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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Skip Bayless is a unique guy. He motivates so much emotion in people, he can actually get people to disagree with their own stated opinions just because he says the same thing. Some people will change their position on an issue just to disagree with him.




    This is a very complicated case, Dude. Lotta ins, lotta outs,lotta what-have-yous.

  2. Interesting, the top high school kicker goes to Milton Academy. As a freshman, I saw him kick a 53 yard FG. He's going to Notre Dame next year.


    In the coming years 50-60 yard FG's are going to be as common as the 40-50's of today. You'll also see bigger more athletic kickers who aren't a pushover on D. There's money to be made in kicking.

  3. Why do you think the Colts won't get points?  The lowest scoring out put for the Colts this year has been 20 points against Baltimore, and they should have put up more than 20 but shot themselves in the foot a few times.  So it wasn't Baltimore that held them to 20.  If the Colts score under 30 in this game I'll be very surprised.



    They scored 20 so yes the Ravens held them to 20. Sometimes I'm wrong but I'm feeling a convincing Patriots victory come Sunday. 

  4. They have a significantly better turnover ratio compared to the Colts. I know a lot of that is because Brady throws far less interceptions than Luck, but they are still a solid unit and I would take all stats with a pinch of salt.


    Think of the passing yards the Colts gave up against the Giants. Eli ended up with over 350 yards but they meant nothing because they were blown out 41-10 when the game still meant something. The Pats have blown out teams this year and it's natural for the opponent to gain yards due to soft play/coverage.


    I think far too much emphasis is placed on stats and not enough actually game-watching is going on.

    You get it. Peyton had 400 plus yards in the Broncos loss.

  5. Chicago hardly has "midwestern values".  Chicago is a small pocket of a lack of midwestern values with the midwest and it's values surrounding it.


    I have been there and seen people literally step over a man who had collapsed on the sidewalk before the Ambulance could get to him.  You would never see that in most of the rest of the midwest save for maybe Detroit.



    I'm just busting chops. I like your post. Chi-Town is a political hot bed and this isn't the place. Peace.

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