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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Sure why not? He can handle it and already has a good understanding of the inner workings of a franchise. He loves football and wants to stay connected IMO. How much would he own and with who? For more of the Peyton and Brady comparison it has been rumored that Kraft is going to give Brady some ownership shares in the Patriots upon Brady's retirement (he's signed through 2018). 

  2. Generally, physical traits can't be taught because part of it is genetics. Take Jadeveon Clowney, for instance. I don't care how hard or long you lift weights, 99% of the population isn't going to have that perfect combination of size, strength, and speed.

    Mental attributes, however, are often teachable. It's no coincidence certain countries have a large portion of its citizens who excel academically over other countries, such as India and Japan. It's about parenting/coaching and your cultural surroundings. Take Andrew Luck, for instance. His father was a QB, as was Peyton and Eli's. Andrew also studied under Jim Harbaugh, arguably a very talented QB coach. Andrew Luck also went to Stanford -- a very prestigious school -- graduating with a bachelor's in architectural design. All these experiences have given Andrew Luck the mental capabilities to succeed in the NFL. You have to wonder where Tom Brady would be today if he didn't have Bill Belichick as his head coach!

    Johnny can be successful, but he will need a good QB coach. As I recall, Manning was fairly awful in his rookie year too.


    He doesn't have the sixth sense so to speak. He can study all he likes and it's not going to help. His college game doesn't translate to the NFL. Time will tell.


    Luck could be the smartest guy in the world and still not be able to play QB in the NFL but he has a natural skill/ability/awareness that you have or you don't period. There has been hundreds of smart physically talented guys that have failed as NFL QB's.



    Brady would still be an all-time great without Belichick. He was going to get on the field at some point no matter were he ended up playing. He's always been very resourceful and would have found a way same as he did in college as well as the the NFL. Brady was successful before he played for Belichick and it's pretty surprising that he wasn't drafted sooner. Kudos to Belichick. He's a very good GM and coach. 




    College career

    Brady played college football for, and graduated from, the University of Michigan.[16][17] He was a backup quarterback for his first two years, while teammate and future NFL quarterback Brian Griese led the 1997 Wolverines to an undefeated season capped by a victory in the Rose Bowl and a share of the national championship. When he enrolled at Michigan, Brady was seventh on the depth chart and had an intense struggle to get some playing time. At one point, Brady hired a sports psychologist to help him cope with frustration and anxiety and even considered transferring to California.[18][19] Brady battled for the starting job withDrew Henson,[17] ultimately starting every game in the 1998 and 1999 seasons under Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr. During his first full year as starter, he set Michigan records for most pass attempts and completions in a season (214).[20] Brady was All-Big Ten honorable mention both seasons and team captain his senior year. The Wolverines won 20 of 25 games when he started, and he set a school record for completions in a 31-16 loss against Ohio State in 1998, a season in which Michigan shared the Big Ten Conference title. Brady capped that season with a win over Arkansas in the Citrus Bowl.[21] In the 1999 season, Brady had to once again hold off Henson for the starting job. The two platooned over the season's first seven games, with Brady playing the first quarter, Henson the second and Carr then deciding upon a quarterback for the second half. The 1999 Michigan Wolverines started off 5-0, including a 26-22 win over Notre Dame and a road win against eventual powerhouse Wisconsin. Against Michigan State, Brady was not chosen to play the second half but was reinserted into the game with Michigan down 17; he nearly led Michigan all the way back before losing 34-31. After a 300-yard passing game the following week, Carr went exclusively with Brady for the remainder of the season. Brady went on to lead Michigan to multiple 4th-quarter comebacks, including a remarkable 31-27 win against Penn State, and leading them out of a close game against Indiana, 34-31, heading into the regular season's final game, winners of three straight, earning him the moniker of "Comeback Kid". Brady concluded the regular season against Michigan's oldest rival, the Ohio State, in a dramatic game, with a trip to the Orange Bowl on the line. With five minutes left, tied 17-17, Brady led Michigan to the winning score. He then led Michigan to an overtime win in the Orange Bowl over Alabama, throwing for 369 yards, four touchdowns, leading the team back from a pair of 14-point deficits in regulation (14-0 in the first half, and 28-14 in the second). He threw the game-winning score on a bootleg to tight end Shawn Thompson. Michigan then won when Alabama missed an extra point following its own touchdown.

  3. lol, wow, you couldn't be more off. Size can't be taught, Speed can't be taught, instincts can't be taught.....but reading a defense can't be taught? Really?









    If we learned anything last week it was that, yes Brian Hoyer was playing terrible, but I've never seen an offense get so out of sync by ADDING an all pro receiver. Every since Josh Gordon came back this offense has gotten worse and worse. 



    Hoyer and Manziel haven't looked good but there is a ton of blame to go around. 

    If you can't even find your 1st read you are hopeless as a QB on the NFL level. You don't learn it at this point. You can get better at it but you can't learn it. 

  4. Not the same team. They don't have that type of explosiveness on O anymore and Brady won't be throwing to Matthew Slater and Austin Collie this time around.  Oh and no Talib to go out injured either .... he is Denver's issue now with his leg injuries creeping up as they always seem to do this time of year.


    Bingo. Night and day from last season. Talibs hammy is tender and it isn't going away. The Patriots are much better on both sides of the ball this time around. I'm not sure Denver even makes the AFCCG.

  5. How do you know this?


    I'm a Pats fan and I think some if not many Pats fans need to get over themselves.  The sense of self worth and self importance with some of them is too much.


    I bet you the Packers are more concerned about the Lions, Seahawks, Eagles and Cowboys than they are the Patriots.  Got to win your division first and conference second before you have a chance to reach the SB to play any AFC team.



    I'm smart and use common sense. You're confusing two different things.

  6. I doubt many teams do that, especially NFC teams.  The only teams I think that circle the Pats on their calender are the AFC East rival teams and Broncos, Colts, Ravens.  I highly doubt the Lions or Bears circled the Pats on their calender.  The Packers were more concerned about the Lions, Seahawks and Eagles than the Pats.


    But I'd hate to be a rookie QB in the AFC East for the Bills, Jets or Phins because you got to play Belichick twice a season and he knows how to find your weaknesses and exploits it for other teams to capitalize on.  He can literally ruin a QB's career.  There hasn't been one successful QB in the AFC east other than Brady since 2000 (15 years).



    The NFC circles Patriots games as well.

  7. Couldn't stand the guy at first, but I've slowly warmed up to him. Would still take him over at least half of the announcers in the league.





    This is pretty much how I feel. I know many don't like Collingsworth but he's technically very sound. He's the best at breaking down coverage, routes and schemes for the layman. If you listen to him you will learn. Yes he does blurt out something stupid at least once a game but many fans don't like him for the simple fact that he gives an honest assessment of their team.  

  8. “Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump




    The Patriots linger on teams and ruin some teams that thought they were good. The Patriots have dealt with this type on thing for years. Every player circles the Patriots game on their schedule the first day of training camp. It's just bad business for any player on any team to do this type of thing. His teammates must be very happy.

  9. That is scary. Food poisoning can be really serious. The announcers kept saying it was the flu.


    He a very healthy guy so who knows it was probably a quick bug. I'm always surprised these guys don't have move issues with the travel they do and strict diets many adhere to. 

  10. He may want to play next year but will it be for Denver? Surely Elway and Fox have seen the writing on the wall to some extent.


    Also, I found it interesting that during yesterday's game when Peyton went out before half, Denver got the ball with a minute half and SD with only one timeout. Instead of running the ball and taking a 9-0 lead into half time, they had Osweiller attempt two passes. I think they wanted to see what they had in him even if for just a few plays. That was  a very curious sequence.



    He'll still be better than any other options the Bronco may have but if they don't want him he retires for sure.


    He left the game to get to the locker room with intestinal issues. He played tight and all clinched yesterday. Unloading a successful bomb to end the half wasn't going to be a good thing but if sure would have been funny. 

  11. I don't believe Cleveland's coaches don't see JM's short comings. This bust is on the ownership for insisting on drafting and playing him. JM doesn't even see his first read. Reads and progressions are a natural thing that can't be taught. You can improve on them with practice if you're already blessed with the skill but you can't acquire them. 

  12. Next two weeks are crucial. No letting up.


    Ryan is going to want to play spoiler, and on top of that it's a big middle finger to Woody Johnson if he wins a couple of games here and hurts the Jets' draft position next year (since he's certainly gone). 


    Buffalo is coming off a couple of very solid performances against Peyton and Rodgers. They're not going to roll over either, even if they're out of contention. 


    Pats need to keep their foot on the gas. 



    I see them handling the Jets pretty easy but am worried about cheap shots and injuries from them. Buffalo plays them solid but the Patriots win going into a well deserved bye. 

  13. 10690208_10152928680472372_6181742884162

    Bledsoe was in NE yesterday to celebrate the division champ with the Pats. I don't know Kraft did it but he had maybe the biggest QB controversy on his hands all those years ago and traded his franchise QB in Bledsoe away to a division rival and yet here is Bledsoe with him celebrating a win with the QB who replaced him. lol.



    Actually AM all three have remained close. By all accounts Bledsoe is a great guy and if you remember was a class act throughout the replacement and trade. It just goes to show what a great organization the Patriots are as well.

  14. its going to be tough. That is a complete football team in all 3 phases. Kicking defense and offense and when playing well any of those phases can be best in football. I just don't see them playing poorly in all 3 on the same day to lose. Offense slow to start the defense or special teams step up. Defense not playing well offense scores. Complete team! Can they be beat indeed but someone has to play a complete game. Miami doesn't have the team to do that...most don't but someone could.

    Pretty much my thoughts.

  15. I think the Dolphins match up better against the Patriots than the Broncos do.  The Dolphins know the Pats more than the Broncos do.


    I think Belichick is in Peyton's head.  


    I think the Dolphins don't let Belichick and Brady get in their heads and they proved it consistently since 2000.  This year's Dolphins have some of that "Raven mentality" in them when they play the Pats.


    Dolphins are always that threat of being an upset maker against the Pats.



    Correct. The Fins a physically tough and the little brother that fights back.

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