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Jim Is Good Or Bad?





At this point I am a little worried. I do not know what to think. Does Peyton stay or leave? We have all been thinking that same thing since about 2009. To be honest I think jim Irsay is doing the completely wrong thing.To just give away Peyton right now would be horrible.Yes,I know that over the past few years the Colts haven't done as well as they should have and Irsay is trying to rebuild the team but also he has to think of the people in Indianapolis that follow for Peyton Manning. He can either rebuild the team and hope for a sort of good year in about four to six years or let Peyton ride out his career their and at least be respectful to what Peyton has done with the Colts.If it were was up to me I would have gotten rid of Irsay from Indianapolis along time ago.


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Peyton is out, Luck is in. Peyton will need to play against the Colts from now on. Irsay has already started playing against him.

Peyton will look to be the highest paid QB in the league with reward based compensation. Look to see him with Jets or Miami. Less likely is Redskins or Cardinals.

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Yes, #18 is gone from INDY. I had to admit that I would be incredibly intrigued to see Rex Ryan & Peyton Manning work together on the same squad. Very good offensive line, imposing defense, solid ground game, & a tight secondary. All the protection Peyton needs.

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Peyton would be an excellent fit in 49ers Country too. Superb special teams play, Patrick Willis leading the Defense, Vernon Davis to stretch the field on offense, & Neil Rackers as your field goal kicker. Wow! This squad would be amazing! Alex Smith is no challenge to the Great Peyton Manning & that division is ripe for the taking.

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Peyton is out, Luck is in. Peyton will need to play against the Colts from now on. Irsay has already started playing against him.Peyton will look to be the highest paid QB in the league with reward based compensation. Look to see him with Jets or Miami. Less likely is Redskins or Cardinals.

I think for their own good to keep Peyton just to be respectful, I know that an owner can't be respectful because it is just about money to them.

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Sorry you feel that way.

The issue with Manning is that fans want to see him continue to play. He may or may not be able to do that.

For Irsay to lock the team into his contract by paying him the 28 million just does not make sense. Sadly, it does not

But, hopefully there is a new contract and we see Peyton continue to play as a colt.

Irsay is doing exactly the right thing imo.

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I want Peyton to play. I am a huge Peyton fan and think he is absolutely the best there has ever been. I undersatnd though why Irsay will probably release him. If he pays him the 28 million and then Peyton's arm did not come back he would have all that money spent and the team would be no better for it. He would be doing the right thing as far as ethics and being respectful but either way he will get criticism. If we draft Luck and it doesn't work out he will be criticized. If we keep Peyton and his arm doesn't come back and didn't draft Luck,...criticism. Any way he goes something could not work and he will get criticized. I would hate to be in his position. I hope they work out a deal to keep Peyton and would like us to draft RG3, I know we probably wont do either. I think RG3 is so exciting and dynamic as a player. He also has a heck of an arm and a great attitude.

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Whatever happens, NOTHING erases the fact that Peyton is one of the BEST to ever play the game. He's an incredible athlete, leader, and human being. Imo, he has always strived to do and be the best that he can be, and taken the high road and done the right things. This is a health issue, it is unfortunate that he's had this injury and multiple surgeries, and I, like so many others, feel like I am his #1 Fan, and would like nothing more than for him to remain a Colt, but I also understand the business side. Kayla, I too still hold some hope that they can somehow work this out. Whatever the outcome, I will still support the Colts, and will forever be a Fan of #18.

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Irsay's decision has nothing to do with Peyton's health, it's about rebuilding a team, a few years removed from a Super Bowl.......that makes sense? This team ,in no way, shape or form , needed to be rebuilt! What needed to be done was use some football intellegence and trade the pick away and this team is set , for years, which would include drafting another QB ( capable of winning a championship). Nothing in the current scenario is making good football sense, because the goal is to be the best team you can be and this current scenario, while it will be successfull, is not the best scenario. The result of the current scenario has left no place for #18 to remain a Colt-36 year old QB's and rebuilding don't add up.........after 13 years of greatness and a future that could have very easliy been continued (greatness), the decision will leave this team, years way from any potential success and the best player in the teams history playing ...somewhere else..........that makes sense? I think not

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It is a "health" issue, AND a $$$$ issue. If Peyton was 100%, and if there wasn't so much $$$ involved in the decision, there wouldn't even be any disscussion here.

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And, for the record Ken, I would love nothing more than for Peyton to finish out his career in Indy.....

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I'll eat my hat if it's about money for Peyton, I really don't see him expecting his 28mil.. he just doesn't seem that way, plus his great grandchildren can't spend all the money he already has... I sure hope #18 will be back in the saddle for the Colts, I sure would hate the Colts to have to play against him. Irsay would do well to keep Manning in the family, even when he does stop playing he is still a huge asset for coaching, scouting, management, etc..

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My point was , even if Peyton was healthy , Irsay would have had the same plan-rebuilding. That plan has nothing to do with Peyton's health, only a misguided idea that the team needed rebuilt???????? I understand the fans know understanding what happened and it wasn't just losing 1 player, it was losing half the starting lineup- anyone thinking that losing that many players=a successfull season is ...........

I guess I thought Irsay was a little smarter than that. Nothings changed from my perspective...... a very good core and adding multiple draft picks=success, next year and beyond, but it seems like we are going to go with another plan??

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It has to have something to do with is health. If his health was not a question then there would be no talk of him being released. Even if he was healthy we would only have him for a few more years not vary many. Even though we did have people out injured, we do need some different players. There are quite a few players getting up there in age, injured a lot, or just not productive. This part I totally understand. I would love to see them come to a deal with Peyton and still draft someone to be his backup and hopefully be the starter when Peyton retires. That is my best case scenario. One reason why I wish they would draft RG3. He has no problem sitting behind Peyton and learning from the best. I don't see how it would not make sense that way.

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Peyton's injury and money due, are convienent issues. I think the #1 reason he won't be playing for the Colts, is this team is rebuidling, that's the issue- as I have stated ,36 year old Qb's and rebuilding don't add up. We didn't have people out, we had half the starting lineup out, that's why we were 2-14, not becuase there wasn't enough talent on the roster. Every team in this league, including the 2 teams who just played in the Super bowl have holes that need to be filled. It doesn't make sense to draft 1 player ( either QB) when drafting that 1 player means forfeiting getting 5-7 very good players, by trading that pick and getting a Qb with 1 of those 5-7 picks .............vs 1 player . The logic seems to be if we don't draft one of those 2 Qb's we are doomed, when history dictates that there is most likely a QB , just as good, that won't be a high pick.

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So if Manning was not injured you think they would still be doing this? That makes no sense. I don't care if all the starters except for Peyton played all year! We still would have had a losing season, maybe not as bad but it would have been bad. Peyton made the whole team look better then it really was. I really hope with new coaching the ones they keep get better. I think Pagano and the people he has chosen can really get this team going again. And yes there are going to be holes in every team but you have to fill the most important ones first. I know in the past there are quarterbacks drafted later that turn outto be great. If you were Irsay then you would pass on getting Luck or Griffin and get who? And if it didn't work out how do you think fans would feel about that? Either way you go if it doesn't work out people are going to be mad. You can state your opinion and say what you would do and so on. It all comes down to the fact that none of us are in that position. None of us have to really make those hard decisions and deal with the consequences. I think it has to be a lot different when you are actually in the shoes of that person doing those things. If we pick a later quarterback sure we may not be doomed but that is not going to happen. They are not going to do that. They are rebuilding because with Peyton injured they realized this team was not good without him,....if he was not injured it would not be happening because we would of had another year of going to the playoffs and being one and done.

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Let me see if I understand you, you think the Colts are rebuilding because Peyton got hurt? and if Peyton didn't get hurt, they would'nt be drafting Luck? Thats what you really think???

I need you to be more specific, the players are old, always hurt and not productive, who? which players would you like to see leave? I know for a fact, this team, if healthy , was just as good as either of the 2 teams in the Super Bowl.

There are more than 2 Qb's in college who can lead this team to a championship, there is no reason to give up a chance to draft that many good players and just get 1, in return, thats basic math.

You seem to have alot fo confidense in the new managemnet, then I am sure they can find another QB out there, somewhere. and he wouldnt even have to be great, because with all the picks we made, we would have a great team and wouldnt need a great Qb to bail us out. As far as tough decisions, I dont think its tough at all, trade luck, draft those 5-7 plasyers and we are instantly.......very good! Once again, basic math.

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I got one thing to say right away to that,...If Peyton was not injured we would not have the 1st pick in the draft.....we would of had a season llike in the past. Peyton would have disguised the flaws,...all is well. Lets see who is always hurt,.....Gonzalez, Addai....Old Addai,..Saturday,...Wayne...I'm not going to list every person. You shoud know all this already. I really like Wayne and Saturday but they are getting old. Addai is avarage,....I don't see him as a number 1 back anymore. That just naming a few. If we kept Peyton and drafted all these players and were instantly good again it would be because we had Peyton. With Peyton we are very good. He has made the colts what they are,...would love to keep him. They have to plan for the future though,....even if we keep Manning, it will only be for few more years and Im sure they feel the need to draft while they can. With Manning we would never have 1st draft pick,.....reason why team needs a rebuild now Im sure. Never high draft picks. Its nice you think it would be so easy and you could make them instanly very good again,,...the pressure and stress of that is not really on your shoulders so its easy to sit at your computer and say its easy. Whole diferent story if you are actually doing it.

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how about this............the patriots went to the super bowl, with 1 quality Wr, no NFL caliber Rb, and a horrible defense.....so either you are over estimating the talent level of the rest of the teams in this league, or under estimating the talent level of this team, last years team, if healthy was better than the team that went to the super bowl, the problem is they werent healthy, thats the only problem, but i am sensing that you believe this is all polians fault and caldwells and now they they are gone, all the problems go with them............... although since you think this team is so lacking of talent and its the same players who played on the super bowl team, then polian and caldwell, in reality, were brilliant to get that many wins from an untalented team. do you have any idea how much better any team would be with 5-7 high draft picks, the cleveland browns would make the playoffs with that many high picks. do you know the difference between the patriots and the browns? about 4-6 players, you take the best 5 players off of the patriots and add them to the browns and ..........you now have the cleveland patriots, there isnt that much difference between the best teams and the worst teams, its a handfull of great players. the great teams have them, the bad teams dont. this is not rocket science, doesnt really matter where you are sitting.

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I do think a lot of problems were solved with getting rid of them. The patriots have great ownership, coaching and a great qb. Thats why they went to the super bowl. I dont want to argue with you, its a waste of time really. No matter what I say you will have some comeback that you find witty. I think by the way you write that you think you are the only one who knows anything and that you are right about everything. Seems like you think everyone else is inferior to you. I don't really know what your deal is but a lot of things you say are just ridiculous. If Manning were healthy we would still be drafting Luck? How does that work Ken? How would we have the #1 pick if he were healthy? That makes no sense. Thats not rocket science there either thats just common sense. Nuff said! You have your opinion I have mine. Oh well, we will see what happens come draft day and training camp and on and on. If Peyton were healthy none of this would be going on and nothing you say will make me believe otherwise. Like I said, we would of had our normal season and thats it.

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Irsay's decision has nothing to do with Peyton's health, it's about rebuilding a team, a few years removed from a Super Bowl.......that makes sense? This team ,in no way, shape or form , needed to be rebuilt! What needed to be done was use some football intellegence and trade the pick away and this team is set , for years, which would include drafting another QB ( capable of winning a championship). Nothing in the current scenario is making good football sense, because the goal is to be the best team you can be and this current scenario, while it will be successful, is not the best scenario. The result of the current scenario has left no place for #18 to remain a Colt-36 year old QB's and rebuilding don't add up.........after 13 years of greatness and a future that could have very easliy been continued (greatness), the decision will leave this team, years way from any potential success and the best player in the teams history playing ...somewhere else..........that makes sense? I think not

I get what your saying but it is not like Irsay has a choice now. He has already dug himself down to deep to back out now.

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