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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. What are you talking about?  And tell us who's going to win all the other games this season.  Your arrogance gets the best of you and why you give Pats fans a bad name and why so many people dislike your arrogance.  You show no respect for other teams.


    Go get out your 19-0 jersey you bought before the 2007 super bowl.  lol  :-)



    You should stick to speaking for yourself. 

  2. Liar about what?  I never mentioned Minihane.


    Dennis is a big Brady homer, and that was what I was referring to.


    And it's great that D&C are no longer aired on NESN in the morning.  Good!



    Dennis isn't a Brady homer. He was one of the Garoppollo *s and had the Patriots being exposed on the big 6 game stretch. Looks like Brady's still good and the Patriots are going to be 5-1 before coming home from SD. You clearly don't know what you are talking about

  3. How do you know this?  That's just an assumption on your part.


    I believe the Pats' defensive game plan was as good an execution as you can get against GB in GB to hold the Packers to 26 points and only 3 points in the 2nd half.  Most of the game the coverage was pretty tight.  The Pats problem as of now is their D-Line.


    Their offensive game plan I thought was too conservative and left a lot off the field.


    1.)  They used Bolden instead of Blount or Gray in some running situations.

    2.)  They abandoned the run game and didn't stay committed to it.

    3.)  Where was Wright?

    4.)  Where was Tyms?

    5.)  Why put Dobson out there instead of Tyms at WR?


    And once Edelman had to leave the game for a few snaps with an injury and put Dobson in the game and he leaves with an injury it showed how thin at WR the Pats are.


    "IF" the Pats truly wanted to throw everything they had at the Packers on offense, they would have had Blount and Gray both in and out of the game taking turns pounding the ball.  They'd have Wright at TE opposite of Gronk and get Wright in the game.  They'd have Tyms going down field.  It just seemed there were missing pieces on offense that were kept out of the game.


    BB and Brady came away from that game knowing exactly what went wrong and how to correct it.  The loss was on the O for sure. Assumption no...it's from a source that you and I couldn't ever hope the comprehend football on his level.  

  4. Yea the automatic first down thing is a bit much. . If you have a team on a 4th and 20, and some one gets called for DH, they automatically get the 20 yards?

    It's too much. Give them the 5 yards and replay the down.. they still get a free play out of it and can decline the penalty. .

    It should work the same way offsides works



    It's crazy. The most common penalty shouldn't be a game changer every week. As another poster said "it's a shame that the first thing fans and players do after every pass is swivel their head around looking for a flag before exhaling".

  5. Felger & Mazz can be over the top, but they aren't shy about blasting the Patriots if it's deserved. I'm surprised you like Tom E. Curran... he's too homer-ish for me. 


    I'm a lifelong New Englander in my early 40s, so I lived through a lot of bad, bad seasons prior to the Parcells/Bledsoe days. We've had some disappointments but, on the whole, I wouldn't trade the last 14 or 15 years of NFL relevance for anything. They give us a good ride almost every year and I'm not going to complain about being a part of five Super Bowls during that time period (plus the Bledsoe/Parcells one). 



    F & M suck and Curran is a goof.  Love me some Kay Adams long, long time though.

  6. Felger & Mazz can be over the top, but they aren't shy about blasting the Patriots if it's deserved. I'm surprised you like Tom E. Curran... he's too homer-ish for me. 


    I'm a lifelong New Englander in my early 40s, so I lived through a lot of bad, bad seasons prior to the Parcells/Bledsoe days. We've had some disappointments but, on the whole, I wouldn't trade the last 14 or 15 years of NFL relevance for anything. They give us a good ride almost every year and I'm not going to complain about being a part of five Super Bowls during that time period (plus the Bledsoe/Parcells one). 



    No other NFL team has ever had the prolonged success that the NE Patriots are enjoying. You have to love the guys that say they would rather suck than be in a SB half the time. Fandumbmonium.   

  7. I haven't listened to D&C in about two years.


    I listen to Felger and Mazz but they too can sometimes be too much especially Felger.  They can be a couple of unprofessional clowns.


    They just brought Callahan back onto Comcast Sports Tonight which just downed it for me.


    I do prefer Tom E Curran and Ron Borges to the other clowns.


    I been a Pats fan since 1993 (the Bledsoe/Parcells days).



    You're a pup in the woods as far as Patriots fans go. Like many your age you've been spoiled by the Boston sports scene over your lifetime and have zero idea how the other half lives. By the way Dennis and Miniman are not homers but Callihan is for sure. Proof that you kid are a liar.

  8. you've gotta dig deep for a negative Patriots stat. They beat GB running away in the SB regardless of the surface and I believe AZ is real grass that slides out of the dome for so sunshine. That game was very intellectual with adjustments and counter adjustments with all stopped pulled and the playbooks emptied. BB loved it and is looking forward to the SB meeting. Only an act of god (injuries) is going to stop that from happening. 

  9. I became a very skeptical bitter Pats fan ever since their two Super Bowl losses.  Especially after the 2007 loss that really got to me.  And all the post season losses since 2005.  It's like the Pats tease you, they go 12-4 or 13-3 and lose in the post season.  I've gotten my hopes dashed 8 times by the Pats (2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).


    I won't be a believer till they actually win a Super Bowl again.


    Why sets your hopes so high and have them crushed?  It's not worth it.  So I take a step back and be more skeptical and cautious.



    Consider yourself extremely lucky not to be a Colts fans. Imagine that heartbreak?

  10. Yup. Gotta go get him. Easier said than done given how mobile he is, but it's still a better option than sitting back letting him tear the secondary apart.


    Rodgers probably won't get rattled even if you pound him all night. HOWEVER, you can still disrupt plays and limit the damage by not giving him all day...that's just suicide. Rodgers and Brady are the two guys you simply can't give all day to or they will ruin you by hitting whoever comes open 99% of the time.



    Everybody gets rattled if they are getting hit and pressured a lot. NE will bring more blitz packages if they meet again but wont change drastically because they don't need to and they should have Jones. Despite the yards they did mostly what they wanted but the Nelson TD screw up hurt big time. The Packers can't play a better game but the Patriots can play a much better game and will...and BB knows it. 






    WATCH: Peyton Manning curses Donald Brown in 2010
    By Josh Katzowitz | NFL Writer
    October 2, 2014 11:25 am ET



    img15482969.jpgPeyton Manning wasn't always so happy with his Colts teammates. (USATSI)




    So, this made me laugh this morning. Thanks to the Indianapolis Star's Zak Keefer, who calls the play below his favorite moment ever from the Colts-Ravens rivalry, for the reminder.

    I present you Peyton Manning and Donald Brown from Indianapolis' 2010 playoff win vs. Baltimore.


    "darn it, Donald!" indeed.

    Manning's frustration might have stemmed from the theory that Brown was supposed to go left to block -- Manning does yell "LEFT!" before taking the shotgun snap -- but instead went right. It didn't matter since Brown didn't much of anything to impeded the progress of the four (!) Ravens defenders who had their eyes directed toward Manning and were advancing to do major harm.

    Luckily for all involved, nobody was hurt, and the Colts went on to win the game.

    Perhaps Andrew Luck and Trent Richardson can reprise those roles this Sunday when the Colts face the Ravens.

    Either way, I've seriously watched the above clip at least 10 times this morning. I've laughed heartily each time. 


  12. He more trouble than he's worth. Ray Rices are a dime a dozen and I'd be surprised if anyone took a chance on him this season. Next season maybe but like I said he's nothing special. The whole thing makes me sick. Him and his wife trying to rationalize his behavior and her father standing there in support. If that's my girl there is no turning back for Ray. He made his bed. Lets see how long she hangs around when the money drys up. 

  13. Not even good because they missed a bunch of stuff, but yeah it was FAIR which is not always the case. I'll take inconsistent but fair/balanced any day of the weak over flatout lopsided. Kinda sad that's the best we can hope for every week.

    The NFL needs some accountability with the zebras and get rid of all these judgement call rules. Either call this stuff to the letter or eliminate those kind of rules entirely.



    100% and it is sad that we as fans have to settle for fair.

  14. Those thinking this was a preview for the SB....hate to break it too you but Seattle is going to get home field imo. They will have the tie breakers against the NFC after they beat Philly next week. I don't see GB winning out and even if they do...I think Seattle still shuts them down. They are going to win that division going away and SF and ARI neither will make the playoffs...as long as that defense is playing that physical and they stay healthy I see NE vs Sea in the SB. Throwing against NE's defense is hard...but doing it against SEA and against that SEA pass rush is an entirely different ball game....and SEA won't abandon the run....they will shove it down GBs throat....the same way NE should have.



    I was thinking almost the same thing. But who knows...crazy man Lynch may decide to quit or something then It'll be GB. Also Sherman's number is coming up. He just won't shut up and is eventually going to get his clock cleaned.  

  15. They gave Edelman a flag when he whined for it after running in to the defender.. Making it the best Pats offensive play over a two quarter span. I'd say the non-call push off offset it.


    Not a clinic in officiating, like usual, but it wasn't lopsided.



    I agree. The officiating was pretty good. One of the fairest games I've seen this season.

  16. Total exaggeration, as usual. "Stomping back and forth?" Please. 


    He dropped F-bombs, yes. He was angry at himself and the offense for coming up short on their final drive. I saw an angry athlete. You apparently saw something else. 




    Again, more hater nonsense. The cameras found Brady, not the other way around. 


    I guess, though, you don't mind having QBs who are accustomed to losing big games.



    Who knew they were so sensitive? Kudos to their husbands for dealing with them.

  17. Nope, I've seen people removed from sporting events for using that word, and they used it less times.

    But no your argument that Brady can use it as many times as he wants and it can't be labeled as loosing composure totally makes sense... and isn't elitist at all. Contrary to any new rules/penalties you are clearly not aware of. Those penalties have been called many times this year just check with Cutler.

    Are you for real?

  18. lol so if you saw a person say that word in public as loud as he could that many times you would not think twice? Even at Wal-mart that would gather most of the whole stores attention. I know at any job I've ever worked at that is when you call security/the police when someone is doing that. Go ahead go to out to your local restaurant try that and try explaining how your not having a tantrum and how this is America while they drag you into a police car for a public disturbance.

    Really? For your sake I hope you're trolling.

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