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This Team needs help!

The Colts have been outscored 49-3 in the first half of the last two games.....Peps play calling is better in the second half because he finally realized that we cannot run the ball. Pass first then run because once the defense plays deeper then it will (help) open up the run.....For those hating on T-Rich....Donald Brown finished with negative yards.....Adrian Peterson would be lucky to find a whole on this line....Pep needs to find some different plays to start the game or we will be playing



Pierre Garcon

I know he would have been a costly contract but could you imagine TY and Garcon together.... We have some young receivers that are going to develop (Whalen, Brazil, DaRick Rogers)... I think Whalen will eventually be a Poor Man's Welker and I see him making a big impact as the year goes on....HOPEFULLY this week! any thoughts?




I hope that Pep has some plays ready to get T-Rich going. It seems like when he is in opponents know he is running and stack the box, I would like to see him run more plays to keep defense on there heels. I don't know if the fullback (Havili) being in the formation is signaling run or what but he needs a little help from Pep. Brown is running great, he is because the defenses are not sure when he is running. Trent is slowly making progress and will continue to get better each week. Trent wil



Colts trade for reciever?

I see the Colts trading for Justin Blackmon Jags or Greg Little from Browns, they are young talented and won't cost as much to acquire as some of the others that (MAY) be on the trading block. I could see them not getting anyone and letting the season play out also (Brazil, Whalen, Rogers all have potential), but that just doesn't seem to fit Grigs aggressive style. I know fans don't want to part with picks but I would rather part with a pick for a proven player than to take a gamble on one th



Colts sign CB

Colts sign Jalil Brown CB from Kansas City Chiefs......This means either someone is hurt or we are planning on trading a DB and pick for a WR.....They dressed 10 DB's Sunday night....I mean how many DB's do we need ?




Is it me or does this offense drive you nuts, 3rd and 3 and you pass the ball. T-Rich is not performing (YET) but he can get you 3 yards. I am just really upset with some of the play calling, 4th and 2 and we punt with 3 minutes and some change......If we can't get 2 yards just pack it up and go home! The offense line sucked, drop balls sucked, 3rd down sucked penalties suck......This is needs fixed asap!!!!!!! Luckily the bye will give us sometime to get the team healthy and some practices



Pagano vs. Pagano

Chuck Pagano will face his brother John Pagano in San Diego....John Pagano is the Defensive Coordinator for the Chargers. Hopefully we can battle out a victory on the road, San Diego has the 4th ranked offense in the NFL. We need another good 4 quarters of defense and a little more offense because San Diego has the ability to go touchdown for touchdown.....Pagano Bowl 2013 GO COLTS!!!



Landry and Bradhaw

I think the Colts are being mum about how injured both players are....Landry injured his ankle 4 days short of 3 weeks ago, I heard nothing about the type of injury (ankle day to day is all). Bradshaw I have heard nothing about it (except for neck day to day) I don't even think they know what is causing the discomfort...I thought we were in the day of age where you go to locker room and get MRI and find out what the issue pretty quickly......These injuries are frustrating!!! Hopefully we can b




Is Lavon Brazil ready to go???? I thought it was a 4 game suspension.........He has some experience at WR with Luck.....The more weapons we have the better, I would love to have a statement game vs Seattle!!!!!!



Another INJURY...............................................

Werner out 4-6 weeks, Havili's sprained ankle, Bradshaw's neck issue????, add that to the other bunch that has been hurt this year and we are starting to run really thin a lot of positions. Start feeding these guys some vitamins or something, I realize we are not the only team banged up but this is getting ridiculous!!!! We are still playing great, I can only imagine what we would play like with our full team. Havili is a big loss, considering our new RB has been with us about a week and now




Great Win, but that is exactly what you are supposed to do to teams like that. Nice to see some people get some time in he 4th (Hasselbeck), reminiscent of when Peyton would run up the score and Sorgi would get his few snaps of the year. I hope the team is well prepared this week, I think there are a few things to improve still...I think we will continue to make progress week after week and when we get some starters back, the next men up are doing a great job. Let's get HEALTHY boys.... proba



Colts ADD Nixon and Guy

Colts made moves again signing LT Xavier Nixon out of Florida, very talented but has some consistency issues at left tackle, but has taken a lot of reps at guard which leads me to believe they are gonna try him in place of Thomas. 6-6 and 321 lbs and ran 5.23 40 at his pro day, has a lot of potential and Grigs signed another gamer.... Also they signed DE Lawrence Guy was previously on the Colts and was signed to take start in place of Ricky Jean Francois this week who tweaked his groin this pas



Colts trade Jerry Hughes for Kelvin Sheppard

Colts got rid of Jerry Hughes in a usually rare player for player trade, I thought he improved quite a bit last year.....With the addition of Werner he becomes expendable, I thought it was funny NFL.com was saying Bills got a explosive situational pass rusher and the Colts got more size. Sheppard is 6-2 244 and Hughes is 6-2 254 Sheppard is technically smaller, but either way I think it is a great trade. Werner will get his snaps and Sheppard will get his, I think he fits in this defense a l



Darrius Heyward Bey

Darrius Heyward Bey-----to replace Avery....any thoughts? Fast, Young, Cheap, if he could run some better routes... he could be very dangerous!!! His numbers are comparable to Avery's with a poor Raiders squad...Just a thought



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