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Old Colt

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Posts posted by Old Colt

  1. I was honestly surprised at our fans.  I really thought it somewhat would have been a house divided.  But the article hit the nail on the head, the fans paid their respects, honored Peyton, but at kickoff, it was all Colts.  I wasn't there, but I was honestly proud of our fans.  Glad to physically see the rest of the fans come around.

    Fans had their chance to thank Manning, get closure and move on to the present.  Peyton had left without the fans saying goodbye.  This was that chance and the fans responded in the classy way that Manning derserved.  With the win a new era truly has begun!  GO COLTS!

  2. McAfee isn't having a poor year. 

    35 yd punt though, a critical part of game and the blocked punt doesn't help.... even if it wasn't his fault.  Not a poor year, but not a McAfee year yet either.

  3. I don't think you'll hear many boos Sunday night.  You are always going to have someone who has to be THAT person.  However, I think most people will just elect to not cheer him if the Broncos do well.  I am also sure when he is honored it will be about as loud of an ovation as you've heard in LOS.

    Anyone who would Boo someone who has done so much for this team, franchise, and city should move to Houston and be a texan fan.  Now Irsay, likely will be booed and probably deserves it.......  he needs to pick and choose his comments before he becomes the total laughing stock of the league.... and needs to learn not to talk to media that is looking for hype.


    3 comments on colts game monday nite

    1phillip rivers owns colts

    2 mcglynn and fleener absolutely suck

    3 if anyone thinks this is a championship defensive team theyre crazy------danny woodhead runs wild?

     Again with Fleener sucks..... Hilton, Wayne, TRich all dropped balls... hit them right in the hands... must be the in thing to blame it on Fleener.

    yeah its hard to run between the tackles when the guards and center are being pushed back 2 yards as soon as the ball is snapped. I think thats what Pagano means by body blows?

     Great Point, they were pushed back so far they almost blew up the flea flicker play at the very start. That should have told us what kind of night it would be....

    dude the titans keep losing games too. And who says only one will come from our division? Den/kc get one wildcard. Who gets the other?

     Miami, they hold the tiebreaker with us if you remember.....

    But let's look at the bright side. The Colts are still 4-2, and have a nice grasp on their division. Through 6 weeks last year, they were 2-3 and 3-3 through 6 games. This is a much better team and it had an off night tonight as the coaches got outplayed, it was on the road and their wasn't any spark to this offense.


    I, for one am not too dissatisfied. The Colts weren't going to win every game, and this was a classic trap game. Don't expect to Colts to beat all the opponents that they're "better" than, and vice versa. 



     A nice grasp on the divison? It is a 1 game lead with Peyton coming to town..... Time for the Colts to wake up and get going i all phases.

    Well said. If DHB and Fleener hang onto those passes, different ballgame. The best part about football is the ups and downs. The worst part of football is the ups and downs.

     Everyone wants to blame Fleener and DHB, they dropped a pass, but so did Wayne, Hilton and TRich... it was team wide...

    I know 5-1 sounds and looks a whole lot better than 4-2 but while it sucks that we lost, we are still very much on our way to playoffs. We will probably get the 3rd seed if we win our division and have a home game which should be very winnable. From that point anything can happen. 


    All I'm saying is even though we might not get the 1 or 2 seed, a 3 seed puts us in position for a Super Bowl run if we play well in January.

     The way Titans are playing, hard and with heart, we may not even make the playoffs. Face it only one team is coming from the AFC South, so it's win the division or go stay home. We have to play better and much more consistent from one week to next. We are not there yet....

    The direction is coming from the owner. Even yesterday in an interview he said he wants to build a team which has a good defense and a run game.


    Ironic part is not sure why he drafted Andrew Luck for that. Trent Dilfer type QB would have been good enough.


    He will learn it soon.

     LOL, a run game and good defense????? That is what is killing us.... inconsistent running and no pressure defense... why not play to our strength instead of insisting on something we aren't ready for or don't have right now....

    Fleener is a average run of the mill TE which does not fit any team with a pro bowl QB. Fredrickson is yet to impress me but I'll hold off on judging. After Denver our schedule is fairly light provided the Texans continue to stumble. We have one with KC if they are for real and one with Cinncy.

    Let's not forget Tennessee, they are right behind us and ahead of the Texans. If they play like they did tonight (Colts) the Jags could even be a threat last game of the season.

    Fleener really has disappointed me. I've always defended him, but no more. It's put up or shut up.

    Richardson, please catch the ball. Yes, even the nice soft floaters.

    DHB... Why is he out there again?

    It wasn't just Fleener or DHB..... Wayne and Hilton had drops too......

    Still 4-2 and looking pretty good for a division title.


    Re group and get ready for the all the hoopla this week.

     That's very true, but the Colts missed a golden opportunity to put some real distance between themselves and the rest of the division. This looked a lot like the Miami game, dropped balls, not able to get off the field on defense and offense with no rhythm....

    The weather is typically great!


    The fancy stadium is ANYTHING BUT!    It's old,  it's not set-up for football all that well.    It's a nightmare getting in and out.   The team wants to a new stadium,  but everyone in California is broke, so there are no public funds for a new stadium.    And the team has been on the decline since the GM (at that time)  fired Marty Schottenheimer, replaced him with Norv Turner and the team got a little bit worse every year.   They're now fired him and brought in a rookie coach.


    But the once great roster that Turner inherited from Schottenheimer is long gone....   and the Chargers are in rebuilding mode.


    So.....  fans down there are skeptical at best......


    But, as I said,  the weather is typically GREAT!!      (Everything else,  not so much....)

    If SD fans don't wake up soon, they will have to go to LA to see a game, their move could come sooner rather than later.... may have to race the Jags
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