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Posts posted by 1959Colts

  1. 6 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Oh I agree just explaining where they got dinged is all.

    In Bradley's defense Franklin is usually depended upon to cover nearly the entire middle of the field, regardless of which receivers flood the area. He does a very good job considering what he is expected to do. Its the scheme that's flawed. Many times our opponents QB only has to lob a pass over Franklin's head to the receiver running a crossing route. The safeties are always too deep to come up in time to defend. Making for a simple catch in the soft part of the zone.

  2. 1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

    I think they over do it on mistakes a little bit and let it over shadow good play.  The Colts got really dinged for pass coverage and tackling which in fairness have been issues this season.  I will say I wouldn’t say no to Ballard finding a linebacker who excels in pass coverage at some point.  Leonard, Franklin, and Speed all struggle with it.

    whatever. Ridiculous to give Zaire Franklin a "bad" grade in that game

  3. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/inside-the-jonathan-taylor-deal

    Inside the Jonathan Taylor deal

    By Mike Florio

    (excerpt from article)


    1. Signing bonus: $10.248 million.

    2. 2023 base salary: $784,556, fully guaranteed.

    3. 2024 base salary: $7.804 million, fully guaranteed.

    4. 2024 per-game roster bonus: $510,000, fully guaranteed as of the third day after contract execution.

    5. 2025 base salary: $11.98 million, $7.152 million of which is guaranteed for injury at signing. The $7.152 million becomes fully guaranteed on the fifth day of the 2024 league year.

    6. 2025 per-game roster bonus: $1.02 million total.

    7. 2026 base salary: $11.98 million.

    8. 2026 per-game roster bonus: $1.02 million total.


    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Woods hadn’t even practiced. I doubt they would open the 21 day window and play him right away. We are ok at TE. That’s one position where they have all contributed and will be fine.

    Not saying we have a need there. I simply would like to see more of what Mallory can do. In the limited snaps he has had, he was a factor in the receiving game. We need a dependable guy like Jack Doyle... Cox and Grandson have played extensively, yet neither has really looked to me as a "go to option" in say a critical 3rd down situation. One of our biggest weakness is lack of sure handed receivers that can get open

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Probably Mallory. Not sure what is going to happen with woods since fox injury is most likely just a one game thing.  

    Pretty sure it's safe to say Cox will miss the Jags game. One of those two TEs (Mallory or Woods) should be active. If it is Mallory, he might be a good target for Minshew. Love what I have seen from Ogletree. but IMO, thus far, Cox and Kylen
    Granson have been a bit underwhelming as receivers.

  6. 4 minutes ago, AustexColt said:

    We are not the Colts of last year. Our wins this year creates confidence in me tht Steichen knows how to design plays to maximize their existing talents. Meanwhile, Ballard keeps adding new talent like JK Hamler. We have Jelani Woods on the back burner, and a happy and healthy JT.  I feel optimistic as a Colt fan.  I really like the Steichen/Minshew combination and the OL improvement.

    With Cox sidelined, I hope to see either Woods, or Will Mallory again. both can provide a spark to the passing game.

  7. 2 hours ago, csmopar said:

    I don’t know. I think Sam E with this coach may not be a total screw job.

    I agree. As I said in the past, our biggest problem last year was the horrible O line blocking, and coaching. Ryan was bad, Foles was bad, Sam was bad... and probably, if we had him then, Minshew would have been bad. If forced to play, Ill take Sam as our 3rd stringer. We would have a chance to win games. The pass protection and run blocking is still the key.


    • Like 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I wasn't sure, it may be 4. I think it used to be 8. The league may have changed it. 8 would suck but he would be back for the last 4 games which is the stretch run. If Mustache can just play .500 ball while he is in, we will stay in thick of things now. We already have 2 division wins and sit at 3-2 so right now we are in decent shape. We have games coming up like against the Panthers and Patriots soon, we will probably win those games regardless. Our schedule isn't that bad. The Jags game next week will tell us a lot. If we win that, we will be in great shape through 6 weeks and in 1st place again by ourselves. 

    Sorry. I won't take any game as a "probable" win. Especially NE

  9. 8 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    It’s just hard to be excited with a win with how Richardson got injured. Just not a good start to his career. Watching him play has been so fun. Colts offense not so fun without him.

    I think the Colts offense was fun to watch, in most games with Minshew too. The key for me, is whether or not the o-line delivers the blocks.

  10. 9 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    When Tannehill plays us, he usually looks like Joe Montana carving us up with his dinks and dunks for some reason. He also usually has his 1 Michael Vick run which he did today. It is comical but we finally beat him and his coach. Huge key was, we held them to FG's mainly when they got into the RedZone and the big 4th down stop at the end where they got 0 points. How many times does Henry get stopped on 4th and 1, it rarely happens.

    Yep. For a change, in a reversal, the Colts were the more physical team, on both sides of the ball. Gave the Titans a dose of smash-mouth football

    • Thanks 1
  11. 38 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     We can scratch your words, but one can see that he IS headed to his 1st Pro Bowl and perhaps more. Franklin has upped his game thanks to last year's experience and he is making really good plays at the highest volume. 

     He has surprised the heck out of me.

    the pro bowl sucks

  12. 54 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

    He's certainly becoming one.

    But let's not forget -- he was a 7th round pick.  He worked his @#$# off to get to where he his.  And deserves props for it.  But he was never considered "big ticket" when we drafted him.  And I feel he won't get that label until he goes to a pro bowl.  

    Franklin is not a player the mainstream NFL (Taylor Swift) crowd recognizes. but to anyone paying attention, 0ver the past few years, he has become a force. Fantastic defensive player.

    • Like 3
  13. Just now, John Hammonds said:

    Post Game Thoughts

    • It wasn't the Big Ticket players that did it this game.  Not Richardson.  Not Taylor.  Not Leonard.  It was Minshew and Moss and Franklin and Downs.
    • Let's not kid ourselves.  We didn't dominate this game.  Not in any way.  We made opportune plays at opportune moments.
    • Our young DB's are still struggling.  I like the progress that Brents is making.  But we allowed the opposing team's primary receiver to romp all over us again.
    • Kwity was out.  And then Ebukam went out too.  Our DL was having terrible difficulty getting to the QB.
    • We did, however, put the screws on Travis Henry.
    • BIGGEST PLUS - We didn't blow a 4th quarter lead.  Something we did over and over and over again last year.

    Savor the victory.  But don't read too much into it.  Just like with Baltimore, we beat a team we shouldn't have.  It's a good feeling.  But it doesn't mean we're all that.  We're not.  Yet.  But we won.

    Franklin is a Big Ticket Player

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