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Posts posted by IinD

  1. Besides the usual Pags bashing, I've gotta say, Monachino has been terrible.


    He's definitely been put in a tough spot, but the D has looked absolutely anemic last year and this first game. Just lost.

  2. I can't blame Tolz to much honestly. He shouldn't be starting or getting extended playing time in an NFL game.


    He's one of those QB's lucky to be in the league. He has no business playing full games.

  3. 8 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    I'm not gonna lie man. My sarcastic funny bone did find  this post amusing, especially you're first sentence. 


    I don't think you truly believe that honestly. Still sidesplitting hysterical though LD. 


    Very Monty Python/Fish Called Wanda; John Cleese-Eske actually. :hat:

    You're correct sw1, it was totally tongue in cheek. 


    We're such an unknown, but still happy that Colts football is finally back. I don't care about records right now.


    Enjoy game 1 :rock:....

  4. 2 minutes ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    Bert Jones played in an era when he was probably operated on with a chain saw and an ice pic.

    Simply meant Irsay knows what a bum shoulder can turn into. No reason to get him in after a few practices even if he's cleared. Get that endurance and strength up even if it takes more then 3-4 weeks.

  5. Tolzien to the rescue..wait, nvmd.


    I'll be hopeful going forward as long as it isn't a blowout. D won't hold up if every possession is 3 and out. 

    Even if we don't score, we must give them a long field every time.


    I'm just hoping for entertaining and competitive. No blowout please.

  6. On 9/4/2017 at 8:06 AM, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Is this true?  There are pretty severe penalties for anyone caught doing such a thing.  I might have to try to dig for clarification.


    {Can't help but conjure up some Julian Assange type of person off in some foreign country starting up DruggiLeaks}


    Oh, welcome to the forum.

    .Druggileaks...where athletes go to hide those anabolic and recreational thingys...lol

  7. Irsay has the last say so I'm going to guess whatever is considered an extremely conservative comeback will be used.


    My reasoning for this, Bert Jones' career was derailed by a shoulder injury. Jim will wait until Luck is cleared and has had more then enough training and throwing without setbacks.


    I can easily see him missing upto half the season just to be super safe. If he misses more then his injury was definitely on the more serious side.


    I'm having a hard time believing a couple of games if he hasn't even practiced yet. 

  8. 2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:

    I am not buying this OL lineup. Makes no sense to make drastic changes now. I will believe it when I see it. 

    And sadly I think we will.


    C'mon Chuck, at least give us a few weeks before we pop our tops on your questionable moves.

  9. 1 hour ago, GoColtsWin said:

    @Jdubu, hey I get it. I could easily let myself slide in your direction of thought, then I remember all of those lean years of Count On Losing This Sunday! It can, and has been worse for Colts nation my friend! I'm just hoping for lightning in a bottle is all. Keepin' w/the positive vibes. :)

    So true, I remember that saying well. Last 20 years we've definitely had good football to watch. Some crappy years, but way better then most nfl franchises have given to some fans.


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