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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. Doug…. The media problems are large and complex. My small rant couldn't begin to cover all the media’s problems and issues. The issue you raise is fair and valid. The reasons are many and some are self inflicted. So, caution, longer post ahead. Back in the day, when you and I were young, game shows and soap operas were cheap programming, very inexpensive. Now? Media companies have made so many deep and astounding cuts that news shows can be inexpensive these days. Just sit an anchor at a desk and talk about todays headlines and interview todays news makers. Back when we were young, the news was NOT viewed as a place to make money. You tried to win awards, honors, reputation and credibility for the network. Many news lobbies would be filled with tons of beautiful gold statues. But after Nixon/Watergate, Anchors and top reporters became Rock Stars. Salaries went way up. And big media companies suddenly demanded big ratings. News had to turn a profit, and the bigger the better. It didn’t used to be that way. We used to cover news. Now the news covers what they think is the most interesting in the hopes of attracting viewers and readers. More important topics that might not be glamorous or exciting often don’t get covered, because ratings might go down. It’ll never happen, but I’d like to see media companies have to spend more to cover the real news. Make it part of the renewal of their FCC license to broadcast which is annual. News must NOT make a profit. It must be revenue neutral and it must inform a free society about the world we all live in. If a company makes more money, they have to spend more to cover the world. Call it the cost of doing business. The entertainment side is where big networks can and should make money, their profit. Apologies for getting on my soap box. I thought you made an interesting observation and I wanted to respond more fully to address your points which I think are fair.
  2. If you look at my post, I talked about media as a group, and not just sports. I referenced politics, other news and even entertainment. My post was 100 percent NOT about the draft and click bait which I acknowledge. So, no, I wouldn’t say the media’s priority is for entertainment and click bait. SOCIAL MEDIA, mostly yes. I’d agree. But NOT traditional media. Because if you don’t have credibility you’ve got nothing.
  3. Gee….. I’m torn between two reactions….. On the one hand…. But on the other hand…. Once again…. That’s your opinion.
  4. Physically. 6’4” 244, runs 4.4. Jumps high and far. No other QB has ever come close to those physical traits. He’s in a league of his own. A class of one. A complete Unicorn. I only became seriously interested when I read AR is smart. That’s he scored very high on this new so-called S-test. Combine the high level physical skill with a high level mental aptitude gives me hope I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel.
  5. Right now, Steichen is in the Honeymoon phase every new HC gets. But that can wear off fast. What’s charming now can become old and tiring, especially if the Colts have a losing record this year which they likely will. In 24, the plan will be for Richardson to start all 17 games. And if he doesn’t have a winning record in his first full complete year as a starter, people here will wonder how good a coach is he? Is Steichen really a quarterback whisperer? Popularity can be fickle. His short answer interviews are already tired for me. But I think he might be a very good, hopefully special head coach. I sure hope so….
  6. Richardson is so incredibly elite it almost feels inadequate to call him that. There’s elite every year, but AR’s only come along every 10-20 years, and in this case, perhaps never before. I think he’s a complete Freak of Nature. A total Unicorn!
  7. AR is more talented than Luck PHYSICALLY. But that’s not saying anything, because AR is more physically talented than any QB ever. But the jury is out until he shows he can improve at the NFL level. Can he fix his physical flaws. Can he manage the position and the game MENTALLY? The Colts think so, but no one really knows. Carolina passed. So did Houston. So did other teams who could have traded up to take AR third overall. So there is doubt. There’s no guarantee that AR will ever become what the Colts hope he will.
  8. From a national media perspective, I get the frustration. The Colts reputation took a serious beating. The 22 season was beyond awful and Colts looked like a serious dumpster fire. There was a lot of very superficial coverage of our favorite team. I didn’t like plenty of the coverage. But I viewed it as the Colts and Irsay brought it on themselves. It sucks to have to hunker down and take the beating we took. It goes back to the famous Parcells quite: You are what your record says you are. And we were 4-12-1. But there are posters here who think the disaster of 22 proves every negative thought they’ve ever had about Ballard and Reich and Irsay have been right. They’ve literally posted as much. But 22 was so terrible those posters get their moment in the sun even if I think they’re wrong. My pushback this year has been less than any of my 11 years here.
  9. Thanks for the very thoughtful reply. Really appreciate it. I was mostly with you. I thought Stroud was the safest, until the test scores leaked out. I thought Levis and his background had a higher floor than Richardson. But while AR’s Boom or Bust reputation scares me, I decided to strongly support the choice if it sounded like Steichen was the driving force. And from the sound of the Colts news conference tonight, it sure sounds like SS fell in love at first sight. Ballard loves the upside, the potential, and SS believes he can get it out of him. So, I’m officially on the AR Train. 4 months ago, I feared him as much as anyone. I’ve come a long way baby!
  10. And that was when they knew their target was Richardson. Look… I’ve pretty much disagreed with you about most everything all off-season. We see most things differently. I elected not to get into long drawn-out back and forth exchanges with you. I chalked it up to seeing the same thing differently. That’s been happening for you and me more during the last few off-seasons. So be it. But when I read your blast of the media on a good night for the Colts, it was a bridge too far for me. And I don’t care about ripping the media, but as GoColts8818 said, these media types weren’t wrong. They’re offering opinions and giving out best info available. At this time of year, it’s Lying Season. There’s plenty of mis-information out there. Blaming people for not being perfect seems badly misplaced.
  11. Media has literally crumbled in the more than 40 years since I first got in. And on every level. Local and national. And it’s only getting worse. How do you restore it? How do you regain trust? It takes decades to earn it, but can be lost in the blink of an eye these days. And it’s not just sports. It’s politics, regular news, even entertainment. Sorry for getting up on my soap box, but it’s hard to watch a once respected and badly needed profession steadily evaporate. Sigh….
  12. You think Ballard is so honest he wouldn’t put out a smoke screen? The Colts sent everyone to the Levis workout. They only sent Morocco Brown to AR’s pro day. Total smoke screen. And that was when they knew their interest was with AR and not Levis. Ballard is incredibly honest. But he’d lie to your face and my face if it suited his needs and he should. Info is gold.
  13. Local media SHOULD be closer. They have one team to cover. National media has 32 teams to cover. There’s just no comparison, especially for a small market team which imploded this past year.
  14. Because they’re NOT failures. You’re over-thinking this. No one predicted anything as fact. They offered opinion. I take exception because you’re trying to act as an expert about something you think you know, but you clearly don’t. And I rip both local and national media plenty. But at least I have some idea what I’m talking about.
  15. There were local guys also saying the same thing. And simply saying the national media is ridiculous. There are literally dozens and dozens of NFL analysts at the national level. There’s a variety of opinion. But all you can do is blast NATIONAL MEDIA. You don’t know who so you blast everyone. It’s the same nonsense that most media haters here do. Blast the big group they don’t like. It’s old and tired and wrong. Funny how I don’t see you blasting local media? They got plenty wrong too. But nothing from you. Funny how I don’t see you blast many posters here who also got it wrong. People here don’t know or understand media. It’s entirely predictable.
  16. Maybe things don’t translate clearly across to Europe. I think your analysis is ridiculous.
  17. Tell us….. How horribly wrong were they? Did they get Steichen wrong? Did they get taking a QB at 4 wrong? What did the national media get wrong?
  18. Maybe in 24? More likely in 25. I hope you weren’t implying in 23?
  19. AR is the exception to all the rules you think you know. He is so unique, such a unicorn, that you have to re-think your approach to quarterbacks. Steichen fell in love with him the first time he popped in the video tape. The Colts probably won’t have a good read on AR until 24 at the earliest and maybe even 2025. The hope is he’ll be worth the wait.
  20. Steichen is a….. LIAR?!?!? Dear God… Because he’s not going to tell you what he’s thinking? Because he talks in Coach Speak?!? If that’s what you call being a liar, I’ve got news for you…. Every coach in the NFL is a Liar!! What spectacular nonsense….
  21. Shane Steichen has worked with Jalen Hurts for two years and you think this looks like a BALLARD PICK?!?!? Huh?!?
  22. Mike…. I confess I didn’t see this coming from you. I’d guess that of all the possible scenario’s that could play out your scenario that the Colts will draft a QB high in the first this year and then decide he’s a bust in one year and then decide to draft a QB high in the first round next year seems like the least likely outcome to me. Chris Ballard, who has preached patience with every draft pick the Colts have ever taken, is suddenly going to abandon that approach to try and pick first round QBs in back to back drafts? I just don’t see it. I’m surprised to see that you think it’s the likely scenario to play out for the Colts. Respectfully, I think it’s the longest of long shots.
  23. Honestly, I don’t care. I used to view Stroud as the safe pick. But now? With all the negative info floating around about him, I’m not sure what to think? So I’ve given up having a favorite. If the Colts can convince me Steichen is happy with the pick and is not someone that Ballard selected and is forcing Steichen to deal with him, then I’ll have some modest level of comfort. I’m curious as to the plan they have. I hope no matter who the Colts pick there’s an actual plan beyond just starting him from week one. I guess we will all soon find out.
  24. I want the Colts to take the QB that Shane Steichen most wants to work with, whoever that is.
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