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Posts posted by Coltswarriors

  1.  Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.


    I don't think so. I think next offseason our main re-signs will be Bethea & Davis. Other key players (depending on their play) could be: Angerer, Connor, Donald Brown, Moala. We'll let Vinatieri go (or he might retire) and I can't see us re-signing Donald Brown either (unless he has a breakout season or something).

  2. Hmmm... I wonder would Zbikowski have been released to free up cap room for one more FA signing? Seems strange to let him go before camp otherwise...


    Just thinking aloud, probably not the case.


    It's possible, but it won't be another safety (some on here still think we'll get Reed for whatever reason).


    Also Andy, what source? Not saying I don't trust you, but I just want to take a look.

  3. It's possible that Zbikowski asked to be released. He came here to start, that's why he left Baltimore.


    If the above didn't happen, this move doesn't really make sense to me. He's a quality special teamer and could have filled in for a game if need be.


    Also to those hoping we go for Ed Reed, no happening. Makes absolutely no sense.

  4. Yeah,..I sounded it out in my head when I was typing...and you're right.

    Backup and on Special Teams...that's fine and good.  As a STARTER?  NOOOOoooooo!  I'd be fine if we kept for for the duties you suggested.  But not as a starter.

    /And I'd keep it as close to 'year-to-year' as possible

    //He's not horrible...but he's nowhere anywhere even remotely close to Landry

    ///Same hemisphere = perhaps


    Don't worry. No way he's starting over Landry or Bethea.

  5. Colts secondary seems to be FS Antoine Bethea, SS LaRon Landry, CB Vontae Davis, CB Greg Toler, Nickel Darius Butler. I like it.


    This is what Grigson had to say of Landry, per Mike Chappell:


    "We're ecstatic about this signing. We feel LaRon is an absolute game changer and a true impact player. We're talking about a 220-pound safety that runs 4.3 and plays to that speed. His approach to the game and his style of play is lights out and embody the culture we're building on defense and this team."

  6. Good signing depending on the $ involved.  4 yrs $24Million, $14Million guaranteed.  Seems a bit high.  Spotty in coverage but he can lay some wood.  


    Hope Zibikawski and his $2Million per is gone


    /No offense to Zib fans.

    //Alot of $$$

    ///FAR better than Zib


    Zbikowski (PS you butchered his name LOL :P) is still a viable backup if LaRon were to get hurt for a game and Zbikowski can contribute on special teams.

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