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Tales of an adventure… …a…ROCKY adventure... :)



To my friends who have been requesting this blog for a while now, I do apologize. You know how life runs away with you sometimes? These past four weeks has done that for me! So, per your requests, I am going to do my best to share my Colorado experience…hopefully you’ll walk (or click) away with a good idea of what my vacation in the Rockies was like.

... ... ...

Thirty-six days ago I set out on a trip, an adventure of sorts. Some would have chosen to fly to their destination, but did I? No way. I drove the 1100+ miles to my destination which was in the southern portion of the state of Colorado in the Rocky Mountains (to be exact the Sangre de Cristo range). In the 18 hours it took me and my fellow companions to arrive at our destination, I had the opportunity to see much of this beautiful country that I am blessed to call home. A touch of Illinois farm country, on to the wooded hills of the Ozarks of Missouri, then into the prairie land of Kansas…I must stop here for a moment because one of my favorite parts of the trip was here in this state. The Flint Hills.

Any vision I had in my mind of the “Old West” as a child growing up was brought to life when I reached this national park of sorts. To try to help you picture the Flint Hills, think of this: miles upon miles upon miles of easy rolling hills covered in green grass dancing in the soft breeze with herds of cattle scattered here and there. Not a tree in sight, but oddly enough trees just wouldn’t be appropriate here. No, instead, as you look westward into this peaceful land you see the sun beginning to set…reds and oranges filling up the sky creating the most perfect sunset you have ever seen…now this, this is the old west that I dreamed of. It didn’t take much imagination on my part to picture a horse and rider (maybe two or three) riding atop one of those hills…heading to who knows where…maybe it is Marshall Dillon traveling to catch a outlaw, or Wyatt Eryp to bring in real American history traveling to avenge the death of his brother…who you picture does not matter...or instead of a horse and rider, picture a wagon train traveling west to the unknown…or even picture a band of Native American hunting bison for supper…each of these imaginings are quite fitting for the Flint Hills… …

Through the Flint Hills we drove, on to Dodge City. Have you ever been there? If you are a fan of the old West and old westerns, it is a must visit. I did my best, but sadly I could not find Marshall Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc, Chester, or Festus anywhere…they may not have been seen, but they were there…to me they will always be engrained in Dodge. Forever a part of it.

On from Dodge we went…west toward our destination. Finally! We arrived in Colorado (at this point we were wondering if we’d ever find it…LOL!). On we drove west until finally we begin our ascent upward into the foothills of this majestic range…BREATHTAKING. It literally took my breath away. You can see pictures of the Rockies and think you understand just how huge and regal and magnificent they are, but you truly don’t get it until you stand in the valley below them looking up. Seeing the clouds hover at their peaks, the snow lining their caps, their ruggedness just overpowering you…my words cannot do them justice.

Up we went…up, up, up…9400 feet is where we found our destination. We climb out of the vehicles and look east. Wow. If I thought the view looking at the Rockies was amazing, nothing could prepare me for the view looking out while standing in the Rockies. To say you can see for miles is understatement. Views of the valleys below…you feel as though you are standing in Heaven looking out to the Earth below… …and your slightly breathless as well…not only from the view but from the fact that you are 9400 feet above sea level and the air has gotten thinner making it harder to breath.

Enough of the scenery you say? On to your adventures? Ok, ok, ok! I filled my days with not only enjoying the views and panoramic view but also with things such as hiking/climbing, traveling to enjoy other views, and yes, my friends I went rafting as well.

Can I just say that hiking at 9000+ feet is much harder than it is here at home at lower levels? I’ve done my fair share of hiking, but had never experienced an actual mountain hike. It does wear you out, but boy is it worth it! The sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach your destination is unparallel…at least for me at this point in my life it was. It was interesting to watch the landscape change as I went upward. Trees changed and became fewer and the rocks even became different. And the wind at the top…well let’s just say that there is nothing blocking it, lol! Blow ya over strong. Too cool my friends, just too cool. Did you ever play the game "king of the mountain" growing up? Well, I truly felt like a king of the mountain!

A few days we hopped in the car and ventured out to see new places and views. An abandoned town (caused by the moving of the railroad). Everything was just as it was left in the 1920s. Boarded up and closed with the same items inside. From desks to benches to chairs to curtains...everything just left. Talk about feeling like you've been transported back in time! Pretty interesting and at times a tad spooky...do you believe in ghosts? lol, good thing it was daylight when we were there!! We drove up different mountains to see new views, and on one of these mountains we came across some cascades flowing down the mountains--pretty darn cool! We stopped to take some pictures, and as we opened our doors the rush of the water was so loud we had to shout back and forth to be heard even when just standing a few feet away from each other… …can you imagine the power of the current of the water in those cascades? Truly awesome my friends. Just awesome.

And finally, the rafting on the Arkansas river. I had a blast, I really did...but I have to admit, I was a little let down. The river was down, which made the rafting easier and not as adventurous. But, nevertheless it was fun. There is something cool about traveling down a river in just a raft with paddles. Not on a boat with an engine and nice comfy seats, or in a canoe. No, the raft makes it a completely different experience. Somehow to me it makes it more dangerous and exciting. Gotta make sure to watch out for rocks and paddle the right way and be alert…fun my friends, fun. But my next rafting adventure has begun to form in my head…a repeat experience is in my future and the next time it is my hopes that the water levels are higher…I like challenges J

Sadly, our stay came to an end and we headed back down the mountains and east…towards home and reality. But what we had just experienced was something that would not soon be forgotten… …

…a longer blog than usual, but even so I had to scale myself back or I fear I might have written a book! This by far is in the top five of my favorite vacations ever…I’ve seen the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore and New York City and the Badlands…and at this point I would rate my trip to the Rockies at #1. Being up there in the mountains away from the hustle and bustle o life just enjoying nature changed my perspective on a lot of things. When we get bogged down with work and constantly being on the going and doing this or that we tend to forget to stop and yes, smell the roses. We forget the simple things that bring peace and happiness…it somehow gets lost, and when we lose that what we get in return is stress and more stress…sometimes we need a remind to just slow down…no friends, life has been changed for me…for the better. J

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Wow, I feel like I just read a journal for a reporter on the Travel Channel. The trees, the grass, the rolling hills, & the mighty & majestic Colorado River. I was transported from 2012 to the 1920's & back again. No phones, no internet, no modern day technology just rugged individualism, breathtaking scenery, & tranquil sunset backdrops. Our experiences of a simpler less complex time color of memories & remind us all not to be clouded by possessions & materialism.

I understand this is only a fraction of your adventure, which is told in crisp & vivid detail documenting the sights, sounds, & smells on your trip. You touched on it, but I wanted to know the fear & exhileration [sic] of the cold water as it splashed in your raft, the thrill of not capsizing the boat, your anxieties of not slamming against the rock formations, & the thrill & adreneline rush of surviving a trip down the Colorado River.

Beautifully written piece CP11!!! I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you. Nice work buddy!!!

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It seems as though my good friend CP11 had what is called a "once in a lifetime" vacation....a well deserved vacation!! I envisioned myself all the way through Kansas and on the Arkansas River.

I am a huge whitewater rafting fan. I bet you were a little let down that the river was down, but it sounded like a fantastic time.

I would have loved to see the ghost town. It would be my luck it would not have been Casper, but some mean old ghost. HA HA!

Looking for some pictures of your Rocky Mountain high vacation!! Super blog!!!

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Wow, I feel like I just read a journal for a reporter on the Travel Channel. The trees, the grass, the rolling hills, & the mighty & majestic Colorado River. I was transported from 2012 to the 1920's & back again. No phones, no internet, no modern day technology just rugged individualism, breathtaking scenery, & tranquil sunset backdrops. Our experiences of a simpler less complex time color of memories & remind us all not to be clouded by possessions & materialism.

I understand this is only a fraction of your adventure, which is told in crisp & vivid detail documenting the sights, sounds, & smells on your trip. You touched on it, but I wanted to know the fear & exhileration [sic] of the cold water as it splashed in your raft, the thrill of not capsizing the boat, your anxieties of not slamming against the rock formations, & the thrill & adreneline rush of surviving a trip down the Colorado River.

Beautifully written piece CP11!!! I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you. Nice work buddy!!!

Thanks buddy! It's amazing that in the 8 days I was gone I didn't watch one lick of tv and quite honestly I didn't miss it one bit! Funny how here in the "real world" we feel like we have to have it...ah, I could expound upon such issues of our culture, but I will not :)

I so wish that my rafting experience this time had been more c and exciting, but quite honestly since the river was down it was not that treacherous. No, honestly (I never thought I would say the next string of words together in my life) it was kind of a lazy experience on the river. Due to the river being down, the current wasn't all that fast and therefore it was not as exhilerating as you think when you saw white water rafting. But, then this is always a possibility when dealing with any nature element--we are at it's mercy.

So, while my rafting experience wasn't the kind of experience I had imagined, it was still quite fun and cool. 8 fellow rafters in my vessel, some of who where jokesters and would "fall" out of the raft just for fun. Nah, this time my friend wasn't as exciting, but I assure you there will be a next time for me :)

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It seems as though my good friend CP11 had what is called a "once in a lifetime" vacation....a well deserved vacation!! I envisioned myself all the way through Kansas and on the Arkansas River.

I am a huge whitewater rafting fan. I bet you were a little let down that the river was down, but it sounded like a fantastic time.

I would have loved to see the ghost town. It would be my luck it would not have been Casper, but some mean old ghost. HA HA!

Looking for some pictures of your Rocky Mountain high vacation!! Super blog!!!

Indeed my friend, this was a once in a lifetime experience! I do assure you that I am going to do my best to recreate it in my future, lol!

I was let down when we got to the river and the current was kinda lazy and the river was down, but being the eternal optimist I found the good things that came from it. Because the river wasn't as challenging this time I had the opportunity to observe and see some awesome landscapes and sights. Since my camera wasn't water proof, I didn't take it with me, so those sights will have to live in my mind. But as you know, when you are on a river there are places and things you cannot see from the road or trails. So, that made the experience pretty cool. As I told SW above, I will go again and hopefully the next time will be what we all imagined.

haha!! I can see it now, my good buddy Brent being chased by a big scary ghost...definitely makes me chuckle :) ...Casper was no where to be found, but chipmunks were--lots and lots of chipmunks. Did you know that they like sunflower seeds? I got to sit (with others) and feed these little creatures out of the palm of my hands. A pretty cool experience. I am convinced though that I had Theodore on my lap because that little suckers cheeks couldn't have been more packed!!

I'll work on figuring out how to get my pictures on here so you guys can see them. If I had them on a digital camera then I could have them up in no time, but all my pictures are on my phone...I'll figure it out, it just may take some time.

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What a wonderful trip. I felt like I was along for the ride. Great description and blog of your trip.

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ColtsPride11: Knowing myself, I would love the challenge of the scary ghost. My right hook would not land....but go through 'said ghost.' and said old mean guy Brent would fall down and look silly....even to the chipmunks. BTW...chipmunks also sing great Christmas songs!!!

I love rafting trips....I really hope we can do the New River in WV! I am up for it. Also still watch my squirrels out here....I am in 'acorn heaven.' They can be as tame as chipmunks....I have to keep my avatar away though. :)

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