by half. 

    I don’t know why it’s a big deal in your eyes. $10 mil 4 years from now will be a discount, if he produces like he has on a bad team. Hes 24 years old…


    He’s more likely to get more like 12 or 13 btw..  

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

    I expect a totally different approach than what we’ve seen


    Qb excitement/stability (aside from injury, our week 1 starter will be the same for the first time in Ballard’s career. Correct?) 

    New coach/stability 

    Capspace/ability to be aggressive 

    Team that was a play away from winning division with a backup. 


    if there were ever a year or few years to have a good shot at bringing some talented free agents to Indianapolis, this is the window… I’m not saying a Super Bowl window, but a window to be aggressive to put the best product we can on the field. To me, it starts at free safety and an explosive receiver to pair with Pittman. That means receiver in the draft and to bring one of what looks like a few options in free agency at safety. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, Yoshinator said:

    It's pretty much the same for me though. It's going to be a pain watching FA for the Colts specifically because you can't count on Ballard improving the team through FA much. Even in a situation like this where Richardson is under a rookie contract, I don't trust Ballard to spend a little to build around him. Hope to be wrong. 


    The draft is where it is fun to watch as a Colts fan. Ballard usually gets athletes with a high RAS score and they hit decently or they can miss pretty badly. It seems though there's a lot of injury busts and that's been unfortunate. 

    I’m an eternal optimist, so maybe I’m the one that should be altering my opinion. However, I’ve long held the opinion that it’s hard to be aggressive in free agency without qb stability. Especially with players that not only want paid, but to go to a team that they know who will likely be qb going forward. It’s hard to say Ballard will be the same old Ballard we have grown to know over the years because he’s in a new position. We know who our qb is. That’s a change from the last few years at this stage of the year. He has a new coach that more than proved himself in his rookie year. He has cap space and the ability to play with it. And he’s stated that they have flexibility to be aggressive. That’s a totally different talking point that we have yet to hear from him. He’s been pretty good (or bad- depends on how you view it) at showing his hand before the offseason thus far. He seems to always do exactly what he says he’s going to do. I think he nailed last offseason, aside from the unfortunate injury to AR. I expect a totally different approach than what we’ve seen. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Not only would I not be happy, I’d be horrified.    A contract of 4/40 on a FA safety?!?    No.   Heck no. 

    Ballard has said he and Steichen see things the same way.   If that holds, I see the chances of signing a FA safety to a 4/40 deal at almost zero. 

    $10 mil a year for a playmaker that elevates the defense at a weak spot doesn’t seem too awful bad to me. Idk, maybe I’m wrong. 



    2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Posters here need to stop thinking they know more about what the Colts should do than Ballard.   And if he doesn’t do what they want they need to get over it.

    i find this to be ironic considering what you posted two seconds prior to this… ^^

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  10. 5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    As you’re probably aware, a popular wish among some posters is signing safety Xavier McKinney to a contract of 4/40.   It has never happened and I’d be beyond shocked if it happened this year, hot seat or not.  Ballard has never even signed a corner to a contract like that so I don’t see him signing a safety to a deal like that.

    you would be shocked… but would you be happy? 

    because I would… 

  11. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Im not even clear what you’re arguing?  

    I’ve demonstrated by his actions that Ballard doesn’t believe in using high picks for safety or sign one to an expensive FA contract.   

    As you’re probably aware, a popular wish among some posters is signing safety Xavier McKinney to a contract of 4/40.   It has never happened and I’d be beyond shocked if it happened this year, hot seat or not.  Ballard has never even signed a corner to a contract like that so I don’t see him signing a safety to a deal like that.  

    He’s arguing that using precedent might not be a good basis due to times changing for Ballard. And I agree. 

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  12. 7 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    If Ballard is more flexible this year (which I think is possible) he’d take a WR or corner in the first.   Might take that player at 15, or he might trade down and take that position.  I think the only thing he won’t do is trade up in the first. 

    I don’t think there is any way he take a corner 1st. Receiver makes far more sense. Draft position value obviously matters, which is why I say trade up. If you identify that the top (x amount) of receivers are legit and would be game changing explosive players for your rookie qb, then you go get them… I don’t expect one of the top 3, maybe 4 to be there at 15… 

  13. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I believe Pagono said hooker was the next Ed Reed lol. So that was probably a Chuck pick.

    Why would he have had that much influence? It doesn’t make sense to me… He “pounded the table for the 2nd round” pick Wilson that year too, which tells me that Ballard and company had Hooker high up on that board… He wasn’t supposed to be there. 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    That was for Pagano though, not since Gus Bradley was chosen to run the D.


    However, if they want to implement a Seahawks' style D, we don't know if we have our Chancellor or Earl Thomas. :) 

    I don’t deny that. But he also knew Pagano was in an evaluation year and he likely wanted him gone… If it weren’t for health, we might still have Malik here and wouldn’t need this conversation. 

    safety play, especially free safety, was the glaring weakness. And it still is (in my opinion). Blackmon and Cross are strong safeties. They need a disruptive, play making player (like hooker) on the backend to pair with those two… 


    4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Nick Cross has a PFF grade of nearly 72.  I don’t know where in the world you got the idea that he’s just plain bad.  The opposite is true.  

    Again, every year posters here predict a change in Ballard’s behavior.  And every year they’re disappointed that he doesn’t.  I don’t expect him to change this year, though with a new HC, it’s certainly possible.   


    your last sentence was what I would respond with. Ballard is also in a different position than we have grown accustomed to. He is feeling pressure, he has his qb, and has set the stage to “be more flexible to be aggressive.” 

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  15. 1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I think Ballard is happy with fries. We are actually returning the entire Oline and backups. 

    Fries played very well at times. He didn’t have too many bad games by any stretch. I don’t know why we would be concerned about the o-line which seemed to return to 2021 form in a lot of ways. their health (especially Kelly, smith and Nelson) is the biggest concern, but should be better. Raimman is the guy at left tackle. I have more questions at tight end than offensive line. 

  16. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    We don’t even have a starting safety right now. Blackmon will be a FA and cross and Thomas are just plain bad. Thomas was benched he was so bad. I don’t think it will be a big name safety. Just someone who can communicate and be a steady hand. Probably won’t even cost much. Then you can draft one and be a little patient. This team is ready to win if this secondary gets fixed. You don’t want this offense to have to be Superman every week. 

    I will stand by my feelings of where they are looking to improve this offseason the most. “More explosiveness on offense… limit explosive plays on defense” 


    That is receiver and safety… They will look for the defensive line and cornerbacks to take another jump, “I expect our defense to make another jump next season” and the key weakness is safety. 


    They will look to tag or re-sign Pittman, and use the 1st round pick on a receiver, which looks like a whole lot of explosiveness to me. I am pounding for him to be aggressive and trade up for one. Use the rest of the draft and free agency to find your talent and supplement the roster. I don’t see any reasons to try and upgrade starters anywhere else. Receiver, safety, finding lineman and linebackers in late free agency/ the remaining draft, letting the roster grow, and getting #5 out there/keeping him healthy.

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  17. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    People make comments like yours every year.   But for better and worse, Ballard is incredibly patient.  He believes in his young players and that they will get better.   More times than not, he’s proven right.  

    Ballard doesn’t draft safeties high nor does he sign expensive safeties in free agency.   Those are facts.   And here you are pushing back. 

    yet his very first draft, he picked a free safety with his 15th pick… 

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  18. 7 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Id like to share some info about Safety.   You’re not alone in thinking the Colts might go after a safety in FA.   I disagree and here’s why…. 

    These are the safeties Ballard has drafted. 


    Hooker.    1


    Willis.        4

    Tell.            5

    Blackmon.  3.  (85 after trade down)

    Davis.          5

    Cross.          3.   (96)

    Scott.           5.   (158)


    to me, this tells all of us that Ballard doesn’t think safety requires a premium player.  So I don’t see the Colts either drafting a safety high or signing one in FA to a contract of $10 mil per.  Heck, Ballard signed Rodney Mcloud and he played great for the Colts. 

    Your view is popular.  I see plenty of posts that say what you’re saying.   But recent history says you’re likely going to be disappointed. 


    I see your point, and I have already pondered that… but I think his comments regarding free safety stood out more, and I took the “limit explosive plays” comment to be more about the backend versus the front end. He said they need to get improve up front some, but I don’t see them making any big moves that replaces anyone on the line.

    They moved Blackmon to strong safety and I think they’ll resign him there (just hope he stays healthy, because he’s great when he is). they gave cross his chance, and I think there is a lot of potential there but they aren’t willing to keep putting him out there except in certain situations, and if necessary. I doubt they think Thomas needs to be out there, and while they are expecting good things from Scott, they understand he’s coming off an IR rookie year. A veteran safety is what the defense needs right now. Premium position or not. I don’t see corner being their concern, outside of needing depth. If they resign Kenny Moore, which I think they will to a 2 year deal, then they have their starting corners going into the season in Flowers, Brents and Moore and Jones hopefully continuing to improve as a key 4th. 

    • Like 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I don’t think colts are going to do anything big on offense in FA. They will use the draft for that. I really do think they will use FA for defense.

    O-line depth and a receiver to replace McKenzie, but nothing early. Lateee free agency, maybe not even until later in the offseason. 

    I see D-line and safety being the main focus in free agency. Ballard has drafted good linebackers, and I expect one maybe two in the mid-late rounds of the draft for special teams/development. I don’t see the need as much as others for a pass defending backer. If you solve the safety issue, they’ll have Harrison to utilize there. Safety is most important, imo. 

  20. 18 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    Yep. It is a marathon, not a sprint. No one expects Ballard to spend like the Jaguars do in free agency, just asking that he spends more than he normally does, just a little bit :). Dennard Wilson of Titans aims to cultivate an attacking defense. We can bet DeMeco Ryans and Nick Caserio will spend a bit for free agents with their cap room to maximize Stroud's rookie contract. Jaguars - they always win March, maybe they will stand pat this time and focus on the draft. 


    Ballard needs to give Steichen and Bradley most of what they want in FA and the draft, hopefully both of them have input in the roster construction. Wouldn't mind a re-union with Denico Autry at all.


    Now, we have 4 teams in the AFC South, with Stroud, Lawrence, AR and Levis on rookie contracts. All of them will be spending, IMO, though Titans first have to unload Tannehill.

    It could be final stretch of the Ballard marathon though. That’s my argument to looking to sprint or else getting blown out by those that are just ahead of you. Turn it on now, or never get the opportunity to. 

    It is about spending, but to me, it’s more about aggressiveness. Identify a few positions that can ultimately make the biggest difference and be aggressive. To me, it’s receiver and free safety that can make the most impact over the next 2 seasons. Of course we want a pass rusher. Of course we want cornerbacks. But I’m not buying that they aren’t going to roll with Paye, Dayo, ebukam on the edge and Flowers, Brents, jones, Kenny Moore (or whoever they bring to replace him). I think they look to be aggressive at free safety in free agency, and to either trade for a receiver or trade up in the draft for one. Maybe it’s what I hope for. Just have a feeling that is what they are eyeballing, and it’s mostly based on Ballard’s comments in the post season presser. Hes shown his hand time and time again in those pressers. I think he did again.

    • Like 1
  21. 35 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    What would be wrong if the change was made here in America, even if it’s not made outside the country.   At least it might be more exciting here in the U.S. 


    Im now 67, and old enough to remember that 55 years ago,  soccer would soon become the most popular sport here in America.   Well, more than a half century later, it’s still not even close.   I’d say soccer is 5th behind the Big 4.   So, still waiting. 

    Also….  I don’t understand you bagging on the women’s national team.   Haven’t they had more international success than the men?   Haven’t they won the World Cup?   Haven’t they won the Olympic Gold?   If they’re not doing well now, isn’t that just a snapshot of a moment in time?  

    Im obviously not an expert of soccer.  I’m just giving some thoughts from someone who thinks change would only be helpful. 
    Maybe I’m making bad arguments?   It’s possible.  But I’m not convinced yet. 


    so… how would extending the goal and changing the rules in America benefit them on a global stage?… it would not… it would be more than detrimental and we would be the laughing stock of the soccer world. 

    my comment wasn’t bagging on the women’s at all… I clearly said aside from the women’s national team, who have been successful. Although the argument on their success is that much of the rest of the world still doesn’t really recognize women as human beings, so they kind of had an advantage in that regard. London banned women for 50 years, so the U.S. women enjoyed a competitive advantage by being more organized and freedom of playing for longer. It’s now catching up. 

    also, soccer in America is growing by leaps and bounds in popularity. There would be no reason to alter anything to stunt that growth.

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  22. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Here is one thing that might be a good start to other needed changes.   Make the goal bigger.   Perhaps 4 feet wider and 2 feet taller.  Add scoring.   The four biggest American sports have all added more scoring with subtle changes and with great success.   Soccer should too

    The U.S. (aside from the women’s national team) can’t even crack the field to be relevant in soccer… There is 1000% chance that no one outside our own borders takes anything we say or do related to the sport seriously. No one outside of the U.S. cares about television the way we are obsessed with it. For Pete’s sake, we are basically the only nation that allows pharmaceutical advertising on tv, and everyone knows it is king these days with sponsored ads.

  23. 7 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

    The world is crazy for football (soccer)


    I think it’s boring for me as well


    I have a short little span of attention…..


    That’s one of a long list of faults that I have

    (My wife maintains my list of faults in case I forget)

    I think American football has dominated here because of exactly that. I can relate, so I’m not dogging anyone. To me, it’s just indicative of our culture. We don’t have the propensity for much patience or appreciation for anything that requires it. 

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