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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Flags, flags everywhere!



    It's wrong when receivers look to the refs immediately after every incomplete pass for a flag and get it a good percentage of the time. DB's are getting flagged for good coverage in many cases.

  2. I get changing the game to be more safe because players are stronger but rule changes that favor offense and nothing to do with safety bother me because it takes away the defensive games. That would be the part of me that is purist.

    I mean 38-35 is fun? 


    Actually just take away video replay review altogether :)



    I think we could see the rules changing in a favor of the DB's in the very near future. It's been tough to watch at times with all the flags flying on them. 

  3. I agree. I find far more things likeable about today's game than in the past. There are things I don't like for sure like all the rules that favor the offense but it is always evolving and safety is paramount.

    The game is so much more advanced. A good present day fan understands more of the technical part of the game than players from the 60's and 70's ever did. They basically were still drawing plays up in the dirt. Blitzing & defensive schemes, reads, audibles, check-downs were as futuristic as cell phones and PC's. If we could take this years Raiders and pit them against one of their great teams from the 70's the 2014 version would dismantle the great 70's team.  

  4. Joe's not going to have a good game on Saturday. The Ravens are going to get crushed. The Ravens good fast and over pursuing linebackers are just what the doctor ordered for Brady's quick hitting play action attack. I see the Colts handling the Broncos as well and  fully expect to see them in Foxboro the following week. 

  5. You say that as if you personally know Revis and as if he's said that. But he's never said that.

    In reality Revis is on his 3rd team and he is not a company guy. He will go to any team that gives him the money based on his actions and not speculation.

    Getting #1 money can be misleading. I think the odds are Revis will demand a contract in the ballpark of Richard Sherman's and Patrick Peterson's in the $14 mil a year, 4 to 5 year deal, with $47 to $50 mil guaranteed. It only makes sense since he is a top 3 corner in the NFL.

    With regards to Brady's bonus for next year, that's all based on if Brady starts against the Bills. Now, I think Brady does play, but don't be surprised if the Pats sit him and start Jimmy G. I think it's 60/40 in favor of Brady playing.

    Like I said Revis signs with the Patriots for fair market value. Brady's bonus has absolutely nothing to do with him starting the Bills game although he will. All he needs is to take one snap even if it's the last snap of the game. Brady will start and play the first half and if they have a nice lead you will see Jimmy after 1 or 2 second half possessions.

    Vince needs about half the D snaps to reach his 1.7 million bonus and the Pats will be watching that and pull him shortly after that is achived.

  6. Ok. Well now you are changing the argument. That is not what you first stated. Revis will not play for anyone at $20 mil. I expect the Pats to make him a multi year deal that is somewhere between $12-15 mil per year. What will most likely make or break the deal is the guaranteed money and the number of years. Also, if the Pats win the Super Bowl this year than I believe all bets are off as Revis will have his ring can yap with Sherman over it and may want to be the highest paid CB in the game as a result. If they don't win it all then I think that changes things. Based on his performance this year, it is hard not to see still as the best at the position. He also seems to like Bill and this team a lot just based on his comments throughout the season. Not sure how much he would want to leave that to to the likes of an Oakland just for more money.


    In terms of Brady, he is signed for the next three years. He is not going anywhere. He is not holding out. I do see the Pats throwing more money at him... probably some type of bonus to reward him for the season he has this year in order to bump that $7 mil into double digits.

    Revis will get done for fair market value. He likes winning a little bit more than #1 money at this point in his career.

    Brady has a 15 million dollar bonus coming next season as soon as he takes his first snap against the Bill on Sunday. He'll be playing for 22 million next season.

  7. Yes. He did seem pretty keen on helping to educate young athletes on how to take care of their bodies to prevent injuries and extend their careers. Still, I think he is involved with the Pats at some level in mgmt.



    He was pitching it on EEI this week during his sit down with with D & C. It's really common sense theories on different muscle types for different positions to help avoid being injured to begin with and nutritional/therapeutic healing.  

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