Why Can't I Post?
If you are unable to reply to a post, please make sure that you validated your email address (when you register, an email is sent to your account, there's a link in it that you need to click)
Until you click that link, you will not be able to post.
If you do not validate your account, it is incomplete. Incomplete accounts are removed from the site after 7 days.
If you are a New Member, you have limited posting privileges for a brief time.
New Members may post 5 replies per 24 hour period until they reach 15 posts. They may not create a thread.
Please note that your 24 hour posting window is tied to the time of your first post.
for example, if your first post was made at 4:34 PM, then you are allowed 5 posts between 4:34 PM and 4:33 PM
Once a new member has reached 15 posts, they become part of the 'Member' group and have the same posting privs as all other members.
These policies are in place to help us keep our site spam free and to encourage new members to take some time reading and responding to posts. In other words, it's a good idea to get to know the members here at least a little bit first.
If you are a validated new member and cannot reply to a post.......or if you are a member and cannot create a thread, please message me and I'll look into it
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