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Fx Stryker

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Fx Stryker last won the day on February 2 2014

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  1. Who knew taking a blow torch to an Xbox would fix video display issues. Weirdddddddd.

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    2. southwest1


      Triker Gang...I like it FX is our President. That's sounds like a sweet, pimped out ride 100GFB! Maybe we need to start our own Trickle Bike Rally? I can see it now a international festival with nachos, twizzlers, video games, 20 yard dash races, a parade displaying all the bikes, & nominating a Trickle Babe Queen Of The Open Road Award every year. A huge money maker fellas...KA Ching! The "transitor radio" radio was a nice touch 100GFB! :)

    3. alawai


      Lemonade booths, Tootsie Roll and the Good Humor truck going around the block! Hey you're talking big bucks SW1.

    4. southwest1


      I will volunteer at the Good Humor truck. I have a weakness for ice cream. Tootsie Rolls...Do they still make those candies hard as a rock? IF you fired tootsie rolls or Bazooka Gum out of a cannon or machine gun, it would be a great method of crowd control. Tootsie rolls or Bazooka gum could penetrate & demolish steel IMO. Can we have both pink & yellow lemonade 100GFB? Good Stuff!

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