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coming on strong

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Everything posted by coming on strong

  1. you dont like cover 3 nonstop with switching up to cover 1 every now and then
  2. gus keeps sticking thomas in cover 3 as the only deep safety and has cross playing the middle of the field . thomas keeps messing up the coverage and cover the shorter routes . that is two wide open touchdowns due to thomas playing the wrong coverage
  3. he cant stop calling cover 3 he is horrible . the texans know it
  4. the cover 3 sucks just stick one safety deep and have two corner play 15 yards off the wr and go deep
  5. when you can barely get a first down out side of the first drive it feels that way .
  6. what is this 5 punts in a row ? this offense is so devoid of talent
  7. we dont have a QB minshew isnt good . 15 touchdowns 9 picks and a couple fumbles averaging 200 passing yards a game . that does not give people confidence going against a elilte QB
  8. why is there no safety over top? i blame bradley for that
  9. for the future it will be worth it richardson is only 21 ,pierce lack of separation concerns me . i think jones and brents are to good long corners they are playing really well for rookies . pass rush for me is inconsistent one game they dominate and get 6 sacks the other they cant get a pressure .
  10. do the browns have motive to rest starters ? are they locked in a 5? the browns will win if they play starters only
  11. i dont think the colts are far off at all . i just dont get to excited with some of these wins vs bad teams when we dont look great beating them . upgrade pierce get another tight end and i think the offense is good . the defense we need better cover linebackers and more depth at safety and pass rush .
  12. something is off with this team you could be right . seems like they have potential but something outside of QB is missing
  13. begals and steelers losss would allow us in the playoffs with a win next week
  14. i am conflicted about this season happy were winning but the wins look like a struggle . i think this team still needs more pieces even with richardson returning next year . something is off on defense and offense needs more playmakers
  15. the run set that up this is why i hate when the colts abandon the run .
  16. colts are gonna have to score 30 next week to beat the texans . cj stroud is elite
  17. watching two teams with bad offenses try to give the game away . this is a tough watch
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