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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. A turnover is a turnover PERIOD

    Stop saying it was basically punts. You don't know what Boomstick could've pulled off if those picks weren't thrown and he did actually punt the ball

    Muffed Punt, Fumble, anything could've happened


    And the pass could have been completed or a PI penalty -- especially if you have a physical receiver that excels at pulling in contested balls.   Actually both of those scenarios are more likely than the muffed punt or fumble.   Sometimes it's worth the risk if the alternative is almost certainly a punt or your at the end of the half/game.


    It looks the same on the stat sheet but not all turnovers have the same negative impact.

  2. I floated the idea of Werner for Jordan straight up last year before Jordan's suspension and continued lack of production.  I think at this point I wouldn't even do a straight up trade (with no additional draft pick).


    I'm not completely down on Werner.  There's no doubt he needs to improve his pass rush, but I'm hopeful that he will progress in this area this year.  If he could just plant and spin underneath the OL instead of being guided right past the pocket (or develop some sort of spin move) I think he still has a chance of being very effective.  It seems like he should be able to pick up some sort of move to improve on this.


    I wasn't as high on Werner's pass rush as some here early in the year (which peaked after the strip sack of Fitz to end the Houston game) and I'm not as down on him as some are now.  I was pleasantly surprised by his run defense this year.  I'd keep Werner.

  3. Safeties are a lot more valuable than they used to be. People thought we could get Buchannon out Ward in the third last year. No chance Collins makes it out if the first, especially considering people view the gap between him and everyone else as large.


    I guess should have said I'd be less shocked he if made to pick #38 for the Redskins than if he was picked by them at #5.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was still available in the bottom half of the first round though.

  4. Wouldn't surprise me if Scott M. snags him at #5 for the Redskins


    I'd be shocked if they did that [drafted Collins at #5] with the other players that will be available at #5.   I think Collins will be available in the lower end of the first round and possibly available at #29.  Heck, he might even be there for the Redskins in the top of the 2nd or as a trade up possibility in the bottom of the 1st.

  5. Of course, there's two sides to every coin. I don't know the motivations of Luck or his agent, but they might not want to go first. They might want to go above whatever Russell Wilson gets.


    I kind of sense that Irsay wants Wilson to go first so that he can beat it.  Just a gut feeling really.  He always talked about how he wanted Manning to be the highest paid. Irsay knows how lucky he is to have Luck following Manning and will do everything he can to make sure he's the face of the franchise for the next 10-15 years.


    I'm sure the Colts will exercise Luck's 5th year option this season before the deadline which means that they wouldn't have to use the exclusive franchise tag while they negotiate next offseason.   If it the extension doesn't happen next year and spills over into the 2017 offseason then they will have to.  There is no way they will allow him to be exposed to FA (even with a non-exclusive franchise tag) because there would certainly be attempts to lure him away by probably half the teams in the league.


    There will be a lot of cash that Irsay will have to come up with next offseason for signing bonuses if they plan to resign all of AC,TY, Luck, Allen, and Fleener in the same year.  And they'll have to get some done before FA begins or else expose up to three of AC, TY, Allen, and Fleener to unrestricted FA.  I'd expect TY or AC to get the non-exclusive tag if needed.  Hopefully, one of TY or AC will be extended before FA begins and they can use the tag on the other.  Unfortunately we may see both Allen and Fleener exposed to URFA in 2016.

  6. Didnt know about this- for anyone else who didn't, he was drafted in 1984 and proceeded to make the pro bowl each of his first four years. He was traded to Indy for a first in 1989 and 1990, and then proceeded to play mediocre football and never started a full season for us and retired two years after the trade due to arthritis.


    As I recall, he made the Pro Bowl as a special teams player. 


    What am I getting at with these two examples? Don't ignore value. If there's a guy ranked high on your board and he falls into your lap, don't hesitate to take him. This is why I'm not opposed to the Colts taking a CB in the first round if players like Peters, Darby, or Johnson are available. Don't pass on premier talent because you seemingly don't need that position..

    Agreed.  Even if that person is a RB :)   QB is the exception -- try gain value through trade in that case.

  8. Our 1st (29) and 3rd (93) round picks. That's what San Francisco gave to Dallas to move up (from 31 to 18) and select Eric Reid. It's also what New Orleans gave up to Arizona to move up to 20 in 2014. Not ground-breaking info. 


    Would you be opposed to move up the middle of the 1st for a player like Malcom Brown, Marcus Peters, Danny Shelton, Bud Dupree, La'El Collins, ect...if the cost is just a 1st and a 3rd?


    I bet one of those 5 will be available at 29.

  9. I see him fighting for a spot in the OL rotation not stuck on the PS with his prior Football Experience


    Based on playing HS football 5 years ago?  A 6'8" 280lbs OT?   I'll give you 10:1 odds he doesn't have a single snap on the OL in a regular season game.  I'd imagine it'd take at least a year just to build his body for the position, let alone the skills.

  10. houston was a 3rd rounder


    So what?  If he's now one of the best young pass rushers in the league who cares what round he was picked in.  It's totally irrelevant to what he is worth now.


    For a team picking at the end of the first round (and expected to pick at the end of the first round next year), it could very well make sense to get an impact player like this.  The only downside is the contract.  It's nice to have productive players on those rookie contract numbers for 4 or 5 years -- but you'd have to be very lucky to end up with somebody who can make that kind of impact.

  11. Question: Is this the same forum that was the primary Colts forum back in the 90s (Marshal Faulk years, before Manning)?  I recall being part of that forum where the heavy posters were DaveMiami and Doe (among others).  I think it may of even included Brad Wells but I don't recall his user name.  I posted back then occasionally until an upgrade which required reapplying for login credentials -- at which point I lurked for years and didn't bother logging in.  Anybody remember these members?


    BTW, back in 1998 there were arguments on the forum that Andre Wadsworth should be picked ahead of Manning :)  It wasn't me.  I was celebrating with me nephew as soon as Larry Centers caught a last second TD from Jake Plumber in a meaningless win in the last game of the season against the Falcons.  It meant the Colts would have the first pick in the draft instead of the Cardinals.  We celebrated expecting Manning would be a Colt.  The Cardinals took Andre Wadsworth with the 3rd pick.

  12. I don't see why people think his contract is so bad.  Of course I would rather it be less, but $7.5 million this season .... then $7.9 in 2016, and $8.3 in 2017 ... that's not that bad especially when you consider after this season the dead cap if we have to cut him is not that bad either: $3.75 in 2016; ~$1.9 in 2017.


    Actually his dead cap space will be 0 in 2016 and 2017 as the Bears will eat this as soon as they trade him.  All the more reason that this is not a bad contract to take on.

  13. If Grigs has the stones, he will sign both Suh and McCourty....he has the $$$.

    ...and then sign only ONE more TOP FA...


    It has nothing to do with stones.  He has to consider resigning Luck, TY, and a few others who will be getting huge raises next year (maybe even this year if they extend early).  Hopefully he's thinking ahead about what has to happen next year and the years after (I'm 100% sure he is).


    Signing three top FA is not realistic IMO.

  14. Is Suh really asking for $26 million a year? That's insane.


    No, that's just what it would have cost the Lions to place the franchise tag on him.  And the reason it would have been so high was because he was a #2 pick in the draft when rookie contracts were still ridiculously high -- and with the franchise tag he would have to make 120% of what he made last year or the average of the top DL in the league.  I think it was the 120% of what he made last year is what made the franchise unreasonable for him.  That situation won't happen again under the new CBA (at least the huge rookie contracts for high draft picks which is what lead to this).


    Had they franchised him I bet he would have signed it immediately and played next year for $26M.. then became a free agent again the next year.

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