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Posts posted by Coltswarriors

  1. Once again, you completely disown your own thesis: "I want to destroy EVERY opponent. Manning is no longer our field general, as you call it. Key word is former in your sentence."

    Did I use "hate" anywhere in my reply to you? No, I did not. The operative word being "former." Logically, based upon your own words, it is safe to assume that since Peyton Manning is no longer the Colts starting QB you want to "destroy" him. Therefore, it is not an illogical stretch to infer that this same philosophy would be equally applied to anyone landing in a "former" category. Those were your exact words Coltswarriors. Nothing I wrote was taken out of context based on the information I had at the time. Post #55. Go back & read it sir.


    Ok, so what is there to talk about here? Yes, I want to destroy every opponent/players and since he's no longer on our team (making him an opponent) I want to destroy him and the Broncos as well.


    Realting it to friends, employees, etc. like I said is complete nonsense. Peyton plays a game, that is real life. If I ever meet Peyton on the streets I'd go up to him ask for autographs, pictures, etc. just like any other fan and I'd thank him for turning this town into a football town and for doing all that he has done.

  2. Happy to amuse you sir. By that "former" logic, all former employees, bosses, girlfriends, & QBs are now worthy of destruction & dismissal. It is a bizarre & short sighted way to live Coltswarriors. But, that is certainly your prerogative. I am relieved that my friends & I do not reside in that narrow world. Have a pleasant evening.  :hat:


    What does the destruction of a QB have to do with letting go? Your illogical conclusions fascinate me...


    Is this for real? I'm sorry, but this might be the worst post ever made.


    Peyton plays a game, I don't hate Peyton AT ALL. He's the greatest QB to ever play for the Colts and he's one of my all time favorite Colts. I also, already stated that I'd root for Peyton, unless he's playing against the COLTS (PS I still think there are people, like you, that live in fantasy world where Peyton is still the QB for this TEAM).


    Comparing that to friends, employees, etc. is just don't right illogical. 


    Also @Broncolt I love watching Peyton play (specifically when he was with the Colts), but just as you said in your post he's a PAST player, I respect and LOVE what he brought to us in the PAST. Has nothing to do with him playing with the Broncos.


    For some reason both of you think I hate Peyton when I NEVER SAID THAT. When in fact I'm Peyton's #1 fan.... Unless he's playing OUR team.

  3. Quite frankly, I have never understood this attitude. Wanting to win is 1 thing & yes Luck is our QB now, but wanting pulverize our former field general is...more than a bit extreme. Yes, that is your right to believe that or desire that.


    The professional historian in me positively despises that unwarranted mindset personally. You never forget what Dungy & Manning built in INDY. Again, yes we are in the Luck era now not the Manning era anymore, but never forget where you came from & which individuals like #18 brought us into a prominent NFL powerhouse across the league. No, I do not wish to see Peyton destoyed. SMH. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Crazy just crazy...Sigh...


    Lol stopped reading after the first few sentences.


    I want to destroy EVERY opponent. Manning is no longer our field general, as you call it. Key word is former in your sentence.


    Some people can't grasp this fact.

  4. pot calling the kettle black dont you think. i didnt know you would react so harshly over something like asking others opinions on the up coming season. you'll have to excuse me for asking decent board members their opinions on the matter. so i guess you feel their opinions on the question are ignorant as well? after all, they replied without acting like he.ll had froze over.

    thanks to those who replied genuinly. its always nice to view the up coming game from others perspectives.


    Yes. If you plan on rooting for Peyton/Broncos while we're playing (not when he's introduced) and consider yourself a Colt fan.


    PS, my last line in my post above was sincere.

  5. Really? I mean, really?


    This is one reason why I'm not looking forward to this game as much as most people (I have season tickets).


    Why is this even a question? Why would we get quiet for Manning when he's on offense? He's not a Colt. He's on the other team. He's an opponent.


    Any other game, sure I'll root for Manning no problem, but when he's facing the Colts (our TEAM) I honestly hope we destroy the Broncos and Manning.

  6. Why do we play Cinny every year (or so it seems).  Is it geographical?


    Yes, but there's more to it than that.


    The final game of the preseason the teams actually get to choose who they want to play. The Colts & Bengals pick each other every year, probably based on the fact we're only 112 miles apart.

  7. It's just not worth it. If the Raiders cut him, that's saying something. If the WR happy Patriots haven't went for him, that's saying something. The guy is terrible. Speed means nothing if you can't catch the ball as a WR. If we sign him, it's gonna be a looooonnnnnnggggg season on the forum. You know how you guys get when someone messes up.

    Look at the "Cut Vinateri" & other players being cut threads that kept popping up all last season. It's just not worth the hostile environment on the forum when we could easily take a better WR in the draft. That's just my opinion on this matter


    He was cut due to salary. He was still under the crazy rookie contracts and the Raiders are VERY tight against their cap. If they didn't have cap issues he would of been a Raider in 2013.

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