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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. Really?  It's not obvious?  There are certain people who revel in seeing others suffer disappointment.   The Pats have owned this rivalry for the past 15 years.  That's why some Patriot fans hang here.. they feed off the disappointment of Colts fans after big loss at the hands of the Patriots.


    Show of hands from the Pats fans here.  Honestly, how many of you are hoping for a total beat down tomorrow, including a run-up in score even if a win is secure?  Be honest.

  2. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlights/0ap3000000540029/Colts-Andrew-Luck-finds-Phillip-Dorsett-for-35-yard-TD


    I, personally, thought that was one heck of a throw.  Dorsett was past his man with a safety in pursuit.  If Luck put that ball 5 yards deep in the endzone, Dorsett would have either gotten crushed or that safety would have had a play on the ball.  Luck, instead, put it right where Dorsett was protected and he put enough touch on it where only Dorsett was in position to make a play.


    Totally agree.

  3. Two of the interceptions in the Jets game were caused by pressure from an untouched rusher.  The third was also from pressure when his arm was hit as he was deliverying the ball.   The fumble in the Jets game was a nice strip by the defender after Andrew was once again escaping from pressure.

  4. La'el Collins was radioactive at draft.  Yes, a few of us wanted Grigs to roll the dice with a round 6 or 7 pick, but his agent polluted the draft pool saying he'd withdrawal Collins and re-enter next year (which he could not have done) if not ntaken by round 3.  So NO GM took him.



    The fact that no team took a chance on him does show that he was radioactive at the draft -- but I never understood why that had to be the case.


    I was interested in La'el (prior to the news that knocked him out of the draft) based on interviews I heard with him on XM NFL radio. Plus every commentator I heard on those programs just were over the top praising him on being a high character guy and an incredible talent -- scouts, former GMs, coaches, etc.  I never heard a negative remark about him.


    Then the news broke.  He was wanted for questioning but *not* considered a suspect.  Coaches and others came out again to stand up for La'el and, of course, say they believed he had absolutely no involvement with what happened and would be beyond shocked if it were otherwise.


    I would think that GMs who interviewed him would have felt the same way.    I can understand not taking the risk of using a higher round draft pick on him, but why not take a lower round risk if you're 99% sure he has no involvement?    And in the remote chance that he was involved, why would there have to PR backlash if you took a chance on a player you completely trusted -- only to be blindsided and shocked that he was actually involved?


    During the draft I was hoping the Colts would try to trade up from 108 in the 4th to the end of 3rd to take him (given the agents bluff of not signing if drafted after 3rd).  Of course I was way off as nobody touched him the entire draft, but I still don't understand why he had to be radioactive if you believed in him.

  5. If an action A results in punishment X


    And person H does not tell person K that action A can result in a punishment Y, then . . .


    person K can not be given punishment Y.


    Surely it is not person H's responsibility one way or the other, but it does remove the opportunity for the folks who want to impose punishment Y


    Is the answer 3?

  6. Nice job.


    Wells report used 67-71F for the indoor temperature range and 48 for the ending outdoor temperature.


    I'm curious to know how quickly the temperature in the balls would rise when moving from 48 back to 67-71?  Something between 48-71 is where the actual halftime temperature would be for the calculations.


    You could probably use the Colts measurements at halftime to get a rough estimate of what the temperature was in the balls at halftime.

  7. ... but Kraft's hug it out with Goodell just hours after he told Peter King that he may consider suing or at least not rule anything out raises some red flags. What does that mean ultimately?


    What does it mean?  My guess is that Kraft was just grandstanding and never actually had any intension of taking this to court.  Can you imagine McNally under oath in an actual legal setting?   Kraft was just doing all he could to smear and hopefully discredit the Wells report.  It was not even a bluff but just an act to try to give credibility to  the smear campaign against the Wells report.

  8. Well, that process all blew up when the Pats P.Oed the Ravens and the league with their bush-league "hide the eligible receiver" ploy in the divisional game. That provided enough motivation for the Ravens and Colts (who should have hosted the AFCCG against the Ravens BTW) to finally to call out the Pats for deflating footballs, something that many around the league probably knew was going on for years.


    The whole thing could've been instigated by Brady's arrogance in the post game press conference when replying to Harbaugh's complaint.  Brady said "Maybe those guys gotta study the rule book and figure it out"...   This whole thing is kind of a reply to Tom... maybe he should study the rule book about required pressure in the football.

  9. Why are 2 employees suddenly suspended?. Why does one of them calls himself 'Deflator'?.



    Source close to McNally say he was legendary for his explosive release of PSI from his colon -- and thus earned the nickname "the Deflator".


    There... my lie is much better than the lie the high priced lawyers came up with :)

  10. Look, I'm not saying Brady is innocent...I'm saying the way this whole thing was handled was rediculous and he should not be suspended. In every other case that people have referenced as some sort of precedent, there was either some legitimate proof or some kind of admission. This case is unique because there is neither...just assumption.


    You mean like Greg Hardy?

  11. The only thing ridiculous about the Wells Report is that it was only intended to explain the night of January 18, 2015. This investigation should have focused on a much larger scale, and over a longer period of time. There is strong enough evidence to immediately begin follow-up cases and find more dirt.


    This is not an accident.  The NFL wants to minimize this as much as the NE PR spinsters.  If they can keep it scoped to the AFCC game they can claim it didn't effect the outcome and not loose too much integrity.  They hope this dies down now so they can pretend it hasn't been happening long term where the advantage may well have decided games and cast doubt over the integrity of the game.  There will be lots of effort by NFL and NE spinsters to keep the focus on the AFCC game.

  12. I expect a punishment. A harsh one. I am actually hoping for it as Yee made it clear that even a one game suspension means Brady will take the league to court ...


    NFL is already doing Pats a favor and trying to minimize the damage by focusing only on the AFCC game.  If they were to disclose that it's actually been going on for many years then it would look much worse.  The PR spin team has latched on that and is running with it by stressing how it didn't have an effect on the outcome of the game.  But if you look at Brady's past performances in bad weather games you now have to wonder if he was so good because of his unfair advantage.  Kind of like you'd never know if Bonds would have hit 73 home runs without the unfair advantage -- he would have still been great but how much did the advantage help.  You'd be asking the same  about Brady (I do).


    Regarding the suspension.. be careful what you wish for.  If they go too light on the punishment they'll start putting a picture of Brady next to Greg  Hardy and asking why Hardy's punishment is so much more severe than Brady's (both "probably" did something.. this poster keeps saying "prove it" which could apply to Hardy too). That would take this whole thing in a new bad direction.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Commish has this in the back of his mind.

  13. lol. No they are not as they refs screwed up the pre game check with no written record of the psi or what gauge they even used and also screwed up the halftime measurements using two different gauges that gave different results and only measuring 4 Colts balls to the Pats 11 and one of the 4 Colts balls had to be disqualified because of a faulty reading ... this has incompetence everywhere.


    LOL.  This is the Patriots PR machine spinning at it's best.   This poster is smart enough not be believer her own spin, but I heard some poor sucker Pats fan who took this spin to heart and was all emotional and outraged about 4 Colts balls being under inflated.  He bought this argument from the NE spin team and came off sounding like a fool.  Poor sucker is believing all the spin.  Sad part is that many will.. guess that's the PR spinners  job is to paint this believable deception.


    Here's what really irks me about this whole thing.  Tom cheated and Tom lied.  Anybody other than a homer  can see that.  
    What I hate the most is that he deflected the blame onto the Colts when he said something about it being "sour grapes" in his presser.
    Kravitz, Grigson, etc. .... along with the fans have had to endure such talk.   And, there have been those who took it to another level by accusing the Colts of being the ones who were in the wrong . . . to the point where the Colts were even accused of deflating the football(s).  
    It's one thing to cheat and lie, but to blame it on the very people (team) that you cheated and lied against takes it to another level and makes Tom even more pathetic and disgusting in my book.



    I couldn't agree more with this sentiment.  This bothers me more than the cheat.


    But Brady is fully committed to the lie and now has to smear to try to deflect attention.  To Tom's credit, I don't think he's comfortable with the lie and he's not very good at it.  Brady's facial expressions during the Costas interview are classic.  It's a perfect example of what somebody looks like when they're lying.


    Others like Kraft and Brady's agent are going to have to do the cover for him now with the best possible spin.  They've probably instructed him to just shut up and let them handle it.

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