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first line of business would be to get rid of caldwell he was good coach when the team was based around peyton. the colts would never have been 2-14 under any decent coach. We need a QB someone has to learn under manning. The offensive line is getting old. The defense has been a strugle for years and without manning there put points on the board they have to step up.

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If I were a GM for the Indianapolis Colts

If I was a GM, I would have left everything the way it was exept my first round pick, I would have traded that pick to other teams that need a quaterback, and are willing to give up some of there free agents. The question still remains. How much is Andrew Luck worth to a team who needs a quaterback slot filled in? I trade my pick, and build around Payton Manning, and Dwight Freeney/ Mathis. Everyone knows that before Payton had his surgery he was the man, and he is back. Just ask yourself one question; does Payton Manning have 5 years left on him. "I say Heck Ya." And in those 5 years a lot can happen; like another top quarterback prospect will come along just like they do every year. I cannot stress it enough that the Media including the once who are suck up by the Marketing of players take one player, and blow him up to be this once in a lifetime opportunity, and everyone falls into that mentally. NO one knows if Andrew Luck will even be good in the NFL, this is not College, these guys are Pros. Perfect example "Matt Lenard." and "Mark Sanchez." I mean especially Mark Sanchez. The Market invested heavily in him, and still does, and yet he will never be good. If you watch him play, he cannot read a Defense. Another Perfect example would be our favorite guy: Micheal Vick. He admitted that till this day he still cannot read a defense, and depends heavily on his running ability. I am not saying that is not a good thing, but I will not ever make him more than what he is. IF WE BUILD A POWER HOUSE AROUND PAYTON MANNING LIKE THEY DID FOR JOHN ELWAY WE CAN BE BACK AT THE SUPERBOLW SPOT IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS AT LEAST 2 MORE TIMES, AND TO ME THAT IS A WISER INVESTMENT THAN GAMBLING ON A PROSPECT. BECAUSE MORE PROSPECTS WILL COME EVERY YEAR PROBABLY EVEN BETTER THEN Adrew Luck. Look what happen to the Denver Broncs they became a legacy like the Cowboys, Steelers, and Patriots who all hold back to back titles withing 5 years.

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As the new GM I am moving as quickly as possible to find a GM with a fair amount of business savvy and a stable full of football knowledge. This person's number one skill will be the ability to surround themselves with a great staff. I will work quickly with this person to get the type of coaches I want leading my team, and they will have an unmatched passion for the game. I want him/her to have a similar vision of the direction I plan to take the team schematically. With or without Manning and/or Luck I want a team built around an elite QB that has tall, strong and fast WR's to throw the ball to. I'm talking about 4.3 speed guys that are at least 6'3" tall and weigh in at 215 lbs plus. I don't want CB's to be able to jam or reroute them, and they need big ups and good hands so they can go after the high back shoulder passes my elite QB will be throwing to them. My GM will also need to find me a basketball player type of TE or two that runs great routes, is smart, and can pick up any blitzing DE or LB. I want my QB protected by huge fast guards and tackles with good foot work and hands skills. Also, every player on offense without the ball in his hands blocks to the whistle. I need depth players that start anywhere else but don't want to leave because they are supremely confident that they will earn a starting spot on my team.

Defensively, we will look similar to the current Colts team but will be very different. We will still be considered small and we will continue to use speed to make plays, but we will not be a defense that is characterized by one scheme or type of defense. A four three defense will be the base but I want to be able to get after QB's with just 3 down linemen. My DE's won't be expected to kill themselves every down trying to get up field and after the QB because I want to see LB's coming through the middle against QB's you have to move out of the pocket. I will sign at least one LB that scares H E double hockey sticks out of QB's and ball carriers to get that type of pass rush. Cover and Tampa two defenses will be used on a very limited basis because our corners and safeties will be expected to play man at a very high level. I will also need more defensive players on my bench than offense because defense is largely about being fresh, where offense is about timing, continuity and familiarity.

I will also be looking for a completely new attitude about special teams. Opponents will have a tough choice on fourth down because our special teams will be a special threat of speed and creative blocking schemes, and if their kicker can not get it out of the endzone he may as well kick it out of bounds. My team will also have only one guy handling all of the kicking duties at a price in line with a player that may only get on the field for a dozen plays or so each week. He have one now that can kick the cover off of it, and I think actually enjoys contact with opposing players.

One other thing that concerns me very deeply going forward is the strength and conditioning of all our players. No more seasons of 15 plus players on the injured reserve list. I am no medical expert but, the high number of players that the Colts have lost to injury, seemingly year after year, can not be coincidence. This team has to find a staff that can find the perfect mix of strength training, flexibility and rest needed to keep every player ready from the first preseason game to the raising of the Lombardi.

Finally for our fans and sponsors, character means everything in my organization, and a lack of it is a deal breaker every time. It is about the brand and being an organization that sponsors are proud to endorse, but even more importantly are the fans, especially the young ones looking up to their football heroes. Those people in the stands do not shell out hard earned money to watch high paid professionals act unprofessionally, on or off the field. When my players sign contracts they represent the organization 24/7, and they will keep that in mind as they make decisions about their actions, behavior and associations.

Go Colts, Randall Thompson

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