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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 2 hours ago, Myles said:

    I have spent time on the Chiefs forum.   Sure there are some who are saying the Colts have no chance, but most are pretty level headed like we have here.   Read back in this thread and you see several Colts fans posting stuff like:

    We got this, we own KC in the playoffs

    We'll be able to control the game easily with our running game


    I'm not trolling at all.   Do you typically feel that posters with a different opinion than yourself are trolls?

    KC is the #1 seed.   Of course many of them are going to feel confident.     Just like the Colts fans feel pretty good about our team.  


    I'm not sure it's a differing opinion. It's you stating Colts fans (lumping everyone on this forum into one generality) are overconfident and cocky. To me that is trolling this forum and the fans that are posting on this topic. I don't see any overconfident fans here. I see confident fans that are just happy to have a chance to make it to a conference championship. 


    Also, this forum is NOTHING like the Chiefs forum. It is a bunch of unfiltered postings that are trashing everyone but their team. I have yet to see a level headed conversation of this game over there. 

    • Like 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, krunk said:

    This game may be like the game we played against the Raiders. And we may have to do them like the Raiders. Break out Mack and Hines/Wilkins and stuff it down their damn throat. Defensively speaking I don't think we could defend worse than we did against the Raiders. Especially with all our starters healthy. I think we can make enough plays on D to beat these boyz. Their D looks like it could be worse than the Raiders and the Raiders were pretty Bad.


    If it can end on Darius Leonard punching the ball out for a recovery then that would be Greeeeaaattt.... 



    And if Mo Alie-Cox can snag a ball or two like he did in that game, that would also be greeeattt.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Myles said:

    I think Colts fans are being just as bad.  


    I think it could go either way.  The Colts are hotter, but home team have an advantage.  Teams coming off a bye week also have an advantage.  


    I think you are starting to turn troll-like. Literally no one here is saying KC has no shot in Hell to win this game... so elaborate for all of us if you would please on how Colts fans are being "just as bad" as Chiefs fans on their forum. Have you been on there in a minute?.. or are you just trolling?

  4. 38 minutes ago, Myles said:

    Funny how this thread is about overconfident KC fans and I see the majority of Colts fans overconfident in the Colts.


    I don't think anyone here is confident that we are going to win, let alone overconfident. I think we are confident that we are going to compete and give their defense a hard time all night long. I'm confident that Chiefs fans are pooping their pants right now, and acting like this is going to be a cake walk. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Caffrey said:

    When I read a KC fans says they are not nervous about this game, it tells me they are.  KC has a lot more pressure on them, performing up to a #1 standard while being a new kid on the block.  Plus the Colts are their playoff nemesis, 4-0.  Similar to Luck has never lost to the Titans.


    Mahomes is super young QB, had a great year and as an ultra bright future.  However, he is young, in his 2nd year, 1st as a starter and we shall see.


    Similar to Houston, KC is a good team, I would not call them a great team, they have weakness which we will try to exploit.  Like our 1975 Colt team that made the playoffs after a 1-4 start.  We lost to defending Super Bowl Champs, Pittsburgh Steelers, enroute to their dynasty, and arguably the best team in NFL history.  The Chiefs are not event close to the Steeler comparison is strength and dominance.


    I really like our chances.  The Colts are playing loose with extreme confidence.  I some announces, to include Bill Cowher in specific, said he would be surprised if the Colts beat the Chiefs.  Last week, we beat the the Titans in the flexed late Sunday game. The game was not even started exactly one week ago.  We played yesterday, so not Colts are already resting at home in Indy.  Has a normal 7 day preparation instead on a 6- day preparation.  Plus, anticipate DL Tyquan Lewis should be back from his injury.  


    I know the Chiefs are concerned and are hoping to get this monkey off their back.  They are going to have to earn it, Luck and Colts are not going to lay down on them.  We may beat like we beat Houston but score more. 


    ... they are crapping their pants. See my post above. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Any predictions on what the talking heads will predict this game? Will any pick the colts? Will they predict a blowout or a close game?


    I'm not sure how many, if any will pick us to win, but I am betting none of them are going to say this will be easy for the Chiefs. I'd say we impressed people last night, and many will take us seriously... and they should. 


    Look, we just ran all over the #1 nfl rushing defense. In the playoffs. At their place. 


    KC has the 31st rushing defense. Not one logical person will look at this and not be concerned for the Chiefs.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    You nailed it, they have no clue and after Saturday they will be on the Luck bandwagon :thmup:. I am leaning toward us winning as of now, just a feeling I have. I can see something like 31-30 with Vinny nailing the game winner.


    I want to save the Vinny game winner for the Super Bowl... at least conference championship in NE. 


    Let's just win by two scores again, and enjoy the rest of the games next weekend, how's that sound?

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, PeterBowman said:

    Chiefs this year are the Colts of old....amazing offense but very poor defense.


    We've seen this movie a few times plus this is Mahomes first playoff game.


    Not saying Colts will win, but they're the type of team that beat the Colts of old. Balanced, clock killing offense. Plus the Colts qb is playoff battle tested. 

    Bet this game will be in the 20s.


    This Colts team is what we feared the most back then. An offense that can run the ball and control a game. A defense that can force turnovers. I feel GOOD. This is what playoff football is about. We are playing dang good football right now and have nothing to lose... we aren't supposed to be here. 


    Chiefs fans are nervous man. They know their defense is going to struggle. They are afraid to death that Mahomes will come out and not be the same dominant qb they watched all season. They are superstitious and panicking at their history with the Colts in the postseason... but acting like it ain't no thing. 


    Go Horse.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, #12. said:

    How are they going to stop us?  Their D is terrible.  People say we have to score more than 21.  Well, 21 vs. Houston probably equals 35 vs. KC.  We just played two of the best defenses in the league the past two weeks and pretty much had our way.  


    I think we're capable of winning this game in a number of ways.  We can win a physical game, but if it turns crazy, Luck could win it 45-44, too.  


    Just play our game - win the line of scrimmage and execute.




    We'll have a balanced approach that will open up the run game as the game goes on... We want to break the will of this defense and crowd by running it down their throat, chewing up clock, and scoring touchdowns. They will get their points. But at our pace, not theirs. 

  10. 1 hour ago, oldunclemark said:

    Uh, ,no...

    If Mahomes completes 70% of his passes and plays his best game, we wont win and it wont be close..



    You are giving KC's defense a lot of credit and this indy offense not much at all... you do realize that right?

  11. 2 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    rodgers fair catches when he has 10 yards of space, but then tries to run it when he doesnt have any room

    With all due respect, we don't know what he's being coached in the moment to do. I've been pleased with his fair catches inside the 10 plenty of times as it keeps them from pinning us with our backs against the endzone, and gets the offense out and down to business. Punt returning is a tough tough game. Priority is focusing on the ball and catching it clean (punted footballs have all sorts of spin and movement) and then there is trying to feel and see what kind of space you have. It all happens very quickly. 

    • Like 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

    Good thoughts here. My concerns are Kelce Kelce and more Kelce. I think he is the Colts mismatch problem. T. Hill is a concern if we blow a coverage but we’ve seemed to do pretty well with speed guys, worse against possession type guys, you know, those 5-7 yard catches over and over. 


    I think the KC team has a solid oline as well and that will cause some concern from our defense because we need to get in this qb’s head that he can’t stand and survey, have to make him throw before set and feel pressure a lot. I’m super glad they don’t have Hunt as their RB anymore because he was tough. I don’t know who their RB is now so that should be good. 


    The other big big thing we have is they have a week to be off, read all their stats, how great Mahomes is at making throws behind his back, eyes closed and that he is super awesome. All those talk shows of how awesome this KC team has been can get into their heads if not focused by coaching and team leaders. Mahomes has been just a highlight reel all year and will likely. E the MVP of the league but this week off can allow egos to grow bigger and complacency to creep in, lose a bit of momentum in the competitive spirit and just mess with timing and feel of the game. It’s upside is that injured guys get to heal up while our guys have to keep getting through pain. 


    They also have have a massive advantage in a very loud and crazy fan base in their own stadium. Maybe we can knock that down if we score in a few possessions in a row and get a couple stops on them like the Texans game. That will dull them for a bit but that fan base won’t quit unless they know it’s out of reach. Regardless, this game is going to be a tough match up but I still point to Kelce being the X factor to a win. We stop him, we win, he goes off and we will likely lose imho. 


    Is it a "massive advantage" though? If we come out calm, collective and confident from last night and a good week of preparation with silent count and communicating well in this atmosphere, do they really have a major advantage? Could it work against them by getting them caught up in the emotion of the stadium and situation?  

  13. 9 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    noooo idea lol they are tough. so many weapons on offense.. just control the clock with mack and sustain looong drives.. perhaps mahomes will mess up once


    With our defense, Mahomes doesn't have to mess up. He could complete every pass, and we can still get the ball back by virtue of keeping receivers in front, stopping their run, and even forcing fumbles in the open field. Mahomes can play a perfect game and it wouldn't matter if everyone else comes out flat off the bye week. 



    • Like 1
  14. I have the utmost confidence and trust in Frank Reich putting together a winning gameplan against this Chiefs team. It was obviously there last night, and first half execution was damn near flawless. Second half came down to not executing and extending drives on offense that would have led to a major blowout. 


    I would think the biggest aspect of the gameplan would be to establish the run against this 31st in the league run defense (yards per carry- bottom 10 total yards) and control the clock. Their offense is obviously concerning, although much less after last night. We have to continue to keep the offense in front of us, and in this case, force an MVP level qb to drive the field. If we can limit big plays on defense (one turnover is all I ask for), and control the LOS on offense, running the football well, extending drives, finishing with touchdowns, we will have a great shot in this one. 


    Thoughts on gameplanning this week? Matchup concerns?

  15. ... and yet threw on 2nd and 3rd down when we should have been eating clock and trying to get the killer first downs on the ground. We have our back in Mack (like that phrase?) This offense just needs to stay consistent. We will need it next week in KC for sure. 

  16. I was hoping for more out of him towards the end of the game. He whiffed bad on the dump down to Miller. Bad angles on some. The deflection was a great play, would have loved to see him pick it and take it to the house, but that's me being greedy. Not many have the range to make the play he did. Not a bad game from Darius. Great game from the defense overall. Great game. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, TomDiggs said:

    He sure did


    He honestly played like one of the best players on the field tonight defensively.


    With all our cap space we should follow Ballard's mantra and pay the guys who have earned it and show they belong.


    Moore has one more year left on his contract after this year but Desir is a FA.


    And heck, Desir played well too on Hopkins tonight for that matter.


    Desir has had a very nice season. Enough to re-sign him in my opinion. Corner depth should not be an issue for us next season. I wish he would have picked that pass off and took it to the house. We just don't seem to have the playmaker corners that can make those plays. We could use it. 

    • Like 2
  18. Defense has to keep forcing Watson to prove he can put together drives. No big plays. Nothing cheap. Keep putting pressure and tight clean coverage. 


    I would have liked to have seen at least 2 or 3 more minutes on that last drive. I like the agressiveness. We are protecting Luck well. Keep running the ball well, mixing it up, and putting pressure on that secondary. 

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